

The library became my comfort zone at that time, going back to the class was never an option for me, I rest my head in deep thought pondering how I got myself into all of this mess and how to come out of it was a question I can't even answer to it.

The school bell rang for the closing prayers. I was glad that the day has gone but then I made a promise already to accompany Zina to her house with or without Junior.

"Oh, shit" buried my head on the desk, feeling frustrated about the whole agreement or promise, whatever-

I decided to stay up late hoping that she would get tired and leave in that way I won't follow her to see her stupid house, but as they say, surprise can beat even the strongest of them all.

Just after two hours of delving into the day's studies as revision, I got tired and needed to leave the library, with great excitement and muttering words of relief, I packed up my books and into my bag they went in, strolling reluctantly out of the library room when I heard someone calling out on me.

At first, I thought it was a joke or something, then I turned to see Zina also packing up her books into her bag while she called out on me, rushing towards my direction I felt ice down my throat.

"wait for me" she yelled out, I stood there watching her running in my direction without standing for a second.

"You were here the whole time?" I couldn't help but ask

"Yeah, I did, was practically waiting for you" She smiled briefly feeling bored all through her stay.

"Why is this visit so important to you," I asked her feeling stupid all this while, my feelings for her had turned soar, so I damned all consequences around her to be polite but rather truthful in all.

"Is my brother, he wants me to bring you to my house by all means necessary" She was true to herself too, having no feelings for me either.

"So, if not for him you wouldn't have?" I was pissed at her response and needed to know more. She noticed my mood and tried to pipe down the atmosphere by rubbing her arms around mine, but I was already gone in deep thought.

"Ehhh, not really for my brother per se, I like you in person and want to get to know you too" She smiled sheepishly, one could tell the fallacy of those words, I sighed a bit looking at her in a straight face.

I guess she realized it and felt remorse but wasn't able to show it.

Then I stood for a moment on the walkway, looking far away.

"Please tell your brother I can't come with you, not today and I don't know when" those words popped out without any thought for a second, she felt bad but was still standing there wishing I would change my mind, but I wasn't, I bid her goodbye and walked on a different part without hesitation.

"Wait, Zucha!!!" she shouted running in my direction, I was still walking slowly without standing still to wait, she tried to keep up the pace for a moment, but then fell without my knowledge.

I wasn't ready for any girl to use me like a pimp or something, I was too intelligent for that, my brother always tells me that when you fall in love with a girl you become a button for them without you having a decision for yourself.

"Why are you so mean to me" she yelled out, sitting on the floor with her scratching leg and her books all out from her bag, scattered around the pedestrian lain.

I felt remorseful at the sound of her voice and walked back to assist her.

"Please, Zina I don't want to be caught up in the middle of any situation, just go home and tell your brother that" Just as I was talking to her, I helped her gather her books into her bag while she tries lifting herself and dusting the sand from off her feet.

"Please, we made a bet and if I don't fulfill it, I will get punished for it, please, Zucha, you need to help me"

She was sobered at that point and neither was I, I couldn't help picturing her with Junior earlier today, smushing and kissing in my presence while she invites me to her home without any respect on my part.

I hissed for a bit "Even if I want to come, it won't be today, you go home and tell him that" Just there I left her without any going back at my words.

Am not pin porn for some dude who is way older than me, if he wants to see me, he can come to visit or better still make a clear invitation without any sacrifice or what is attached to it, pondering over such as I walk home.

The night was still very young but I decided to stay at home that day, not taking any photo shoot of the natural, just lying down on my bed retrospecting all I said to Zina and what would be going through her brain, I left my friends at school without a pre-knowledge of where I was heading to and they never bothered to check up on me.

"Hmmm, that's strange of them not to" I was a little bit worried that my friends are not around, I strolled downstairs to ask my mom if they came and left but her answer was negative.

"That's strange of them" I whispered to myself, closing the room door, quickly I dialed Richard's number but he wasn't taking his call then I went on to call out Derrick.

At first, I heard some sound of music in the background playing, like a video game of some sort.

"Zucha!! Are you back from the library" Derrick screamed out loud.

"what's going on, where are you, are you okay?" all these questions popped out immediately

"Am sorry, am in Zina's house with Junior playing a game. Richard is here with me too"

"What!!!" I shouted from the phone without hesitation, how is that possible, I froze up in shock

"Hello, you know, you are missing out on the newest play station four and it is lit" a voice which I presumed was Zaiah's he sounded so drunk and happy, I guess.

"What are you up to "I spoke with much curiosity on the phone, but I was late, and he had hanged up on me.

I rolled myself on the bed wondering how he was able to invite my friends over considering how Zina tried to invite me today, what's he up to?

"Why me" That came out loud and now my friends are already involved.

"Should I go over to his house? Or"

My mind was unstable as I pictured the environment and what must have gone down in my absence.