
Pillow fight

Olivia's POV

“Wake up sleeping head “. I heard Chris voice from my sleep, but I refused to move from the bed.

He left my room and came back few minutes later. But this time he did not say a word or make around, which is unusual.

Out of curiosity, I opened my eyes and met with diamond.

“You finally woke up “.he smiles at me and sat on the bed.

“I never knew you were coming this early”. I told him and stood up from the bed.

“It's past 11 am”.he chuckled softly.

"Shit”. I took a towel and went to the bathroom to wash my face.

Few minutes I came back and noticed diamond wasn't in the room. I walked to the sitting room and found diamond and Chris engaging in a serious discussion.

“Hey guys “.I greeted and sat on the vacant couch.

“I will be right back “. Chris stood up and left I and Didi in the sitting room.

“How are you “.he asked while staring at me.

“I'm good “. I replied, “And my little one “.he asked while staring at my flat stomach.

“She is fine”. I replied shyly

“And who told you it's a she, “.he asked faking annoyed.

I chuckled and roll my eyes at him.

“My instincts tells me so “.

“Well, you are wrong this time “.he spoke firmly. I couldn't help but chuckled at his words.

“What should I get you “. I asked 

“Nothing, I'm okay”.he replied.

“You sure”. I asked 


We smiled at each other but did not say a word for sometime before Didi spoke up 

“You know I love you and will always respect your decision, but are you sure you are making the right decision “.he asked while staring me.

“I don't know”. I murmured. Truth be told, I've been thinking about this, all through the night, and something tells me I was doing the right thing.

“Oli,”. Didi's voice brought me out from my thought.

I stared at him and notice his worried look.

“I'm confused”. I murmured,

Didi stood up from the couch and sat beside me.

“It's okay to be confused”.he placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me.

“I know Tony loves you, but you are free to do what you feel his right “.the raffles my hair slowly and smiled at me.

“Thanks “. I whispered.

“You are always welcome”.

“Jude is really lucky to have you, and I know he will take care of you “.

“Yeah, I Know that “. I replied, “I'll be leaving for my country by tomorrow, you know my wife is pregnant, and I can't leave her all alone” 

“I understand”. I replied.

“Take care of yourself oli”.he kissed my cheek and left my apartment.

I hissed softly and went back to my room only to found Chris sleeping on my bed, 

“Seems like you were online all night”.“Yes, any problem”. Chris asked while rolling his eyes at me.

“Is that so “. I threw my pillow at him,

“Get out from my room “, I shouted jokingly

“I won't “, .he replied and made himself comfortable in the room.

I stared at him and realized he was looking for my trouble and trouble he shall have.

Without warning, I picked up a pillow and threw at him.

He quickly stood up and pick up a pillow for me, 

“This is war”. I rushed and pick up whatever I lay my hands on and threw at him.