
Enrico Pucci's New Chapter (Reboot)

(Reboot): A more polished version and it's way before Team RWBY were ever born I did not get permission to use the art, feel free to ask me to remove it if you are the original artist. Got it from reddit. Artist:DOM —_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_—_— After his defeat, Enrico is now stranded but not all hope is lost as he still has Made In Heaven. Oh and he encounters a girl with silver eyes.

Smebius · Cómic
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14 Chs

Chapter 1 (Reboot)

(A/N): A reboot story. Everything about Made In Heaven's power you will see is just my interpretation of it as it was not fully explored.

Share your thoughts.


'Where am I...?'

A man wearing a priest clothing with a huge cross motif on the front. He is a dark-skinned man of an above-average height and fit build, depending on how you look at him maybe even slim. He has a very short white hair with shaved lines forming two elongated hexagons of hair between his scalp and his temples, each joining the corresponding eyebrow with a zig-zagging strand of hair.

Now unlike others who had died, their souls either go to heaven or hell and maybe even limbo. The realm between that Limbo, the border between Heaven and Hell. He however was neither in Heaven or Hell or even the Limbo realm.

No... he is in a forest. The lush green forest with birds chirping and insects making their respective noises. The ground filled with grasses blended with patches of dirt and the roots of the trees.

Still confused of where he was. He blinks his eyes to get his vision adjusted and then lifted his right hand Infront of his face to cover his eyes from the sun that was shining brilliantly.

'Joestar... Green Dolphin Prison... Weather report... Cujoh Jolyne... Stands... Dio... Gravity... Fate... Heaven...' His face looked very serene as if he had been reborn or he has accepted something.

'I see... I was defeated by Emporio... What Dio and I fought for... reaching heaven... All gone to waste. Nothing changed as all of the things Dio and I have gone through destroyed by a mere child...'

For the first time he had awaken in the forest he finally spoke. "I suppose it was not meant to be..." He sighs softly before closing his eyes for but a brief moment before opening it again.

'I was lost because I was fated to be defeated by them and I knew that very well... I had only sped up that process as soon as I was lured into that room.' He then scoffed at himself as he shakes head.

'To think he used the power Made in Heaven bestowed upon all of every living being against me. The power of omniscient... Well played Emporio. I applaud you for your quick thinking.'

The power that Made in Heaven bestowed upon every single living organisms in the universe was to know how everything that will happen, their future, their fateful encounter, their death and major events that will happen in the future even if it was a thousand years into the future. It was omniscient but he was not affected by Made in Heaven's power, therefore not knowing he was already fated to be defeated in that room.

An emotion then suddenly surfaced on his face but it was not that of a scorn nor sadness or even anger towards Emporio, he was smiling... It was not the smile of defeat nor the smile of regret. It was the smile of acceptance, he had already accepted that he had been defeated by Emporio who had the help of 'fate'. He Enrico Pucci, had accepted how everything turned out to be.

'Now that I have sort myself out it's time to find out where am I.'

Enrico then sat up. He did not felt discomfort when he layed on the grassy ground. Enrico then decided to check on the damages that he had received from the Joestars and their allies.


He his body was brought back to it's peak conditions. He did not even feel the fatigue from the stamina he had used in their final fight. But for some reason the scar on the right side of his eyes that was given by Jolyne when she threw a knife to his face was still there. It did not hindered him in a way or form.

He was confused. Why... out of every injury he had received. Why was the scar given to him by Jolyne did not heal. Maybe it a higher being was at played. Maybe God decided that he should be punished and left him that scar as a reminder.

A reminder that if he were to walk on the very same path again. He would be defeated once more by an enemy that has the same view as the Joestars and their allies. But it also reminded him to not be conceited in battles when he had reached Heaven.

He traces his finger on the scar. He had wondered why he felt something was missing. He was officially blind on his right eye. Although it does not hinder his movement, it would take sometime before he could get use to it.

Enrico sighs as he got up from the ground and then dusting off some of the dirt that had stuck onto him when he was still laying on the dirt ground.

He looks at his hands and clenches it before muttering something "Made In Heaven..." boom almost immediately a humanoid entity appears behind him which was a small, thin, masculine humanoid fused at its waist to the front end of a horse and a large cable, forming a clean arch, joins the humanoid half between its shoulder blades to the truncated posterior of the horse. The horse wore blinders and reins, held in the hands of the humanoid half, which wears a collar of long feathers. It wears a crown of thorny vines, perhaps mirroring Pucci's devotion to Jesus.

It's head was slightly elongated, with a smooth, black surface; embedded with a large clock face in the region of its eyes and nose, with its mouth on its jaw as a piece with the majority of its light or white body.

It has large speedometers also embedded in its body at the side of the joint of the horse's legs and the horse's forehead, with smaller ones on side of the humanoids' shoulders, its forearms, and the back of its hands, and on the horse's blinders.

'So not all was lost.' Enrico hums to himself as he glances at his stand Made in Heaven.

The stand was already so powerful yet it was barely developed. It's powers still unexplored even to him. He has the ability of manipulating the gravitational force and he can move the very universe itself to his will. Just like resetting the universe. He could move the universe to the speed of infinity, who says he couldn't move planets out of orbits or even make stars collide one another. He could even probably make meteors fall down from the sky just by making himself the center of gravity. The possibilities are endless. His power could cause major destruction.

