
Opening All The Loot Boxes





[Because you have absorbed a large quantity of many compatible elemental energies with your Spirit Hearts, all of your Spirit Hearts Tiers have increased from Tier 5 to Tier 6!]

[You gained +250.000 Essence.]

[You gained +150.000 Cosmic Power.]

[You have learned the [Divine Spiritual Arts: Lv1] Magic Skill!]

[You can use the full power of your Divine Spirit Hearts through this Special Skill and unleash their combined power against your foes.]

[The [Divine Spiritual Arts: Lv1] has gained 3 Bonus Levels due to the enormous surplus of Spiritual Energy.]

My Essence was erupting from my body, overflowing and combining with my Cosmic Power, resembling an endless sea of stars and colors. All of the energies I've absorbed have full and completely combined together, total harmony at its finest. And the Essence Stat was tremendously broken as well, due to its amazing effects.