
Rivalry Between Titan Families




As I grew frustrated over the little secrets between Freyja and Flora they didn't want to adress, I glanced at Surtr and his bossy companion, the last two new members of my fleet.

It was about time they started talking! They've been pretty quiet for a while now, haven't they?

"Whatever the case… Now that those things are done with. Time for a talk with the big guy over there. Surtr, what were you doing, and how did you even started fighting Freyja and Gerda to begin with?" I asked.

"Hm? What?"

He was still eating like nothing else mattered…

Seriously, is this the same Surtr as before?!

"Were you even paying attention to anything, you idiot?!"

Ruby raged angrily, her flames making her small body look even larger, as she slapped Surtr's head, not like it even hurt him.

"Um, no, I was busy eating, it feels like I haven't eaten in ages," he sighed, groaning. "So what were you talking about?"