
Epic Conquest

The Region of Genten is a place of powerful warlords. Within this region are 18 Kingdoms. Each Kingdom lived in Harmony until the Kingdom of Lem announced an Ancient Legend about the Mythical 19th Kingdom: The Kingdom of Ryū. This Kingdom is said to only appear when all 18 kingdoms are conquered by one Warlord. The Warlord who conquers all 18 Kingdoms will get the chance to venture into the Kingdom of Ryū. If that person manages to defeat the Dragon King, they will be able to obtain the legendary Dragon Blade. This blade is the key to the rest of the Dragon Region where you have the chance to take on the 4 Dragon Warlords to become one of them. 2 Years have passed and the competition has now turned into War. The first kingdom, The King of Auroria died in battle against the Flaming Kingdom, Ignis. A few months later a free spirited girl has appeared and claimed to be the new warlord of Auroria. Her plans isn’t to win this war but to unite all 18 Kingdoms again. ————————————————— “We are bounded by the chains of war. We can not change then inevitable future for all of humanity. But you...I know you can save us all..end the wars for good..please..Allow me to join your epic conquest for peace.” A samurai said. “Everyone is allowed to join my army. I don’t care about this legend, I just want everyone at peace again.” The girl said with a bright smile of determination.

YamixKawaii_Novels · Fantasía
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38 Chs

The Lightning Prism and Earth Strategist

A week had passed and everyone was preparing to head to the Kingdom of Kusa to battle Motonari and his army. Aria walked out the office room and stopped seeing Reud and glared a little and walked past him.

"I'd quit if I were you..You have no chance against the northern army.." Reud said.

Aria stopped and balled her fist then looked back. She was angry to see him in Auroria.

"I have nothing I want to say to you.." Aria said. "The man who let my brother die.."

"You will die before getting the chance to battle Omu..and even if you do get the chance..Omu will kill you. The Black Tide will destroy your false hope and dream." Reud turned around and looked at her.

"Shut it.." Aria said and fully turned to him. "I don't know what you're getting at..but I don't like it one bit. I will fulfill my dream..I will unite all of Genten..You won't stop me.."

"If words won't make you see the truth..then I'll force you to see the fault in your fantasy!" Reud said and summoned his sword and lightning energy crackled around him.

Aria glared and slightly withdrew her katana from the scabbard. The blade shined and Aria's green eyes glowed with rage and distaste for Reud. Reud dashed to Aria and slashed. Aria fully withdrew her sword and blocked the attacks then jumped back then sprinted to him and slashed. Reud blocked the slash and slid back, letting out a little grunt. Reud realized how much stronger Aria had become. He blocked her next rush of attacks and flipped over her and slashed. Aria rolled out the way and summoned her lance and tossed her katana high in the air. She dashed to him and slashed and went for multiple stabs. Reud blocked and dodged he saw the sword falling and Aria jump back. Aria bellowed and swung her lance, hitting the handle of the sword.

"Sword Technique: Spirit Bullet!" Aria bellowed.

The sword blitzed towards Reud and he barely dodged. He got hit on his side with the pole of Aria's lance then Aria jumped back and dashed, sticking the lance into the ground and sprang into the air and light particled surrounded her hands. She twirled and palmed Reud's hand as he went for the slash and deflected his attack then palmed his chest. A large force of energy surged from his back and he was blown away. Aria stumbled back and exhaled.

"It's over Reud.." Aria said, walking to him as her lance vanished into tiny particles of light and she grabbed her sword.

"Your arrogance will lead to your own doom.." Reud said.

"If I didn't have a heart, I would have been killed you." She stepped on his chest and glared. "When I raise my foot, you will leave Auroria and never return. You are banished from this land.."

Aria took her foot off his chest and stepped back. Reud got up and dusted his clothes off and walked off. Uchi and the others ran to Aria.

"Aria! Are you okay?!" Uchi asked.

"I'm fine." Aria nodded.

"That was Reud..Why did he fight you..?" Joshua asked.

"It's nothing. We have a kingdom to conquer today! This will be our 4th Kingdom we are uniting!" Aria smiled.

"Yeah! Let's give it our all!" Avani said.

They all marched to the Kingdom of Kusa. It took a few minutes to get there. Some of the men of the army warned Motonari.

"Lord Motonari! The Kingdom of Auroria has invaded!" A knight said.

"I see. We were just in the middle of Herbal Tea also. Can't it just wait..?" Motonari rubbed the back of his head.

"My lord! We must defend our kingdom!" The knight said.

"No rest for the wicked eh..?" Motonari said. "Alright let us defend Kusa!"

Aria and the others were stopped by a woman and a fox. They were accomanpied by another woman and a lynx. One of them held daggers and the other magical strips of paper.

"Ahh! Honoka and Tate! It's been ages since we last met." Sefia said.

"Yes and it is unfortunate that we must meet on the opposite sides of the battlefield." Honoka said.

"Yeah, and in this battle we will not lose!" Tate said.

"Now now. We won't be battling normally. I have decided to add an extra part to this battle." Motonari walked up.

"Lord Motonari!" Aria bowed. "I am sorry to be invading but I have to build up my army as much as I can."

"It's alright Lady Aria. But I can not simply hand over my kingdom. Follow us to the battleground." Motonari walked off.

They all went to the battleground and on the battleground were three banners. Uchi's eyes lightened up and she smiled.

"Capture the banners?!" Uchi said in excitement.

"Oh? You are familiar with this style of battle?" Motonari asked.

"Yes, the rules are all you have to do is capture all the banners to win!" Uchi said.

