
Bliss is Ignorance

For the next few days, I kept my conversations with Mina at the strict minimum.

To be more precise, I spoke with her about a few subjects, often in relation with her family or her, but I never speak directly of her family problems or something.

The goal here is to slowly incite her to speak about her family, by teasing her about that. I make it natural to the ears, not too much obvious or else it might have a negative effect.

Today again, I meet her in the same spot, it's almost evening from now.

"Hi Mina, you're still here as always." I said in a teasing tone.

She glanced at a me for a moment, and then kept her gaze at the sky. Just beside her, I also see a bag, it's a bit stuffed.

At this time of the day, a few stars can be perceived in this almost nightly sky. I remarked that she likes to gaze at the clouds and at the sky, mostly at night.

I sit down beside her silently, and I also put my gaze at the sky.

"You like to gaze at the stars ?" I said with a slight smile.

"...Not really, but... I forget things around me... when I gaze at it..." she said mysteriously.

"Oh, don't try to forget yourself in the same time then" I said again in a teasing tone.

She remained silent. Well, let's try something else.

"Do you know what are stars ?"


"What do you think they are ?"

"...A glimpse of the heavens."

"Well, in a way you're right, stars are a glimpse of the heaven" I posed for a moment then said "To be more precise, stars are usually suns that are very, very far away from us".

"Eh ? Varos... don't lie to me... if that was the case, we could see them shining even more... at the night." she said while looking at me with doubt.

"That's why I said they were very far away, more than you could possibly imagine. What we see is just a glimpse of themselves." I said with an honest look.

"R-Really ? Bu-But why they are so far away from us ?"

"It's simply a coincidence, because the universe in which we live is just that big"

"The universe ? What is it ?" she asked

"Hmm it might be hard to define it right now, let's just say that it's the space where you, me, earth and everything we know exist"

"Oh...But Varos, the moon is also a star right ? Look at how bright it's shining !" she said with excitement .

In this world, the moon also exist too, and it follows the same phases as the moon from my old world too.

"Not really, the moon is a natural satellite, it orbit around the earth. The majority of the light that you can perceive on the night from the moon is a part of the reflection of the sun on it."

"But, the moon isn't a mirror, how does it works, and what does orbit means ?"

"Hm it might be a bit too much for you to learn that right now, but I can tell you the meaning of orbit, and gravity..."

Every scientific explanation that I'm giving her might not be perfectly pertinent since I'm in an other world, the physics might be similar, but it might just be in appearance, but from my observation, it seems that this world obey to the same rules as my old one.

As the night carried on, I kept telling her about the story of our universe...


The next day, I woke up early and as always start my usual routine. Yesterday night, I learned that the teaching of the elders will take place this afternoon, as they have a few matters to attend later.

My dad will be coming soon, I think it will be on this week, I'm still not really sure of how I'm going to react this time.

Even after all the time I passed with my mom and dad, I still can't perfectly see them as my parents. At best, I see them more like some kind of far relatives.

I didn't see Astris since a while, he's oddly absent since a few days. Same for his girlfriend too.

To be honest, I'm kind of surprise that the relationship between him and his girlfriend lasted that long, I'm not completely versed in the art of kids relationship but I thought that in their mind, it was more like some kind of game between them rather than a real relationship. Well, in a way, a relationship is also a game between the two partners too.

In the other side, I'm intrigued of the role of Favel in their relationships too. Since Astris is going to be in the future the chief of the village, it's better for me to understand his psychology, and his friends too for my own benefit.

The afternoon arrived, and after a meal at home, I decided to play with the kids to kill time until the teaching arrive.

After our little game, during the break, I decided to ask the kids about Mina.

"Mina ? Ah you mean that girl ? Yeah she's a weird one"

"Her parents are very nice, but she always seems mean to them."

"She looks like a witch most of the time, honestly I kinda don't want to be near her"

Well, I had knew more or less that she wasn't on the popular side, but not at this point.

"You said that her parents were very nice right ? How do you know that I asked" I asked to the kid named Francis.

"Her parent hold a little fruit shop on the market, they often give a reduction to our parents, and sometimes, they even gave me and the others free fruit ! One time, I injured myself while playing to the ball, it's the father, Rico who wasn't very far away from me at the time that took care of my injury and then left to call my parent"

"Hmm I see, he treated a your injury right ? He's a doctor too ?"

"Yes" the kid near Francis, Derek replied this time. "The father is a doctor, and the mother hold the fruit shop."

"Ah ok, but why Mina is so strange then if her parents are so normal ?" I asked with an innocent expression.

"I don't know, the only thing I know is that she was found near the village, at the forest of Landvie, it's a dangerous land but she was still found, when she was younger, unharmed there." replied Derek.

"She was then adopted by the couple Rico and Ursula, and since then, she's their adopted daughter. I have no idea why she's act like that, but that girl is creeping me out honestly. Don't hang out with her Varos" Derek added.

"I see, it's weird yeah" I replied while acting afraid of her.

Very well, the mystery around thickens. She's more enigmatic than what I thought. I have some conjecture about her, but I can't be sure as long as I don't see her parents. The best would be to see her and her parents interacting with each others.

I don't harbor some kind of romantic feeling for that brat, but her story is the only intellectual way to entertain my brain right now. I feel kind of bored in my life actually, so I do hope that her story and her problems are going to entertain me in some ways.

While I was forming my thought, I heard someone coming over here. It's the kid, Patrick. He's also a dropout from the training.

He's panting, he seems to have been running away since a while. "Hey... guys... The elders are here ! They're going to start the teaching, let's go !"

"Finally they are here ! Let's go guys !" Francis said in excitement !

Every one nodded tacitly and left for the direction of the old school, where the teaching will have place. The old school was made for that kind of occasion.

It's finally the time from me to know more about this world. It might change what my plans and what I will be doing in the future.