
Chapter 83


Ariana sat at the shore of the river, waiting for Casey and Tony to show up. What crazy people they were 

She looked at the people who were already swimming and then those who were eagerly awaiting the game of truth and dare she'd proposed. There was no way she could start the game without her BFF.

Beatrice folded her arms as she observed Ariana from behind a tree. She cursed herself for ever being jealous of Ariana.

She wiped the tears that were running down her cheeks before hanging her towel on the tree. She sighed before going into the water to bathe..

" Ari" Casey called, smiling from ear to ear

Ariana smiled, " finally you come. Where have you being?" Ariana asked.

" It doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm here"

" No. Tell me where you've being Casey, I wanna know" Ariana insisted.

" Fine. I went sightseeing with Tony by the cliff side" Casey said.

" Are you crazy?" Ariana asked. " You know we've been ordered to move in groups of five. What if something had happened to you Casey?" Ariana asked, worried.

" You're acting like my mum Ariana" 

" Don't change the topic, what if something had happened to you? Huh! What then?"

" Well I'm okay so no need to wish me ill" Casey said as she took off her towel, leaving her with only her swimsuit.

" Well then, let's go. " She looked around " where's Tony? Didn't he come with you?" Ariana asked

" I was craving mangoes from that tree so I asked him to get some for me" Casey replied.

" Seriously? Alone? You two are definitely gonna get in trouble" Ariana said.

" So? How's Shawn gonna find out? He's not gonna find out if you don't snitch"  Casey said as she packed her hair in a ponytail with the aid of the band in her hand.

" Whatever. I'm waiting for him" Ariana said

" And why is that?" Casey asked.

" Thanks to you, I'm now craving mangoes" Ariana said.

" You fool. Come on, let's go swim, he's gonna take a while" Casey said.

" Alright" Ariana said and they both entered the water.

   They started swimming and playing with the water which is weird for two 18 year olds.

" Hey Ariana, are we gonna start the game or what?" A boy asked.

" Hold on, Beatrice is not here yet" Ariana said.

" I'm here" Beatrice called as she ran into the water with excitement.

Ariana rolled her eyes and groaned, " what a fool" she muttered under her breathe.

'" did you say something?" Casey asked.

" Nothing" Ariana replied. " Alright let's start the game"

" I have this pool table I found in that area" a girl said as she pushed the table into the water.

" I have a pen which we can flip" another girl said as she showed them the pen.

" Cool. But what are we gonna use if the person won't speak or perform the dare?" A dark haired girl asked.

" Here, I have some alcohol with me" a boy said as he brought out a bottle of Orinda whiskey.

Ariana was shocked, where would he get something like that?

" You know alcohol is prohibited in the school"

" Doesn't matter. Let's start" he said and everyone gathered around the table.

" Hold on, I also wanna play" Max called before getting into the water.

" Not him" Ariana murmured.

" So let's start, I'll spin the pen" a girl said and everyone cheered.

She spinned the pen and it's head landed on a boy while the tail landed on a girl.

" Whoa" the students cheered as it turned out the boy and the girl were dating.

" Hmmm hmmmm" the boy cleared his throat.

" Come on, give your truth or dare" a red haired girl said.

" I'll give a dare" the boy said. " I dare you to kiss me french style for twenty seconds" he said and everyone cheered.

The girl went to him, put her hand around his neck while he put his around her waist and they kissed.

" Time up" a boy said after the timer beeped.

  The pen was spun again and this time it landed on Alen and Beatrice.

" Okay. Beatrice, I dare you to give me french style kiss for one minute while I squeeze you" Alen said.

" No way I'm doing that, I'm taking a shot" Beatrice said as she poured some alcohol into the cover of the bottle and drank.

" Aaah" she coughed. It had horrible taste. She bent and put her head beneath the water to calm herself down.

   Alen was hurt, but he wasn't going to give up on Beatrice especially now that she was trying her best to forget about Raymond.

He narrowed his gaze to Ariana who was enjoying the game before looking at Beatrice who just came out of the water, he had plans, plans that would ruin Ariana for good.

More updates coming on the 1st of January 2022

Happy new year in advance.