

The serene nature of the forest calmed my gasping heart down and the fresh air that surrounds me made me feel relaxed and off my bag pack to eat something, I wasn't there for nature nor pictures, I wanted to see Zina in the face, and asked her what happened back then in class, I needed to know why I had the blur vision and the fainted spirit for a second or two, my mind wasn't at rest until I found out who she is and what she did to me, I was sure something happened back then.

I waited for so long, hoping she would come as she always does, but this time I was wrong, she never did, I thought of going back home but felt like waiting a little more.

It was almost dark when I got a call from my mum, had no choice but to go home, looking frustrated as ever.

Days and weeks went by but each time I go to wait for her, she wouldn't come, at school, I tried accosting her to know why but she kept on avoiding me like a plague, I became so worried at her countenance.

"Guy, how far" Derrick shouldered me to reality

"what's your thought these days, all acting weird and inside a shell" he was confident in his statement but I wasn't ready to say anything, I don't even know what to say to him that will be sensible enough.

"Just leave him alone with his woman issues" Richard jokingly said but that was what I was worried about, Zina looks mysterious and acted the same to me, "I just can't place it right with her" that came out loud to them hearing, Derrick came closer to tap my forehead.

"Are you sick or something?" he asked looking serious and confused, I brushed his hand from my head with a smirk

"Am fine"

I took a deep sigh of relief and faced my desk without a word. Richard stared at me for some minutes and then back to Zina in a glance while watching the surroundings, I knew he has sensed something but just don't know how to place it right.

With the whole scenario going on, I felt like a shadow walking around in a human form, I had sleepless nights about her coving my body into some hourglass, my thoughts were all about her, and sometimes I gasp for air while struggling to wake up.

I went sore and I became tattered, my grades were going down each day and my friends kept their distance from me, feeling that I needed more space than ever.

The first session of the term had gone without my knowledge, everyone was preparing for exams while I was still stuck in a dark web or something.

"Zucha, you need to see a doctor, a psychologist, or a shrink, you are not normal" Richard tapped my shoulder and left me seated in the class all by myself.

"Am I running mad? Or going insane?" those questions popped up without my knowledge.

"NO, you are not delusional" a quiet still voice from the entrance of the classroom got back to me in response.

Instantly I raised my head in shock to see Zina standing at the entrance looking all sexy and dashing.

"Why are you here" I stuttered those words out, I needed to know and that was all I could say to her.

Slowly she walked in still looking at me but I kept on resisting her tempting appearance at me, she walked around my seat in circles, then walked straight to my face with a stern look.

"Free your mind and you will be free" then she laughed out loud and walked out.

"Who are you, what do you want from me" I shouted out loud at the top of my voice but this time a deep weight attached to my shoulder left me like I broke free from something unimaginable.

I ran after her in relief but seems like my fast running was nothing compared to her slow walking, I wasn't able to get through to her, and she left with her bike majestically without any breath to catch up.

"There she goes, my wonder woman" at that point I was free from whatever I was thinking, my mind was suddenly reset and all thoughts about her had gone out of me, I became mindful of my surrounding as I used to.

I went into the classroom, took my bag, and left with a dashing smile on my face. Pasting up and down the road without considering waiting for a bus to carry me home, I felt more energized than ever before.

For as long as I could remember the cool breeze that blows around my neighborhood I forgot, but this time I was so conscious of it like I had never experienced before, I walked slowly back home in excitement and hoping to see her in the forest later that day.

"Hmmm, someone looks happy?" my mum gave a warm smile as I stepped into the house. With great joy I greeted her with a smile and an embrace, she was surprised at first but reciprocated as a mother would.

"So, tell me what happened today at school" she questioned.

"Mum, just excited about today, ciao" I quickly left her embrace and off to my bedroom to prepare for my official meeting with Zina, possibly.

"Going somewhere?" she looked serious, placing her both hands on her curvy waist, staring at me with a scolding face.

"Ohkay, am going to take some pictures, mum" looking at her with so innocent in my expression.

"But you just got back, at least eat something" she looked pitiable like I was dying or something, I know for sure she wouldn't let me leave the house without a bite or two and so I quickly rushed to the kitchen table and took some bread mix with mayonnaise and some salad with it.

"Here, mum will it this sandwich when I get to the forest" she looked and laughed a bit, then she went to the fridge to get a juice box and an apple to go with it. A peck on my forehead with a smiling face she said.

"You will make me proud one day" she hugged me without hesitation.

"Oh mum, I need to get going" releasing myself from hers, and off I went as quickly as possible.