

3rd person's POV

“Son, are you sure of this “. Jude's mom asked when Jude was about leaving the house.

“Yes Mom, I have thought about this and I think this is the right thing to do “.he spoke calmly, but his mother could notice he was hurt.

“You are hurting yourself”.his mom went to him and held his hand.

“Yes Mom, I'm hurt, but I prefer to get hurt than see her getting hurt “.he spoke firmly.

“Son”.his mom called out 

“No mom, let me do this “.he kissed his mom on the cheek and left the house.

Today, he was going to make a decision he knows that will hurt him for years.

He felt tears threatening to fall down his eyes as he drove to Olivia's place, but he held them back.

 Few minutes he was at Olivia's door. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before knocking on the door.

“You did not tell me you were coming”. Olivia said those words when she opened the door for him .he felt his heart clench the moment he saw her smile, a smile he desires to see every day of his life.

He smiled at her and went to the sitting room but refused to sit.

“Is everything alright”. Olivia asked when she noticed his mood.

“Yeah, I just want to have a talk with you “. Jude spoke slowly.

“What is it “. Olivia asked while staring at him.

Jude stared at Olivia for a while before gaining the courage to say what he wants to say.

“I'm breaking off the marriage”.he spoke calmly,

“Why “. Olivia asked,

“Because you belong to someone else “.he couldn't deny how he felt when he said those words.

“Why are you saying this “. Olivia asked, almost in tears.

“I don't want to hurt you in future”.he whispered.

Olivia moved close to him and took his hand, 

“You can never hurt me “.she pleaded.

“No, oli, you don't understand.

“Then make me understand”.she yelled in tears.

Jude hissed and ran his fingers in his hair before he took hold of her and stared directly at her,

“I know you love me oli, but what I do know is that you can never love anyone more than you love Tony .you are getting married to me because you feel that Tony should also feel what you felt .but what happens after years of our marriage Oli. He strokes her hair gently and kissed her cheek, 

“You might start regretting why you got married to me, and I don't want that “.

“I will never regret getting married to you “. Olivia plead.

“Of course, I will never make you regret getting married to me, but I know you will never be happy with me. so, I'm letting you go now that it isn't late”.

“No”. Olivia yelled.

Jude hissed and stroke her hair.

“If you can't do it for yourself, then think about this baby in your womb, he needs his family, and he needs his father.

“I know you will make a good father”. Olivia spoke up, 

He chuckled softly and hug her to himself.

“I love you Oli, I fucking do, that's why I am letting you go “.he spoke almost in tears.

“If it hurting you then don't do it “.she pleaded, 

He released her from his hug and smiled at her.

“I'm fine oli, and I know you are in goods hand because I know Tony really loves you “.

“Jude”. Olivia called out.

“It's okay oli, I hope you will be happy “.

“Bye oli”.they stared at his each for a while before Olivia rushed and hug him so tight that he felt his heart pounding.

“You can do this, Jude, you can”. Jude whispered to himself.

“Thank you for everything”. Olivia told him and release the hug .he smiled at her and kissed her forehead before leaving her apartment.

After he left her apartment, Olivia couldn't help but became restless. She took her car keys and left her apartment.

A few minutes she was in Tony's house.

“Olivia, is that you “.one of the security screams when he saw her .she smiled at him and made her way inside the house. The house was just as she last saw it five years ago.

She got to the door, and it opened for her.

“Olivia “. Mr. Luciano was shock when he saw Olivia in the sitting room.

“Good day sir “.she greeted. He stood up from the couch and hug her.

“Is Tony in”.she asked, 

“Yes, he has been in his room for days”

“Can I go in “.she asked.

He chuckled softly and Stoke her hair, 

“You know this is your home.

“Thank you”.she smiled at him and made her way to Tony's room.

She was almost getting to his room when she met his mom.

Without a word, she quickly hugged Olivia.

“I'm sorry, oli”.she spoke sincerely.

“It's okay ma'am”. Olivia smiled at her.

“Let's talk when you are done with Tony”. Olivia nods her head and made her way to Tony's room.

She got to Tony's room and knocked on it, but she got no response. she did the second time before she heard his deep, rough voice.

“I've told you guys to stay the fuck away from me “. Tony shouted in anger.

She hissed before speaking up, 

“Open the door Tony, it's me”.

The moment he heard those voice, he quickly rush to his door and opened it, praying he wasn't going mad.

He opens the door and saw that it was real, Olivia was standing by the door with a smile on her face.

“Hey Tony”.he did not let the word finish from her mouth before he pulled her to himself and hugged her tightly.

Olivia chuckled at his behavior and walked inside the room. When she got to the room, she saw the room scattered and bottles of whiskey on the floor.

She hissed and sat on the bed, 

“You've been drinking”.she spoke angrily, but he ignored her words and sat beside her.

“You are here, oli”.he spoke happily.

“Yes, am here “.she spoke slowly.

He was so happy to see her, she been here means only one thing, and that is that she has finally come to be with him.

“I know you love me just like I love you “.he kissed her cheek and went for her lips, but she moves away.

“We need to talk “.she spoke slowly.

He stared at her and saw that her face was emotionless.

“What is it “. Tony asked.

Olivia closed her eyes and thought of what she was about to say.

“Tony “.she called out.

He stared at her and couldn't help the fear that grip out from him, 

“I can't be with you Tony”

“What are you saying”.he asked in a shaking voice.

