
Entrapped In His Deadly Charms

~Excerpt~ "Excuse me, Mrs Blackwood." He said to me as we stepped out of the courtroom. My feet halted on the spot, my face reddening with so much rage I tried to conceal it to no avail. The sound of the word Mrs sounded sour in my ears, especially having him call me that. Not that I was not at the age I should have gotten married, but because I had betrayed my boyfriend by marrying another man. "I am your husband now, at least I deserve a kiss from my newly wedded wife. That is the norm after couples get married, right?" Now what was he saying? He must be totally insane! It felt as if my fist cracked because of how much it clenched. Wasn't it enough he made me betray my boyfriend? He is not even ashamed of his greediness. Not even a bit of it showed on his face! "I've given you what you want, Liam Blackwood; a signature of my marriage to you. Now if you know what's good for you, it's left for you to give me what I want as we agreed." "I never said I was not going to keep to our agreement. Agreement is an agreement!" He exclaimed, chuckling as if I had said something amusing. "However..." He said and paused in a way that made me feel my heart also paused and started beating again, racing with anticipation when he began stepping closer to me. I instinctively moved backward, trying to create some distance between us, but he kept advancing, his eyes locked on mine with an intensity that made my breath catch in my throat. He continued until I felt my back hit on his godforsaken car. I could feel his red blood eyes bore into mine and his hands trapping me against his car as if caging a cat that fought to escape. "It seems you have forgotten the meaning of marriage, my Little Bunny. Maybe I have to remind you." I could see that playful smile return on his lips, it irked me so much that the need to smash it off his face irked my hands. He then leaned in closer, his breath whispering against my ear. "Marriage means a legally recognized union between two individuals," His voice was barely audible, but his words resonated deeply into my ears as he began to explain what he knew as marriage. "characterized by emotional commitment, legal responsibility, and social recognition, often involving mutual respect, trust, and a...deep emotional connection." The way he stressed the last words made my heart skip remembering the state of the contract. Was the deep emotional connection going to happen between us? This was killing me already. The next I saw was his hands trailing down the angles of my neck, going towards my cheeks and... "Can't we...do this...some other time? I mean, we cannot just do it here...in front of people." I tried to speak some senses into him, feeling so embarrassed and flushed at the touch of his hands. I didn't know why it made my heart beat so fast again, like it did before. "Yes, we can my darling. We are a couple, after all, so it's nobody's business. No law is against husband and wife kissing in public. It's only a kiss, I didn't ask you for sex here." He returned his hand to my neck again. I couldn't get over the sensational touch that tingled in my stomach. We can't do this now for goodness sake! People are looking! "Now, make me feel the sweet touch of your lips, my Little Bunny." As he finished speaking, his lips brushed against my ears sending a thrill through my entire body. Next, he lowered his face until it was just an inch away from mine. ~~~ I joined the contest "Viral Book Call" with this novel. Please support me. Thank you so much.

PenDora56 · Ciudad
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18 Chs

His Outrageous Offer

I was surprised at the way he acted. Had he forgotten all he did to me even before that night? Why does he act so cool like he was a good person now when all he showed me then was practical bullying?

Can a person change like this or does he think he is performing on a stage?

Well, I shouldn't let my guard down remembering how dangerous of a person he was.


Seeing Olivia deny to know him he stood practically like a lost sheep. He ended up resigning himself and shutting his eyes as if he had come to the inescapable end of it all.

It was his first time to feel so defeated in her presence, then he could look straight into her eyes and she would be the one always frightened by his presence. She now made him feel so low and ashamed of himself with her actions.

'Liam, don't look so weak in front of her, it will only make her push you further away. Look bold, tell her you can offer her what she wants, I'm sure she would trust you again, she won't run away from you anymore.' Blark urged.

Liam was finding it hard to fathom this courage as Blark said, but he had to look bold and offer her what she wanted. Yes. He would do just that. But...what was it she wanted?

'A blood march, Liam. Don't act dumb now. She wants a blood march and you would offer her that.'

'Yes, that's right. Blood march...but what blood type was she exactly looking for?' Liam cursed in his mind. How could he be so foolish not to ask Jaden this? He told her he had the same blood group but the truth was he didn't even know what the blood group was. What was he to do?

'Whatever the blood group is doesn't matter Liam, what you're going to give her is your wolf blood that will heal her.'