"It's as simple as that, but we will battle for the banners. My army take your positions!" Motonari ran to the other side of the field and equipped his weapon.

"Huh there is a bow attached to his gauntlet.." Aria said.

"Yeah..he is going to have the upper hand in range. Let me deal with him." Kikuri said.

"Alright. Army! Focus on capturing those banners! The faster the better!" Aria said.

Everyone on her side let out a battlecry. They all scattered and dashed to the banners. They were a fair distance apart so one with speed or a viable strategy would win easily. Aria didn't formulate a plan, she just commanded the army to charge.

Kikuri appeared in front of Motonari and slashed. Motonari blocked the slash with his gauntlet and kicked Kikuri upwards then equipped magic arrows and shot them at her. They hit her directly and she groaned and rebounded from the ground and at green energy flowing from her body.

"I got a banner!" Joshua said.

"Lord Motonari! I have a banner!" Honoka called out.

Aria and Tate were battling hard over the last banner. Tate's partner, Tame, was also on the offensive as support. Aria parried the attacks and summoned her lance and slashed upwards. Tate bellowed and blocked the slash then jammed the lance into the ground.

"I got the- AHH!!" Uchi said and fell into a pitfall. The vines grabbed onto her legs and she squeaked.

Sefia tried to pull her out while Avani jumped over them and grabbed their second banner. Sefia struggled as the vines held onto Uchi's legs tight.

"Hurry! The vines are all wet!" Uchi blushed hard.

"I'm..trying..but they have a firm grip on you..!" Sefia said.

Motonari kept blocking all of Kikuri's attacks and kicked her away. Kikuri slid back and grunted. She panted and glared.

"Your age decieves your ability to fight! You are a better fighter than I imagined.." Kikuri said.

"I am pleased to hear you compliment me. Honoka, help Tate. I can hold down this banner." Motonari said.

"Right!" Honoka ran off to Tate's aide.

"Honoka! Let's use our Dual Strike!" Tate said.

"Alright!" Honoka said and her partner, Hisa, got into a stance.

Joshua ran to Aria's aide and got into a stance. Hisa and Tame charged up a huge amount of elemental energy. Joshua bellowed and a powerful force of energy emitted from his body. Aria got in a guarding position and slid back a bit.

"Warrior Skill Activate! Supreme Ruler's Exorcism!" Joshua bellowed and the energy surging from his body turned a pure silver.

"Hisa!" Honoka said.

"Tame!" Tate bellowed.

"Electric Gale!" They both bellowed.

"Ultimate Skill: Lost Lumina!" Joshua stomped his foot down and got in a stance. He slashed and let out a loud bellow then a huge blade beam shot at the electric tornado.

The two moves clashed and large amounts of elemental energy surged and a bright light emitted from the clashing attacks. Honoka and Tate provided more elemental power to their companions, making their attack stronger.

'Joshua..he needs me...! He needs my help..!" Aria thought and sparks emitted from her eyes. She grabbed the handle of her katana. 'He needs me..! Aria! Do it! Aria, do not hold back!'

Aria bellowed and a large amount of energy emitted from her katana. The katana responded to her desire. Everyone looked at her and was shocked. Aria raised her sword to the sky and slashed down. A powerful blade beam rushed to the elemental tornado and fused with Joshua's attack and the blade beam shined a pure silver.

"Hisa!" Honoka yelled.

"Tame!" Tate yelled.

The two moves burst into a million bits of elemental particles and Aria passed out. Joshua caught her. He was amazed at the output of her power. He picked her up.

"The battle is still going! You four, win it for the name and honor of Auroria!" Joshua said.

"Right!" Avani said.

"We will prevail in this battle! For Auroria!" Sefia bellowed.

"For Auroria!" Kikuri, Uchi, and Avani bellowed. Their morale boosted greatly.

"This is the final stretch." Motonari said and his eyes glowed as powerful elemental energy surged from his body.

"I will take that banner!" Kikuri bellowed and her aura surged on her back and six scarlet wings appeared then she floated up.

"Ultimate Skill! Rival's Blooming End: Void!" Kikuri bellowed and summoned multiple kunai around Motonari then balled her hand and they all crashed down at him.

Motonari bellowed and a repulsive force of energy deflected the kunai in all direction. Kikuri was shocked and caught a dagger and flew to Motonari fast. Black and white energy gathered in Motonari's gauntlet.

"Fury Skill: Wicked Thousand Arrows!" Motonari bellowed and sent a barrage of magic arrows at Kikuri.

Kikuri dodged and flew around then got hit and was blown away. Uchi dashed to Motonari and bellowed then fell into another pitfall and whined. Sefia summoned six phantom blades and shot them at Motonari. He dodged and and snapped his fingers then vines grew and wrapped around Sefia. Avani got finished defeating Honoka and Tate then dashed to Motonari.

"Ultimate Skill: Eanif Al'iiesar!" Avani bellowed and threw her swords and grabbed the chains then jerked the chains back and the swords flew back in slashing motion, releasing a large beam of earth energy.

Motonari blocked the attack then got blown back. Avani dropped her sword and jumped to the banner and tapped the flag and the banner turned blue. Avani landed on her side and grunted.

"We did it.." Uchi said. "The Kingdom of Kusa is ours!!"

Sefia and the others let out a triumphant yell and was released from the Earth Magic. Motonari sat up and rubbed the back of his head. Honoka and Tate sighed then smiled.

The Kingdom of Auroria successfully conquered another kingdom. They got all three neighboring kingdoms and now are expanding their army. The real battle has only just started as now they are deeper in the path of war.