

Everything was the same every day. Work, Eat, Work, Sleep. Every day seemed to add up. Crucible is a city filled with automations, every corner you turn, there will be a robot.

"My name is Jeremiah. I'm a engineer of the 4th division."

"As an engineer I am tasked with the duty to create automations to fulfill both daily and military tasks."

Sunday, July 19 2258. 1 day before entrance exam.

"Jeremiah you better be awake whenever I walk up there."

"Yeah, just gimme a couple more minutes."

Jeremiah's mother, Kali, had been a hard working engineer but retired when her first son had been born.

"Boy, you better listen to your mother."

"Fine, I'm getting up."

Jeremiah's father, Russell, is still working with automaton and is the best in the 1st division.

"What's for breakfast?"

"Cheese toast, again" Russell sighed.

"Hey, if you wanna make you own breakfast, be my guest." Kali exclaimed with a big grin. "So, Jeremiah, how are you doing on your studies for engineering school."

"I've had that done for about 4 weeks, I have nothing to worry about."

"Hey, it never hurts to study some more." Russell said with a face stuffed with cheese toast.

"I already understand how all the wiring works because of mom, and you taught me how the ligaments work for the automatons." "I don't know what else I could learn."

"Boy, I have been in the 1st division for 10 years and I still check on my notes for information." "Trust me you will never be "done" studying."

"Alright, I'll go study but can I go out after an hour?"

"Sure, just make sure you have the information ingrained into your head."

============ 1 HOUR LATER ============

"Alright, I'm going to walk!" Jeremiah shouted as he exited.

Walking around Crucible is like a corn maze, but instead of corn there are giant buildings with smoke everywhere in the sky. Crucible was given its name because of red hue that is always over the city. The school Jeremiah was trying to enter had only been one block away from his house. The school was an elite school for engineers and automaton creaters alike. Jeremiah would walk around the school every now and then to get a feel for what type of school it was. Unlike most schools this one had always been clean with the same smell of chemical they use to clean the floor.

"Tomorrow, I will enter this school, and I will do my best to be the top."