
Incredible Items




Today I retrieved the corpses of the Elemental Knights of Poison and Water from my Item Box. The two of them were rather beautiful women, but in my eyes, they were another delicious snack.

I decided to share the Poison Knight with Amiphossia and Nesiphae, while I shared the Water Knight with Gaby and Aarae. Although Valentia, Mady, and Adelle are merfolk, their affinities are very different than pure water, so they wouldn't get as many benefits.

The Knight of Poison was a Half-Poison Elf, a race of elves that live in the underground, they seem to be exiled from the original Elf tribe for being "impure", similar to Dark Elves. From what I've read, both Elven subspecies have created their own tribes in a Poison Forest in a faraway location.