Olivia hissed and stare at him, 

“I love you Tony, I really do, but I can't see myself spending the rest of my life with you “.she said those words in a calm voice but tony could see she was damn serious.

He quickly took her hands and place it on her chest 

“Listen to my heart beat oli, it only beats for you, I can't live without you”. “Oh yes you can Tony, you were able to love without me for years and I know you can do it again”. Olivia remove her hand from his chest and stood up.

“You can't possibly leave me for Jude, not when you love me, I can see it in your eyes oli, you love me more than anything in this world”. Tony spoke proudly of himself, but he never knew those words trigger something in Olivia.

“This is one of the reasons I can't be with you, you know I love you, and you will take advantage of it”.she spoke angrily.

“Olivia”. Tony tried to take her hand, but she moved way, 

“Stay away tony”.she spoke seriously and there was no room for argument.

“I'm getting married to Jude “.she whispered,

“You can't oli, you are carrying my baby “.he spoke angrily.

“I'm not denying that fact, the baby is yours, and you are his father, but I won't get married to you because I'm pregnant for you “. Tony hissed in frustration and ran his fingers in his hair 

“What's all this oli”.he asked in anger, 

Olivia walked around the room and stood in front of him

“I'm ending us here “.she spoke calmly

“Meaning “. Tony asked confused.

Olivia took a deep breath before she continued

“I'm setting myself free from you Tony, I'm here to tell you to also let me go, you have no choice but to agree to this “.

“I won't”.he replied quickly and angrily.

“You have to Tony, this is my choice”.

“Never Oli, you are mine “. Tony spoke angrily.

She stared at him and realized there was no need exchanging words with him.

She hissed and moved closer to him.

“Goodbye Tony “.she kissed Tony on the cheek and was about to leave, but he held her back 

“I'm not letting you go oli, I won't” his words were calm but was full of gravity.

“I've made my decision Tony and I hope you understand”.she spoke in a calm voice .this was a man she has loved all her life, but she can't see herself spending her life with him.

“Goodbye Tony, I hope you see someone you would love again “.she moved to him and kissed him softly on the lips.

He stared at her and knew no words of his could make her change her mind, she has made her decision and that was final.

“Tony”. Olivia called out, 

She took his hand and placed it on her stomach.

“This baby will be the symbol of the love we shared “.she smiled at him and took his hand away from her stomach before walking to the door .she turns around and stared at him one more time before leaving the room.

The Moment she left the room, Tony fell on the floor and for the first time in his life he felt like he couldn't breathe, he gasped for air and couldn't hold back the tears coming from his eyes.

“You are a fool, Tony, you are the biggest fool on Earth”.he cursed himself.

Olivia left Tony's room and went downstairs where she met Tony's parents. With the look on her face they knew what had happened.

“I have to go now “.she says those words and quickly left the house .she got inside her car and drove off, she has to be somewhere really fast.

She drove for few minutes before she got to his family house.

She drove in and rushed inside the house where she saw his mom looking worried.

“Hello, ma'am”.she greeted, 

“You are here “. Jude's mom spoke in shock, since Jude has told her that he has already set her free, and she has accepted.

“Can't I come and see my mother-in-law”. Olivia asked.

The moment she said those words, Jude's mom rushed to her and hugged her tightly.

“Thank you Oli, thank you “.she murmured in tears 

“You don't have to thank me, I love Jude so much “.she replied and released herself from the hug

“Where is Jude”.she asked worried

“He is upstairs”.before she could stop talking Olivia ran to the stairs 

“Second room by your right”. She shouted at Olivia.

“Thanks “.

Olivia ran upstairs and locate Jude's room in no time .she knocks on the door but got no reply from him, so she opened the door.

The moment she opened the door, her heart clench at the sight of Jude.

He was putting on a while t shirt and black sweatpants. His curly hair are roughly scatter on his face and was sitting on the floor with a bottle of whiskey in his hand .he was so lost in thought that he didn't notice her standing there.

“Jude” Olivia called out slowly.

The moment he heard his name, he turns around and was shock to see Olivia Standing by the door .he quickly stood up from the floor and walked fast to her.

“Why are you here, do you need anything”.he asked while accessing her body to check if she was alright, 

Without a word, Olivia pulled Jude to her and hugged him tightly.

“How dare you “. Olivia hits his chest in tears, 

“How dare you make a decision without asking what was mine”.

“Oli,”.he tried talking, but she stopped him 

“You came to my home and told me you wanted to let me go, and now I'm here letting you know that I can't let you go Jude, I can't because I love you so much Jude, I really love you and wants to spend my life with you “. Olivia spoke in tears.

Jude pulled her to him and hugged her tightly, 

“I love you so much oli, I thought I was doing the right thing”.he spoke slowly.

“What you did was wrong “.she hit him lightly on the arm.

He kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly.

“Jude”.she called out,

“Promise me something “.

He took her hands and kissed them, 

“Tell me “.he replied,

“Promise me you won't give me up like that anymore”. Jude's nods his head and held back his tears.

“I love you, Jude”.

“I love you Oli”.she melts in his arms, which felt like the safest place in the world.

Something in her told her she made the right decision.

Tony and her were like fire and ice, which are consumed with youthful love .but the love she and Jude shares is something special and sophisticated, and she knew he was the right one for her.


Author's note,

Hey guys ,thank you for reading through,but the story has just began.dont forget to check the book 2 of this book, titled

When you are mine(Enemies with passion book2).