
chapter 1.

"Do i have to go mom, i mean you could just tell them i changed my mind last.."

"Naomi, for the hundredth time..they are your parents, you'd have a better life there"

"But i wanna stay here..with you"

"No, no there is no way you're gonna make me all teary young girl for God's sake your bags are already packed" mom said and i rolled my eyes.

"was worth the shot" she smiled at that, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"i ordered an uber to take you to the airport"


"you know i can't take you there myself..there will be someone waiting for you once you land"

"you sure about this mom?"

"honey i can bet this house that by the end of the week you'd be calling to thank me" she said and i smiled

"I'll hold you to that..so this is goodbye huh?" I could see the gathered tears in her eyes. It was as hard for her as it was for me.

"no ofcourse not..we could call, video call infact. I could always come visit" I just nodded knowing she was encouraging herself as much as she was encouraging me.

"I love you kiddo, always remember that"

"yeah. i love you too"

"smile i need to see your dimples one more time" Despite the emotional mix up, i smiled.

A few minutes later i was in the uber looking back at what i used to call home.

My name is Naomi West..at least it used to be. A seventeen year old chic with black hair and hazel eyes, dimples and a nice character..sometimes. When i was young, around five years old to be exact, i got separated from my parents and sister on a trip to Seattle. Luckily, my foster mom found me and took me in. it was difficult at first but slowly, the memory of my family became a distant fantasy. Now all of a sudden, that distant fantasy comes knocking on my door after twelve years, happy they've found me and insist they want me back. Now I'm happy that after all these years they'd never stopped worrying and looking for me but i don't wanna go back.

But guess what?

My opinion doesn't matter! So here i am, in a car, on my way to New York, giving up my home, mom, friends, school, life in general to start a new one.

okay not entirely new..just an old and forgotten one...with a name I'd tried so hard to deny.

Tia Baxter.


I came down from the plane and went to go carry my luggage. well this is it, my new life. i took out my phone, turned off the airplane mode and texted my mom.

*(just landed in NYC. hooray to me ☹)

*(you'll do fine honey💙)

i sighed shoving my phone into my pocket

"Excuse me. you're Tia right?" I turned to face a blond man with blue eyes..striking blue eyes.

"yup that's my new name..but i sit better with Naomi" I said throwing him one of my best of smiles

"i have orders to take you safely to the Baxter's house"

"how did you find me?" i asked and the man's expression would have made me laugh if i wasn't so nervous.

"you have a twin sister that looks exactly like you, trust me..it wasnt that hard"

"oh right" i face palmed myself

"come, let us go"

"where are we going?..wait don't answer that" i quickly added when i heard the absurdity of my own question. i knew what the guy was thinking, i could literally hear the wheels turning in his head

"I'm not dumb believe me..just very nervous" i said and he laughed

"i can imagine" i got into the car waiting for him to put my luggage in the boot.

"so..anything i should know about my sister before hand?" i asked silently screening my question for any absurd implication.

"your sister doesnt have a smile, if she does I've never noticed it. " i sighed leaning back on the seat. so my sister's a grumpy one.



i thanked the blond guy whose name i learnt was Alexander as i came down frm d car and stared at the house. it was big, as in really big. not like the cosy bungalow i lived in back in Seattle. it was a duplex that seemed to glow under the light, and the balcony...

"well miss you aren't gonna stand here all day, are you? your mom is waiting" i turned to who was talking, it was an elderly woman and she was holding my luggage

"no ma'am i can carry.."

"nonsense, it's my job. now go meet your momma she's waiting" i smiled looking at the name tag on her chest.

"thank you miss tania " she nodded and flicked her eyes toward the door

"oh, right" i took a deep breath and pressed the doorbell

*(about to meet my mom, the house is huge!)

*(i knew you'd like it..in one week you'd be snuging up to them)

*(i doubt that)

*(just dont do anything outrageous it's your first day)

*(😑 yes mom)


i put my phone in my pocket and sighed. how long does it take them to open a fucking door?

almost immediately the door opened and i was ushered in. The interior decor was even better than the exterior. i felt kinda funny..like i didn't belong hell even the maids were dressed more corporately than me.

"Tia!" i looked up in time to see an elderly me with brown eyes rush to hug me.

"uh..mom?" it came out wrong anyway i hugged her, her scent choking me.

"You've grown do big now, come sit you have to tell me about you Tia"

"About that, ive been called Naomi all my life.."

"oh yes sorry about that, I'll adjust. it's so nice to finally see you Ti..Naomi" she said and i smiled

"oh i missed that"

"missed what?" i asked

"your dimples. Didn't think you'd still have them"

"oh where's my dad?" i asked and i saw her eyes water.

"He's out, but he'll be back soon. you sister Tasha's in"

oh no.

"Tasha? Tasha!..come down here quickly" Not too quickly i added in my head.

"Hold your horses I'm coming" her voice was similar to mine, just a bit more pitchy. i watched a second me descend the stairs. Same black hair and hazel eyes. she looked exactly like me but yet so different. her hair was wavy, guessing she did that herself. she was wearing a pink Barbie night shirt that seemed to hang on her figure.

.Did i have such a figure?.

i found myself comparing both of us.

"Naomi meet Tasha, your elder twin" just by six minutes and fifty eight seconds. i smiled thrusting out a hand.

"Nice to meet you " my hand hung in the air for a few seconds before she took it.

"Nice dimples"

"Thanks " i said smilling again

"show off"


"sorry" she said rolling her eyes

"get some rest Ti..Naomi, you start school tomorrow. you and Tasha are school mates.."

"what? mom!"

"yes Tasha dear?"

"she can'tgo to my school" i was in agreement with my twin..uggh that sounded weird.

"we've had this discussion before"

"but mom.."

"she's going to your school Tasha dear..and that's final" i watched as Tasha glared at her mother then at me.

"uggh way to go ruin everything!" Tasha scoffed and walked upstairs

"was that necessary?"

"yes, she needs to learn how to accommodate you and likewise. but dont worry, while youre art she's science. you guys will rarely cross paths. so I'll have your principal change ypur name from Tia to Naomi, your uniforms are in your closet.."

"uniforms?" which old fashioned school still wears uniforms

"yes, anything wrong with that?"

"no no..not really" i knew better than to upset this woman

"great! Ariane will show you to your room" suddenly, a girl with a name tag Ariane came over. how many maids did they have?

"she's your personal maid call her if you need anything "


"And Naomi?" she called stopping me as i made my way to the stair case, i turned.

"welcome home"