

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · Fantasía
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26 Chs

A Guilds Humble Beginnings

I groggily wake up and bring myself to sit up. After trying to wake up, I suddenly jolted when I realized today we should be getting our guild room! I throw off my covers and quickly get ready.

Once ready I run out of my room to get to class. Maybe the sooner I am there, the sooner they tell me they have a room ready! I wonder what it would be like. Would it be spacious? Beautiful patterns on the walls? A fireplace? That would be pretty nice! I continued to daydream of what the room would look like as I made my way to class.

Because of my rush to get here, I am the first one to arrive. I go and take a seat, setting my stuff down. I wait for some time when I hear the door open again. I look over to see Mary walk in.

"Oh, hi Adrian!" She says in surprise. "I am surprised you are already here."

Mary then comes and takes a seat across from me. She starts to pull out all of her stuff.

"Hey Adrian, I've been meaning to ask-" Mary started but before she could finish Scarlet walked in.

Scarlet paused when she saw Mary and I.

"Good morning? Why are you two here this early?" She asked.

"I wanted to catch up on some school work" Mary responded.

"I was too excited and rushed over here," I remarked slightly embarrassed. 

"Too excited?" Scarlet asked.

"What were you 'too excited' about to come to class?" She asked confused.

I lean back with a satisfied smile on my face. "Today's the day, Scarlet," I say to everyone.

"For what?" Scarlet asked as she sat down next to me.

I sat up straight disappointed she didn't know what I was talking about.

"I turned in the paper, we should be getting a room today," I said to her.

"Really? Sweet!" She said seemingly pretty happy "Wait...what about the name?"

"You see...I forgot to ask everyone and they wanted a name then and there so..." I nervously chuckle.

"What did you name the guild Adrian?" She asked concerned. 

"Wait, guild?" Mary asked confused. "Adrian, did you start your own guild?!" Mary asked in disbelief.

"Yes." I say to Mary, then turn my attention back to Scarlet. "The name is 'The Crimson Rabbit." I say as confidently as I can.

"The Crimson Rabbit?" Scarlet asks. "Why that name?"

"Let's just say, I have some connection to that name" I laugh.

Students then start to flood the classroom.

"Now is no longer the time to continue this conversation," I said getting my stuff ready.

Soon enough students had all taken their seats except a few. Mr. Myth then walks into the room. Finally class started. I tried my best to listen and pay attention to Mr. Myth but my mind kept drifting off to the guild room.

About halfway Mr. Fang walks in the classroom.

"Adrian Von Silver, and Scarlet Von Wolf, please come with me." Mr. Fang announces.

Since Mr. Myth doesn't interject, I assume he is already aware at least somewhat. We get up and make our way out of the room.

"Okay, all that leaves is Kara." Mr. Fang thinks out loud.

"I can get her" I announce.

"Do you even know what room she is in?" Mr. Fang asks.

"Nope, but you can tell me." I smile.

"Fine, room 3-P." Mr. Fang sighs. "Meet us at the teacher's lounge."

I nod and then make my way. I walk down the stairs and the Class-P room hallway. After some walking, I found classroom 3-P. I listen in and hear the teacher talking a little bit. I then open the door and peek my head in. Almost unanimously all the students and the teacher stop what they are doing and look over to me. At a glance, I could tell the room was not that great, condition-wise. I then spot Kara sitting next to the window in the middle row.

"Hi, uh, I came to take Kara," I speak up.

Confused everyone looks over to her.

"The one time she is here on time." The teacher sighs.

Kara then gives me a confused look and then shrugs, grabbing her stuff before following me out of the room.

"So why did you come to get me?" Kara asks.

"Well, we are going to get our new guild room, so we wanted everyone to be there to see it," I explained.

We made our way to the teacher's lounge where we saw Scarlet and Mr. Fang.

"Great, let's head off." Mr. Fang says. "Before I forget, Adrian."

Mr. Fang then tosses me something. I catch it and see what just landed in my hands. A key. Without saying a word Mr. Fang then starts to walk off and we all rush to catch up to him. He leads us out of the building and into another one just outside.

"Here is it" Mr. Fang announces.

"It's a different building entirely?" Scarlet asked studying it.

The building is pretty big for its size but looks like it hasn't been taken care of in a while. Instead of answering Scarlet's question, Mr. Fang directs me to go unlock to door. I open the door and we all walk in...coughing. This place is so dusty! I try to look around through my coughing fits. The place is a mess. Floorboards destroyed, spiderwebs everywhere, no furniture at all.

Finally, the dust settles and we can stop coughing. This place doesn't look so great...

"This place is amazing!" Kara yells behind me. "Look at all this room we have! Not to mention what we could do with this place."

I then start to see a twinkle in Kara's eyes.

"This place gets a makeover" She yells throwing her arms in the air.

'Glad she seems excited' I chuckle to myself. I then look around, she has a point. This place can become amazing. Just needs a touch-up from each of us to make it a second home.

"Kara is right, this place will be amazing once we add our touches to it!" I exclaimed thankful for Kara's positivity. 

"Well it will take a while, but I can agree to its potential," Scarlet adds.

"Great, I will leave you kids to it then!" Mr. Fang said as he turned around to leave.

I then go and grab Mr. Fang and turn him around.

"Funny. You're going to help us." I smile.

"Whaaat?" Mr. Fang whines.

"You are just as much a part of this guild," I remark.

"Question," Kara says. "What is the guild's name?"

"Oh, it's The Crimson Rabbit!" I exclaim.

"The Crimson Rabbit?" Kara ponders. "I like it!"

"I'm glad someone likes the name," I said giving Scarlet and Mr. Fang a look. They just shrug in response.

I shake my head as I look around for a broom. I found one in the corner along with some other supplies.

"Did someone just leave this stuff here?" I asked grabbing the broom.

"No, I brought them here when they showed me where the room was." Mr. Fang responded.

That makes sense. Though knowing him, it wasn't his idea to do that. I start to sweep everything, kicking up a lot of dust. I swear there is like six inches of dust on the floor alone! After just clearing one time part, the floor was almost a completely different color! I groan out of disgust for it all. I continue to sweep things out of the building. The others started grabbing other tools and helped clean the place.

"Woah! After just one wipe of the window, it is already completely different!" Kara exclaims.

'I know how you feel' I laugh to myself. We continue cleaning the place. After a long time, Scarlet spoke up.

"Are we allowed to be skipping classes for this...?" Scarlet asked.

"Yeah, I got permission and a sub for my classes!" Mr. Fang said proudly.

Satisfied with that, we continue cleaning, slowly transforming the place as we do so. By the end of the day, we finally finished the majority of the dusting and sweeping.

"We still have a long way to go, but at least it looks better!" I said with satisfaction.

"Better? It looks completely different!" Kara added excitedly.

"I think both statements are appropriate for this." Scarlet smiled.

I look over to Mr. Fang, who seems to be taking in the sites.

"What do you think Mr. Fang?" I asked as I walked up to him.

"This is a new experience, this will be interesting to see how far you kids go." He looked at me and smiled.

"Well that's good for the night, what do you guys think?" I ask.

"I agree, we should go get some food!" Kara offers.

"I could go for a bite," Scarlet added.

"Sounds like fun. Good thing Mr. Fang is paying!" I said as I started making my way out of the room.

I heard Mr. Fang try to stutter out a counter-argument but eventually, he gave up as we all left the building to go share a meal.