
Ephemeral Harmony

In the mortal world where humans strive for longevity and power through cultivation, two unlikely companions, Mei Lin and Li Wei, start their cultivation journey thanks to twists of fate. Mei Lin, a fragile human girl, grapples with the limitations of her cultivation abilities and the fact that she is a human which is nothing against any other range, in a world where human lifespans are painfully brief, she becomes a cultivator and set on her journey to for longevity. Along her way, she is trying to find her childhood friend Li Wei and falls into constant twists of fate which pose significant threats in her journey.

Jakub_Fencl · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
71 Chs

38. Death of Feng Jing – 1/3

Mei Lin began to run away from the slug, her heart was pounding like crazy, and she felt the weight of her actions pressing down upon her like a mountain. Her hands, face, and robe were covered in blood resembling a monster in the eyes of those who witnessed the scene. Upon seeing Mei Lin flee, Feng Lian immediately ordered the other guards to capture her. With the full power of her cultivation base, she erupted in anger and her voice resonated throughout the merchant caravan as she spoke. "What are you doing to the caravan guard? Guards, capture her immediately!"

As soon as Mei Lin heard Feng Lian's voice echoed in her years, Mei Lin didn't know what to do. The guard was just behind her Mei Lin and she started shouting back at Feng Lian. "I don't want to go with them and they tried to hurt me. You send them to kill me!"

As Feng Lian's commanding voice pierced the air, Mei Lin's heart pounded with fear and defiance. With the guards closing in behind her, she felt trapped like a cornered animal desperate for escape. But as Feng Lian's accusations rang out, Mei Lin's resolve hardened, her voice rising in a defiant retort.

"I refused to go with them!" Mei Lin's words reverberated through the chamber, her tone laced with defiance. "They certainly tried to harm me! You sent them to kill me!"

Her words carried the weight of truth, a stark indictment of Feng Lian's machinations. With each syllable, Mei Lin's anger surged, her defiance unyielding in the face of adversity. She refused to be a pawn in Feng Lian's deadly game, determined to fight for her survival against all odds.

As the guards closed in, their expressions hardened with resolve, Mei Lin stood her ground, her gaze locked with Feng Lian's in a silent battle of wills. In that moment of defiance, she knew that her fate hung in the balance, her future uncertain in the face of the ruthless forces arrayed against her. But she refused to back down, her spirit unbroken in the face of overwhelming adversity.

As Feng Lian's command echoed through the merchant caravan, a tense silence fell over the assembled crowd. Though many suspected the truth of Mei Lin's claims, the overwhelming power and influence wielded by Feng Lian left them paralyzed with fear and uncertainty. In a world where strength dictated loyalty and survival, few dared to challenge the authority of the second most powerful figure in the caravan.

Despite their silent acknowledgment of Mei Lin's plight, none of them were willing to risk the wrath of Feng Lian by coming to her aid. To do so would be to invite certain retribution, their safety and livelihoods hanging in the balance.

As Mei Lin stood alone, her defiance ringing out against the oppressive silence, she realized the grim reality of her situation. In a world governed by power and hierarchy, justice was a fleeting illusion, a luxury afforded only to those with the strength to seize it for themselves.

With a heavy heart and a sense of resignation settling over her, Mei Lin braced herself for the inevitable confrontation that awaited her at the hands of Feng Lian and her loyal guards. In that moment of solitude, she vowed to stand firm in the face of adversity, her spirit unbroken by the overwhelming odds stacked against her. For in the darkness of uncertainty, she found the strength to endure, her resolve unyielding in the face of the trials that lay ahead.

As Mei Lin's protests fell on deaf ears, the guards closed in around her with a sense of grim determination. Despite her desperate plea and the weight of truth behind her accusations, they remained steadfast in their loyalty to Feng Lian, their obedience unwavering in the face of Mei Lin's defiance.

With a heavy heart, Mei Lin resigned herself to her fate and didn't say a word only focused on escaping from the caravan.

With each step away from the merchant caravan, Mei Lin's heart grew heavy with the burden of uncertainty. Alone and vulnerable, she braced herself for the long journey ahead, her mind racing with thoughts of what awaited her in the unknown expanse of the slow plane.

More than a hundred meters from the slugs, Mei Lin glanced behind her to scout for the guards for the last time. As Mei Lin glanced back to assess the pursuit of the guards, a sense of fleeting relief washed over her. But her momentary respite was shattered in an instant as she turned her gaze forward, only to find Feng Jing looming before her like a specter of death incarnate. His face was sinister and his eyes burned with revenge to kill Mei Lin as ruthlessly as possible.

Before she could even register the shock of his presence, Feng Jing's cruel intentions were made painfully clear as he ruthlessly thrust his spear forward. With a sickening lurch, the cold metal tore through Mei Lin's chest, ripping through flesh and bone with ruthless efficiency.

Agony flared through Mei Lin's body as the spear pierced her chest, shattering her fragile chest despite her being a cultivator and already reconstructing her bones, so normal attacks from non-cultivators will have not such a devastating effect. As the spear went through, Mei Lin immediately felt a sense of death, leaving her gasping for air. The searing pain of her punctured lungs robbed her of breath, leaving her drowning in a sea of blood in her lungs, as she struggled to comprehend the brutality of the attack.

Though fate spared her spine and heard from the deadly blow, Mei Lin's world spun in a haze of agony and confusion. Blood bubbled from her lips as she fought to draw breath, her vision clouded by the relentless onslaught of pain.

In that fleeting moment of despair, Mei Lin clung to consciousness with a desperate resolve, her will to survive burning bright amidst the darkness that threatened to consume her. But as darkness closed in around her, she knew that her fate hung in the balance, her life hanging by a thread as she teetered on the brink of oblivion.

Mei Lin was looking at Feng Jing with wide-open red eyes. Her bamboo hat starts falling. As she looked at him, she looked like a doll and as Feng Jing saw her jade snow-white face and her white hair, he smiled sinisterly with lust in his eyes. "I finally killed you bitch. Because of you, my cultivation base is a mess now, but after I kill you, my cultivation will only rise." As he creepily smiled at Mei Lin, like someone who was mocking his opponent, Mei Lin's face suddenly changed. This change was only seen by Feng Jing. Mei Lin's surprised face twisted into a demon like mockery face.