
My Adorable Adoptive Daughter is a Reincarnated Demon God?!

[Day 232] 

[Kireina] gained +44 Skill Points and Subclass Skill Points due to the prayers of your believers!] (Added!)

[Kireina] gained 61.979.995.721 EXP due to the prayers of your believers!]

[LEVEL 074/250] [EXP 320.873.946.145/450.000.000.000]

Today, an egg that I was not expecting to hatch, hatched. It was not Nephiana neither Mady's egg, but it was… Megusan's egg.

Yes, the egg laid by Megusan's physical vessel, which contained a small part of its soul. I had thought about eating it, but I also had thought about using it as a test subject for Redgaria's experiments.

Redgaria had been quite merciless with it and experimented a lot. Even extracting its blood and some of its flesh as well, however, the fetus seemed to possess a strong vitality and survived everything, it quickly developed and had just hatched.