
Ensnared In A Vampire's Embrace

{WARNING MATURED CONTENT. R18+} "You're following me again," she whispered, her voice trembling with a mix of emotions. From the depths of the shadows, a mysterious figure emerged, his long coat billowing dramatically. His eyes, crimson as blood, seemed to penetrate her soul. He advanced slowly, his voice a seductive murmur in the frigid air. "You really do spoil the fun. How do you always sense my presence?" he purred, his breath visible in the cold atmosphere. Isolde, her fists clenched and lips quivering, confronted him, her anger palpable. "How many times have I told you to stay away from me?" she demanded. The mysterious figure drew closer, his gloved fingers encircling her waist, his touch as cold as the winter night. With a graceful tilt of her chin using his slender fingers, he whispered, "I've told you before, I can never leave your side, for we are bound together for eternity." ••• I hope you all will enjoy this one. Discord: Kuchi_G #4215 You can contact me if you have any questions about the story. Happy reading ಠ‿ಠ.

Kuchi_G_ · Fantasía
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89 Chs

Use Of The Commander.

As Willow and Casper attended to the needs of the feline creature, Isolde addressed Rowan with a gentle yet firm tone, "Let Casper have the creature. I understand your concerns, especially since he is the youngest, but we should let him do what he wants. After all, as Willow mentioned, it's harmless."

Rowan let out a deep sigh, clearly torn by the decision. With a resigned nod, he muttered, "Alright," and turned, making his way back into the welcoming embrace of the café's interior.

Corwin, ever the observant soul, couldn't help but inquire, "Aren't you going to stay with us?"

Isolde met Corwin's gaze and replied with a hint of mystery in her voice, "Oh, didn't I mention? I have some unfinished business to attend to."

"Ah, yes, you did mention that," Corwin acknowledged with a nod. He turned his attention toward the café's entrance as Isolde made her way to her awaiting carriage. "Alright then, take care, and we'll see you tomorrow," he called out as she departed.

Meanwhile, as Corwin entered the café, a delightful quandary unfolded before them. Willow, her curiosity piqued, posed a question to Casper as they both gazed upon the feline creature nestled comfortably in Casper's caring arms. "What should we name it?"

Casper's eyes, full of adoration for the creature, widened with sudden inspiration. "Oh," he exclaimed, "I can name it after my favorite people."

Innocently, the feline creature gazed up at Casper as if awaiting its fate. Willow's smile widened slightly, intrigued. "Alright," she said, humor dancing in her eyes, "who are your favorite people?"

Casper closed his eyes, deep in contemplation. After a thoughtful pause, he finally responded, his voice laced with sincerity, "You're all my favorite people, but I like Willow and Rowan more."

The synchronized exclamation of "eh!" from both Willow and Rowan was accompanied by faces flushed with surprise. Corwin and Meadow, amused by the unfolding scene, shared a knowing chuckle.

Corwin, allowing himself a brief moment of introspection, mused, 'Well, it's no surprise, really. Rowan, Willow, and Casper, they've always been inseparable.'

Willow couldn't help but murmur, "That's too sudden!"

Rowan, still blushing, chimed in, "Yeah, you can't just say things like that, Casper."

The feline creature, seemingly unperturbed by the playful banter, let out a contented yawn and stretched lazily. It then turned its head, nuzzling affectionately against Casper's arm. Casper's smile radiated happiness, while Willow and Rowan attempted to conceal their own blushing faces.

Casper's eyes lit up with delight as he declared, "I will call it Willan."

Willow couldn't help but respond with warmth, "That's cute," as she gently patted the feline's head. She then turned her gaze toward Rowan, who was still rosy-cheeked, and inquired, "What do you think?"

Rowan cleared his throat, his voice laced with fondness, "Oh, definitely. I love the name Willan," he admitted, his blush persisting.

Casper beamed with joy and posed a final query, "So does everyone agree on the name Willan?"

In unison, they all nodded their approval, and Willan, the feline companion, meowed contentedly. Laughter echoed through the café as they reveled in the shared joy, and Willan, in particular, seemed to relish the camaraderie.

With unabated affection, Willan continued to nuzzle against Casper's arm, eliciting bright smiles from both Willow and Rowan.


The twilight's silver hues cast a cool glow upon the estate as Isolde made her way into the Manor . Her countenance bore a satisfied smile, and her heart brimmed with newfound determination, a potent force guiding her every step. The echo of her footfalls reverberated through the cavernous halls as she ascended the grand staircase, each rhythmic clack of her heels harmonizing with the rhythm of her resolute spirit.

