
The Green Act

The taxi arrived at the Hotel 'Sea-View' and the children couldn't contain their excitement. After checking-in, they requested their parents to go down to the beach without delay. They had come all the way from small-hill station to visit the Nicobar Icelands. Ever since their father had announced this location trip, they had been anxiously waiting for the day.

' I can't wait to be there,' Neha had said excitedly while looking at the picture of the Icelands. '

'It's only a matter of a few hours and soon we'll be there,' had said her brother, Sachin, softly who was three years old then her.

Holding hands, they run Straight towards the vast expanse of blue Water. Their parents trailed behind them slowly.

'Be careful and stay away from the deep water,' shouted their mother. One closer to the beach, Neha and Sachin stopped short.

What a filthy place! said a disappointed Neha. 'Who throws these cans, plastic bottles, estables?' She pointed to the trash being tossed to and fro by the Waves.

'Oh! my God, it's awfull! How can someone spoil such a beautiful place?'

Neha looked around and saw people enjoying themselves. They were least bothered by the dirty surroundings. She actually saw some tourists as well as the local people adding to the already littered place.

With a heavy heart, they entered the water and soon forgot about the surroundings. Four hours they enjoyed themselves. It was search fun riding on the waves, collecting shells, throwing water at each Other. Back in their hotel room, Sachin said to Neha, 'Something should be done about the surroundings.


'It also affects the marine life.'

'But what can we do?'

'I have a plan,' Sachin wishpered in Neha's ear. Her eyes grew round. 'That's nice, but will it work?'

'We can always give it a try,' replied a very enthusiastic Sachin.

Neha and Sachin went out in the evening for shopping. They returned with their hands full of strange things. The entire evening was spent in the room and with the permission of their parents they had a quite dinner in the room itself.

They shared their plan with the hotel-manager and early in the morning, many big, red dustbin were placed on the beach. Bright green painted placards were planted near the vendors, requesting people to keep the beach clean. Neha and Sachin started picking up to throw-away bottles, cans, food wrappers and other things from the beach. This encourages the hotel-staff and they also joined the children, who were on a cleaning mission.

Their parents were surprised to see Neha and Sachin wearing a sash each with a bold writing in green. It said - 'Keep the Beach clean.'

'Hmm... the beach definitely looks cleaner!' said the proud mother hugging both are green heroes.

I'd also like to wear a sash to be a member of your green brigade,' said their father. I'm, really proud to have such wonderful children.'

Let's present this sashes to the people over here and request them to wear them,' suggested Neha and ran towards the crowded area. The tourists felt ashamed and promised these little children to maintain cleanliness in future.

But for Neha and Sachin more was needed to be done. They had more plans back home. They had to e-mail their friends about their achievement.

'We need members to join our Green Club on Facebook,' winked an overjoyed Sachin.