
Embrace the dawn of II

While Isshinna went outside, he had a black coat on him. As he started to hug himself and whisper to his own thoughts, "The reason why I wear a black coat from Mr. Arthur was because I was cold. I thought I could handle the coldness of this weather, but it was unbearable." Isshinna was almost dying from the cold, as Arthur opened the door in shock and brought Isshinna back inside. Shinsuke started to breathe out cold air and said, "Good grief, Sir Arthur already told you that you need a coat." Arthur replied, "Yeah, you need a coat. You don't have to be a big talker... that's all." Isshinna whispered while being on the ground, feeling the coldness, "Okay, I will take a coat." Arthur went to his room and entered his closet to find a coat. When he did, he found a black coat that fit his size. Arthur walked out and threw it at Isshinna, saying, "Put that on." Isshinna truly did.

When Isshinna was outside, walking on the snow, he whispered to himself, "I should go to a nearby large city... somewhere. Even if I try, it's kind of hard for me to find a city. I'm so bad at directions!" But as he kept walking and walking for minutes, he suddenly felt something weird and heard a nearby howl. Isshinna turned around in shock and said, "What the..." As he kept hearing the howling, it started to get louder and louder. He started to run forward as he whispered to himself, "It has to be Farias wolves... wait, what's his name again?" While he was walking without paying attention, he tripped and fell on his face. He got up slowly, turned around, and said, "For the love of time... why does something have to be in my way?" He quickly got back on his feet and kept running. However, his head started to bother him, and he felt a ton of pain. He slowly screamed while holding onto his head and whispered to himself, "Why does this keep happening? Feeling cold, hearing a damn howl from a wolf, and now a headache... days like this keep getting tougher." The pain in his head took him to a dark place, and something started to flow up, purple fire like a small torch. As he saw that through his thoughts, it blinked out. He shook his head and kept running and running.

As he ran, two wolves appeared right in front of him. Isshinna stopped and noticed that the wolves were big, covered in white fur, and had red eyes. He lifted both hands, clenched his fists with a serious expression, and said, "So you guys want to pick a fight, just when someone mentioned your species just 34 minutes ago..."

One Faria Wolf came down from a small hill and whispered to him, "We are just hungry. We came to this area and ate two humans." Isshinna's mind filled with shock, and he asked, "Wait, what two humans? Who are those two humans?" His thoughts raced, "I didn't know Faria wolves could talk and understand our language... but what does he mean by two humans?"

The second Faria wolf descended with the other one, and Isshinna backed up slightly. The second wolf said, "We ate those two humans who were in the Cabin House." Isshinna was shocked and started to breathe heavily. He said, "Did you guys kill Mr. Shinsuke and Mr. Arthur?" The Faria wolf whispered, "I don't know those humans' names, but we ate them, and we're not fully satisfied. We need more humans to devour." The second Faria wolf said, "Die."

Isshinna looked down, whispered, "Times like this become so cruel in just a few moments," and grabbed onto the black coat. Slowly looking up, he said to the two Faria wolves, "I am going to die by you two." The two wolves smirked and said, "Of course. We came here to erase the humans from our stomachs."

Isshinna started to run as fast as he could, and the two Faria wolves were shocked. One wolf thought, "Does this human think he can outrun both of us? Foolish." In the blink of an eye, one Faria wolf appeared in front of Isshinna, and the other appeared right behind him. Isshinna felt the headache returning and thought, "Why does this have to happen to me? It's so one-sided, so unfair." The dark place in his thoughts grew, and the purple flame increased massively. One Faria wolf unleashed an ice magic attack, aiming to blow Isshinna's head off, and the second wolf did the same. But when the attacks collided, a huge smoke cloud covered the area.

The two Faria wolves stepped back and smirked, thinking they could now eat Isshinna. However, when the smoke cleared, they realized that their ice magic attacks had been stopped and hadn't even touched Isshinna. The ice magic attacks still existed right beside Isshinna but were being held in place. Isshinna looked up and said, "I am truly awakened." The two ice magic attacks disintegrated into atoms without Isshinna doing anything. The Faria wolves ran towards Isshinna, but as they approached, one of them exclaimed, "Impossible!" Isshinna's voice made the wind quiet, and he said, "Die." Instantly, the two Faria wolves collapsed to the ground without any visible injuries.

Isshinna walked up to them and touched the pulse of one Faria wolf. He realized it was already dead and turned his head towards the other wolf, saying, "That one is probably dead as well." Isshinna fell to the floor, breathing out in relief, and said, "I killed two Faria wolves just by saying a word." He looked at the snowy sky and said, "May you all rest in peace." He got up and walked away from the scene.

As Isshinna continued walking, he remained unharmed, wearing a full black coat and black jeans. He kept walking further, lost in his own thoughts, and said to himself, "Let's go. I have taken a life, but it doesn't feel entirely satisfying. I never knew I could use some kind of magic to kill those two beasts. And since I killed them, does that mean I have avenged Mr. Shinsuke and Arthur?"

While he walked, his gaze was lowered. However, when he looked up, he noticed a large city in the distance, just outside the snowy forest. The sight caught his attention, and he exclaimed, "A city! Finally, a city! This is truly awesome once again..."