Made In Heaven could move at the speed of infinity if it accelerated time, but even then it was already fast. It's speed could probably rival even star platinum's punches at it's base speed.

Enrico kept his stand summoned as he wasn't sure what kind of dangers he could face in the forest. He wasn't sure which direction he should walk to, but something tells him he should walk to the right.

And unsurprisingly he did. He didn't know why but it was probably one of Made In Heaven's ability. The power to feel the attraction of fate because Made In Heaven was born from his desires and beliefs. He believes that Gravity and Fate are intertwined just as Space and Time are.

(10 Minutes Later)

After 10 minutes of walking. Enrico encountered nothing but trees and occasionally birds or insects. But he could feel it, he was attracted to it. The longer he walked, the closer he felt to it and the stronger his connection was to it.

As he walked and walked, he finally found someone, but not the one he would expected, no. Who he found was a little black-haired girl with a hint of red colour around the edges of her hair and her eyes were coloured silver. She wore a simple red and black dress with white outlines. She was also wearing a white cape.

What baffled Enrico even more was that she looks no more than 7 years old. She was crying because of her sprained ankle.

Who was she? Why is she here alone? Where are her parents? Was she someone like the Joestars? Those questions popped up inside of Enrico's head as he looks at the girl crying and sniffling. She looks like she was holding the pain in, putting up a brave image.

As Enrico carefully looks at the girl, he saw a little fledgling beside her. He assumes that the bird must have fallen out of it's nest and the girl tried getting it back onto it's nest by climbing up the tree.

Safe to say that she failed but the good thing was the baby bird was unharmed.

Looking around, Enrico saw no one was there to help her. So he decided that he would because that girl could lead him to civilization.

As Enrico walks closer to the girl. She turns her head towards Enrico and flinches. To her he was a scary man with a huge scar on his right eye.

"W-wh-who are you?" She asks nervously as a she gulps.

"Don't be afraid child. I was simply passing by and saw that you were hurt. I approached you because you needed help." He smiles at her gently.

It didn't help that the scar on Enrico's face made her back away a bit, her instincts tells her that he was not a simple man yet it tells her she could trust him. Her a defenseless 7 year old kid in the middle of the forest.

Enrico slowly approaches her and knelt down Infront of her. She couldn't see his stand that was behind him as she was not a stand user or had unlock her aura.

"May I?" Enrico asks her politely so that he could inspect her injury.

She nods as she was hurt and it didn't help that nobody she knew was around. Her parents did taught her that never talk to a stranger or accept gifts from them. Yet this man was different, something about him feels different...

Enrico with her permission inspects the injury on her left ankle. Feeling the awkwardness of the silence between them Enrico decided to ask for her name.

"May I know your name young girl." Still giving her that warm and gentle smile. It was so unlike him to treat others like this, treating someone else with compassion...

"Umm... A-aa... My n-name is Summer Rose. Wh-what about you mister?" Summer gave him her name and then she mustered up what little courage she has to ask for his.

"Summer... what beautiful name." He chuckles lightly before giving his name. "My name is Enrico Pucci and as you can see from my outfit, I am a priest. And by the looks of it, you climbed up a tree to get this little guy beside you back to his nest, but you fell didn't you?" Still having that gentle and warm smile.

Embarrassed from her failure, Summers face became red as a tomato as she tried to hid her face with her hoodie. But she also slowly let her guard down as she could tell he was just trying to help her.

"Y-yeah... I-i heard a chirping in the forest and s-so I curiously followed the ch-chirping..." Summer said stuttering in her sentences. It didn't help the fact that when she tried to help the little fellow, she got injured in the process and still failed.

Enrico chuckles lightly before he applaud her trying to help a helpless baby bird. "That's very kind and brave of you trying to help it. Looking at your ankle here, looks like you got yourself a pretty bad one."

She embarrassingly scratches the back of her head and laughs awkwardly "Hehehe... I kinda messed up?"

"And that you did Summer. Now let me get this little bird back to it's nest before helping you." Enrico did as he said as he slowly puts the fledgling back onto it's nest.

"Thanks Mister Enrico." She said with a bright smile, something that reminded Enrico of her long dead sister.

"Your very much welcome Summer. Now let's wrap your ankle with my napkin and a stick for the time being." The handkerchief was the very same one Enrico had use to stopped the bleeding on his hand when Dio's bone passed through it.

When Enrico was finally done wrapping the handkerchief and stick together at Summer's ankle. She could finally walk, albeit still struggling. Seeing this Enrico had no other choice but to give her a piggy back ride.

"Now where is your home Summer? You can't walk in a condition like this."

"I'm the captain and you're my ship, so it is that way! Hard starboard! Or was it port..." She points to the left while looking unsure.

"It's port. Now then, let us go captain!" Enrico having a smile plastered on his face. There was no enemies here, he was already killed. He has already been from his burden.

To him, it's okay to let loose once awhile. And he didn't mind entertaining the innocent child because she had done nothing wrong to him. She wasn't one of his enemies like Emporio.

If she was his enemy, he wouldn't even hesitate to kill her. But now it's different, he had already failed his goal in life. Maybe it was time for him to start anew, maybe it was time for him to move on in his life.

He had come to this conclusion because not all of his hard work had been destroyed. No, Made In Heaven was still with him and he could say that he was still partially successful in reaching heaven.

For the first time in his life, he had never been so free from all of that burden. His shoulders felt light as a feather, gravity wasn't weighing down on him and gravity... brought him to this girl.

★To be continued★