
Epic of Bee

Upon dying an unlikely death, Ash, a man was transported into the body of hatching Queen Bee. He was also given something called The Queens System, but all is not well after being transported. Ash will be forced into a fight for her life because he is no longer a male, and his mind is telling him that he must kill the other virgin queens or he would be the next to die. This is a journey of one lost soul's journey to find themselves and slow break out of their shell. AND IT'S ABOUT BEES! Plus, many other amazing humanoid races with no hoomans! Lots of information? Too many name? What was that Gene? I got you covered! Look up Epic of Bee Guide! SPECIAL THANK FOR HELPING WITH THIS NOVEL: Grangel- always full of great new ideas! EvilGod- Always there to catch my mistakes and puns! Discord: https://discord.gg/hQHJrZCYZu

Magic_ · Fantasía
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314 Chs

Aunty Weasel

When everyone gathered and was kneeling, I asked them to all rise, and then I waved the loud one to come over. The Weasel woman had fair skin and a gray fur coat, but her tail was similar to a Ferret tail, but I guess they were similar.

"I don't argue with your choice of action, but why are you all bowing down to me so easily?" I asked the female standing before me.

"My name is Tita, and you have done us a great favor today. I am so thankful that you killed Wesley; you did kill him, right?" Tita asked.

"Riza buried the tip of her spear into his neck, and he wasn't moving," I said, and Tita nodded to me but then turned back to the others.

"Joni, Take two with you and make sure that he is dead and then cut his head off. We will be sending it as a return gift to the reigning Bee Queen," Tita told a Strong looking female that grabbed two of the men by the ears and took them with her, heading back in the direction of the Chief's hut.