
ENIGMATIC DESIRES (Echoes of Reconciliation)

In the aftermath of a school shooting, Zoe takes a bullet intended for Alex, reigniting his dormant feelings for her. After a month-long coma, Zoe awakens to Alex's confession and the truth about their past. Betrayed by her supposed best friend, Alice, and manipulated by Peter, Alex's revelation paves the way for reconciliation and a second chance at love amidst the chaos of tragedy.

AmourArtiste · Real
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10 Chs


In horror, I watch as Zoe takes the bullet meant for me, her body jerking backward with the impact. Time slows to a crawl as she stumbles, her feet slipping on the freshly mopped floor, and her head smacks against the unforgiving tiles with a sickening thud. Guilt claws at my insides, a heavy weight pressing down on my chest like a suffocating blanket. She's like this because of me. She wanted to save me, to protect me, and now she's the one paying the price.

For a fleeting moment, I'm frozen in place, unable to move or comprehend the magnitude of what just happened. But then reality crashes back in, sharp and unforgiving. I tear my gaze away from Zoe's prone form and see the chaos unfolding around us. Cops rush in, shouting commands and apprehending the shooter.

With a surge of adrenaline, I drop to my knees beside Zoe, my hands trembling as I fumble to remove my shirt. I press it against her shoulder wound, desperately trying to stem the flow of blood. My hands tremble as I reach out to touch Zoe, and that's when I feel the warm stickiness on her head. Panic surges through me as I see the blood, my heart pounding in my chest with a new wave of dread. She's bleeding from her head too.

Frantically, I turned to Aria, my voice strained with urgency. "Aria, please, get another cloth from nearby! We need to apply pressure to the wound on her head too," I implore, my words rushing out in a frantic stream.

Aria nods, her own hands shaking as she scrambles to do as I've asked. With trembling fingers, she retrieves another cloth, her movements quick and precise as she joins me in tending to Zoe's injuries.

Together, we apply pressure to both wounds, our hearts heavy with the weight of what's transpired. Each touch is a stark reminder of the pain Zoe is enduring because of me, and it fuels my determination to do everything

Each touch is a reminder of the pain she's enduring because of me, and it only fuels my determination to protect her, to make things right somehow.

"I'm so sorry, Zoe," I whisper, my voice choked with emotion. Tears blur my vision as I fight to hold back the overwhelming flood of guilt and fear threatening to consume me. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, one thing remains clear—I'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe, to make amends for the role I played in this nightmare.

Zoe's friends rush towards us as the chaos unfolds, and I cling to her, desperately urging her to wake up.

"Zoe, please wake up. I can't bear to see you like this," I plead, my heart breaking at the sight of her motionless form. Her friends join in the desperate attempts to revive her, their frantic cries filling the air.

"Yash, check her pulse now!" I command, the urgency in my voice betraying my fear. When Yash confirms she has no pulse, panic sets in. We leap into action, calling for an ambulance and starting CPR.

As I press my trembling hands against her chest, desperation claws at my heart. Each beat missed feels like an eternity, each moment without her, an eternity of agony. "Come back to us," I plead, my voice cracking with emotion, tears blurring my vision.

In that harrowing silence, I make a vow to defy fate itself. "Fuck the medics," I mutter through gritted teeth, a surge of determination coursing through my veins. I refuse to let her slip away, not when her pulse flutters beneath my touch, a fragile spark of hope in the darkness.

Scooping her fragile form into my arms, I ignore the protests of reason. All that matters is her, her life hanging in the balance between this world and the next.

Gently cradling her in my arms, I carry her downstairs, her friends rushing ahead to find transportation. A car stops, offering to take us to the hospital, and we pile in, the driver speeding towards help.

Cupping her face in my hands, I whisper through tears, "Zoe, please wake up. I'm sorry for everything. I love you so much." I continue to apply pressure to her wound, willing her to come back to us.

"Zoe, it's going to be alright," Leah reassures her through tears. Suddenly, Zoe clasps Leah's hand, a glimmer of hope amidst the despair.

"Zoe, wake up!" I cry, my voice filled with desperation. "Don't leave us, we need you." Aria says, "watch your words, Aria, She will not leave us. She stays here," I commanded firmly, asserting my possessiveness and determination as Zoe's fate hangs in the balance. Together, we cling to the belief that she'll pull through, refusing to give up hope.

Zoe's hand clasped tightly in mine feels fragile, her grip weakening with each passing moment. I stroke her hair gently, trying to offer some semblance of comfort amidst the chaos surrounding us. My other hand presses down firmly on her wound, the warmth of her blood seeping through my fingers. She's fighting, I can feel it, but the fear gnaws at me like a relentless predator.

"We're here," the driver announces, pulling me back from the whirlwind of panic. I give a quick nod, my eyes still glued to Zoe's pale face. It's only been a few minutes, the hospital just a stone's throw away. Leah rushes to open the door, and I carry Zoe inside, my steps purposeful, and determined.

As we arrive in the ER, I'm filled with a sense of urgency, a desperate need to get her the help she needs.

"Someone, please, help her!" My voice rings out, a plea laced with desperation and fear. The nurse rushes to our side, bringing a stretcher as the doctors begin their examination. I lay Zoe down gently, still keeping pressure on her wound, my eyes locking with the medical staff's in silent supplication.

But as we're ushered into the operating room, I'm stopped at the door. "You can't come in here," the nurse informs me gently, her words a cruel blow to my already fragile heart. I step back, my shoulders sagging in defeat as the doors close behind us, separating me from Zoe.