Upon reaching the pinnacle of the staircase, Isolde's discerning eyes discerned the approach of Sir Reynold, advancing gracefully from the far end of the hall. With the grace of a seasoned knight, he bowed respectfully and inquired, "Have you just returned, Lady Isolde?"

A gracious smile played upon Isolde's lips as she replied, "Indeed, Sir Reynold, I have."

The concern etched into Sir Reynold's features couldn't be concealed as he asked, "And have the children taken kindly to their new abode?"

Isolde's smile remained as warm as the hearth's embrace as she affirmed, "Yes, Sir Reynold, they have adapted splendidly to their new home."

Isolde's gaze then shifted, her eyes glinting with purpose, as she inquired further, "Is Lady Adrith still awake? I wish to have a word with her."

Sir Reynold's visage betrayed a fleeting shadow of apprehension, but his voice resonated with unwavering resolve as he responded, "Certainly, Lady Isolde. Lady Adrith can be found in her bedroom."

With gratitude in her heart, Isolde accepted his assurance and proceeded with purpose toward Adrith's bedroom. The door, ajar by a fraction, beckoned her entry, and she pushed it gently, allowing it to swing open and reveal Adrith seated within.

"May I come in?" Isolde inquired, her tone laced with politeness, her presence commanding yet gracious.

Adrith, startled by Isolde's arrival, shifted her gaze from the newspapers that had held her attention. A flicker of surprise passed over Adrith's countenance before she nodded in consent. "Oh, yes, please do," she responded.

As Isolde entered the room, the door gently clicked shut behind her, enveloping the two women in a cocoon of privacy. She approached Adrith, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange of understanding.

Isolde couldn't help but glance at the newspapers in Adrith's hands, where headlines of rampant vampire activity caught her eye. "The vampires continue to be a menace," Isolde remarked, her voice a gentle reflection of her concern.

Adrith, weariness evident in her gaze, nodded in agreement. "Indeed," she conceded softly, "and I find myself at a loss as to how to address this ongoing threat."

Isolde's curiosity, like a torch in the darkness, couldn't be extinguished. She posed a question, her words chosen with care, "May I ask you something, Adrith?"

Adrith's gaze held a moment of hesitation, as if grappling with the decision to share her innermost thoughts. Eventually, she spoke, her voice carrying the weight of her inner turmoil, "Of course, Isolde. Ask what you will."

With measured words, Isolde delved into her inquiry, "Why did you choose to join Sacred Hall VIII, Adrith?"

Adrith's response hung in the air, marked by a hint of reluctance. "They promised me the power to confront and vanquish vampires," she confessed, her admission punctuated by the gravity of the situation. "They tasked me with seeking you out and bringing you into their fold."

Isolde's reaction was swift and uncompromising. "Lies!" she declared vehemently, her eyes blazing with intensity. "You sought that power for yourself, Adrith. You understood the implications when you joined, and you acted without hesitation. You embraced a path fraught with moral dilemmas. What kind of Duchess are you if you cannot safeguard your domain and people?"

Adrith sighed, her gaze shifting downward as her hands clasped in her lap. Her admission held a note of surrender. "You are right, Isolde," she confessed, her voice resigned, "I cannot dispute your words."

Isolde blinked in momentary bewilderment, trying to process Adrith's unexpected response. After a pause, she reiterated, "I don't care," her words laced with conviction. "I have another question for you. Why were they worshipping a vampire as their god?"

Adrith let out another weary sigh, her fingers brushing through her disheveled hair. She responded with a sense of exhaustion, "I don't know, Isolde. Only the priest was permitted to commune with the 'great lord' they revered."

Isolde's frustration simmered beneath the surface as she pressed further, her tone edged with impatience, "Are there other Sacred Halls like the one you joined?"

Adrith hesitated, the weight of her knowledge apparent in her eyes. Eventually, she relented with a resigned tone, "No."

Isolde's mind churned with the implications. 'If this one is labeled VIII, it implies the existence of others,' she pondered, opting not to voice her thoughts aloud.

With a decisive resolve, Isolde made her intentions clear. "I require the use of The Commander," she stated.

Adrith's gaze met Isolde's, and she offered a counterproposal, "Why not request the services of my entire battalion?"

Isolde's response was swift and direct, "Because your soldiers are of no use to me. I require only The Commander. Fetch him for me."