'Yes, you're right again.' There was this alter confusion in his actions as if he were a lost child. It took a deeper encouragement for him to find his words again and say, "I will offer you..."

'Hold on...' Blark interrupted him. 'If we offer her our blood she would take it without us keeping her now that she denied to know you. Why don't you come up with the marriage proposal now, that way we would keep her forever with us.' Blark suggested.

'That's a brave idea' Liam agreed. If he takes it the slow way she might run away from him again, perhaps out of the city this time and he would end up losing her forever and that was a dead wish.

"I will offer you my blood. However, it will be only if you offer me something in return."


He wants something in return? This got me worried. There was an unexplainable expression ached in his deep furrowed brows, an expression that made me feel afraid of myself.

He had been my last hope when I received this call but never knew things would turn out this way. I didn't know if I should proceed with this or not, afraid if I did he might find out we had a child. It was the last thing I dreaded for it to happen.

Did he even remember that night? Yes, if he doesn't he would not remember I was Olivia. Oh goodness. I became mortified by my behavior then remembering the fact that I had confessed my feelings and thrown myself at him thinking he was the right person I was confessing to.

Alcohol was really a demon to humiliate someone beyond repair. How will I even explain to him that my behavior towards him that night was not intentional? All that confession was not for him, it was fueled by alcohol and a misplaced sense of connection. Now it had made him father a child.

He was her father and undoubtedly had the same blood group that Christine needed. I came to a second thought. If I go now, my daughter will die. But how will I do this without him finding out he was offering his blood to his daughter? Goodness, I was in his hot soup again.

I can't help but feel torn between my desperation to save my daughter and my fear of revealing a secret I had kept hidden for so long. But taking the risk would be much better than putting the life of my daughter at risk. Yes, that's right.

Gathering enough courage, I looked straight into his eyes and said, "What do you want in return?"

Liam's eyes narrowed slightly. "I will offer you my blood, in return you will get married to me." He said.

"Get married to you?!" His words left me flabbergasted with a disbelief that flew my eyes wide open.

"You want me to marry you for a blood transfusion?!"

Liam's expression remained serious, but his eyes hinted at a deeper intention as he strongly nodded for an answer.

Dear Lord, what now? Why would he offer to marry me? Wait, had that night caused him to have an affection for me? Goodness, what have I gotten myself into? It's six years already, he should have forgotten about it.

Why would he even bring such an offer? What was his intentions? I had a feeling this was not right at all. There was no way I would accept such an offer.

My thoughts went wild as I tried to process his proposal. I had a daughter to save, but marrying Liam was out of the world. It's like a high price to pay. And what about Felix? How would he fit into this equation? We're already in a relationship and...

"Why marriage? Can't you offer me a different deal?" I thought to suggest it immediately. "A business deal will be good you know." I tried to smile a sweet faint smile amidst my turmoil.

"That's the only offer available. I'll give you my blood to save you, but only if you agree to marry me." His response was firm.

I became enraged. What was this pervert thinking? He had not changed a bit, he was still the demon he was, and nothing good comes out from him without seeking things in return. That was his usual way which always made people stay away from him.

"Time can pass and everything might seem to change, but there is one thing that can never change and that is memories." He was saying and began taking some domineering steps towards me.

Oh, Lord! It was time to run!

"Olivia I knew then, knows a secret about me. She knew I'm a werewolf and my blood could heal diseases. And I'm sure she's keeping that secret till now." He paused staring down at me as my leg was set ready to sprint.

"I will offer you my blood to heal you completely. Healing you completely means you don't need to undergo any surgery and you won't suffer from that sickness anymore my doctor can do this without turning you into a werewolf. Also, I will take care of the bills for the blood transfusion. However, all of this will happen only if you accept to marry me."

"Then I'm sorry, I will not accept this offer, and don't even think of coming to me with such an offer again. The blood transfusion is for my daughter and her father will not accept any third party in our life." I tried to be brave at the moment.

"You have a daughter? You are married?"

"Yes, and with a man who would not accept any third party into our life," I replied, hoping he would reconsider his offer.

He remained silent and I could see that look on his face return. It was so dark now that I felt he would come on me. My eyes strayed to his hands which had clenched as if he wanted to release his anger. And then he turned and said something that made my hope shatter.

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