
The Meeting

In the heart of Epactulus, beneath the watchful gaze of the Temple of Naptun, the Kings and Queens of the six nations gathered. Supreme ruler Malongo Zenta, his voice heavy with concern, addressed the assembly. "My Sons and Daughters, the sky has met the ground," he began, detailing the woes afflicting his kingdom. His words hung heavy in the air, a somber reminder of their shared plight.

But amidst the gathering, tension simmered. Balosi Nisi, King of Natal, could bear it no longer. With a swift motion, he flung his spear at Zenta, piercing him in the chest. Shock rippled through the council as Zenta transformed into a massive snake, his true form revealed.

As fear threatened to consume them, the chief commander of the Nile's military acted swiftly, summoning a protective spirit to stabilize the temple. Dust settled, and the snake vanished into the earth, leaving the council stunned.

Facing the chief, Balosi's eyes burned with fury. The chief's words cut through the tension, questioning Balosi's approach. "Are you the strongest here?" he challenged. "Will brute strength save us, or do we seek true solutions?"

With the temple secure once more, the chief revealed Zenta's true fate: lying on his deathbed. But more pressing was the revelation of the 10th spirit, a force beyond their understanding. It demanded the sacrifice of their children, a horrifying prospect that ignited righteous anger within the council.

"This summit was meant for dialogue, not bloodshed," the chief declared. "We must unite against this common threat, for peace cannot be born from the death of our children."

And so, amidst the echoes of the chief's impassioned plea, the Kings and Queens of the six nations pledged to stand together, to seek solutions, and to defy the darkness threatening their lands. For in unity lay their strength, and in solidarity, their hope.

I wanted to bring out more scenery by specifically jotting down my original thoughts for this chapter .

Find_love_Africacreators' thoughts