
Chapter 57


" you should tell him how you feel about him" Casey said.

" Really? Do you think he likes me back?" Ariana asked, obviously scared of rejection.

'" who wouldn't like you? First thing tomorrow, tell him how you feel about him alright?" Casey said.

" Hmmm" Ariana nodded.

Her life was finally falling into place.

" I'm so happy for you" Casey giggled.

GIGGLING: girls do it mostly when they talk about boys, ' sigh".

" I'll go shower" Ariana said and took out a towel from the wardrobe.

" Hmmmm. I'll go get dessert" Casey said and left Ariana in the room.

" I can't wait to tell Raymond how I feel about him" Ariana said and cuddled herself with the towel before going into the bathroom.



" Care for some ice cream?" Casey asked gesturing at the bowl of ice cream in her hands.

" Hmmm" Ariana replied and took a plate and spoon from the table.

" So, tell me. How are you gonna confess your feelings to Raymond?" Casey asked, pouring some ice cream into her plate before passing it on to Ariana.

" I don't know yet. Maybe when I see him tomorrow, I'll know what to do" Ariana said and poured ice cream into her plate. She tucked her hair behind her ear and poured some honey on the ice cream before adding some sprinkles.

" Pass me the honey please!" Casey said.

" Hmmm" Ariana said and passed the honey to her.

" Can I suggest something?"

" Sure. I'm listening" Ariana said and ate some ice cream.

" Give Raymond some flowers and then write a letter to him. That's how Tony confessed his feelings to me and look....... we're still dating" Casey said and took a spoonful of ice cream.

" Hmmmm. I think that's a good idea but I'm nervous" Ariana said

" And why is that?" Casey asked. 

" This will be the first time I'll be the one to make the first move in a relationship. Other times, I wait for the guy to come speak to me" she sighed and sighed.

" Trust me girl, you got this" Casey said, they smiled and proceeded to eating their ice cream.


Ariana attended classes with half concentration. Why?: She was focused on telling Raymond how she felt about him.

" Here, have a look at the letter I have written Raymond" Ariana said to Cassandra, smiling.

" Hmmmm" Cassandra went to through the letter and was pleased with what she saw.

" Wow girl, you've really outdone yourself" she said, handing the paper back to Ariana.

" Thanks. Took me all day but I finally got it done" Ariana said, proud of herself.

" Where are the flowers?" Casey asked.

" In my locker, come with me" Ariana took Casey to her locker and showed her the flowers.

" Wow!" Casey exclaimed after seeing the flowers. " These are beautiful"

" Yeah. I didn't know what kind of flowers Raymond liked so I picked a little of every flower" Ariana said and shut her locker.

" Good. So how are you gonna get these to Raymond?" Casey asked, inquisitively.

" Through a friend of mine, my best friend to be precise"

" Beatrice? Are you crazy? Do you think she's gonna help you and......" She was Interrupted by an irritated look from Ariana.

" Ew, disgusting. When I say my best friend, I mean you. You're my best friend" Ariana said and Casey smiled.

" I knew that, I just wanted to see your reaction" Casey said. " So, how am I supposed to get these to Raymond?" She asked confused.

"How else? Give them to him. Tell him they're from Ariana" she said and sighed.

" Ok. I'll go give them to him" she took the flowers and left.

" I can't wait for us to become a couple" Ariana giggled.

     Meanwhile, Beatrice had been watching them from a corner.

" So she thinks it's disgusting to have me as a best friend? She'll pay for this" she turned and made to leave but bumped into Alen.

" You're everywhere, are you stalking me?" She hissed in frustration.

" Hey baby. You look upset, what's the problem?" Alen asked, giving her a seductive smile.

" It's Ariana, she said it was disgusting to have me as a best friend"

Alen sighed, it was always about Ariana or Raymond. 

" I have the right thing to lift your spirits" Alen said smiling.

" What is it? I could really use it right now" she said.

" Some whiskey" he said and smirked.

" Whiskey? Are you crazy, how could you bring that into school? We could get suspended"

" Not if we do it in a hidden place"

" Whatever, let's go" she said and they left.


" Okay" Raymond said and took the bouquet of flowers from Casey. " But why'd she......" 

" Alright, bye'' she said and left, not giving him anytime to ask any questions.

" I wonder why she was acting strange. Why'd Ariana send me flowers" he thought to himself. He put the flowers on the seat beside him and read the content of the letter.

It read:

Hi Raymond,

Ariana here. I'm sure you must be wondering why I sent you flowers and this letter. Well, all that will be known soon.

Lately, I've been feeling a strange connection to you. One that I've never felt with any other guy and I confirmed it to be love.

Yes! Ariana Wilson has fallen for the wonderful Raymond Styles. I just wanna tell you how I feel about you.



He dropped the letter and sighed. " I knew this will happen"

Throughout the rest of the day, Ariana did not get to see Raymond and it really disturbed her.

" So you mean he didn't come to see you or anything?" Casey asked as Ariana pulled the duvet over her body, ready to go to bed.

" He didn't" Ariana said, her voice, filled with hurt.

" Maybe he's just the shy type. I think you should go see him tomorrow and talk face to face with him" Casey suggested.

" Hmmm. I think that's the best idea" Ariana agreed.

" Alright then, goodnight" Casey said, covering her eyes with her sleep mask.

" Good night" Ariana said and switched off the light.


The next day,......

Ariana looked all over the school for Raymond and she was directed to the court house where she found him playing basketball.

She looked at him and admired the way he played, his athleticism, his grace and talent.

Gosh! She couldn't help but fall more in love with him.

She watched him for the rest of the match and he beat his opponents.

" Good game" his team members said as they shook hands with him.

" Hmmmm" he said, getting tired of the compliments.

Ariana inhaled, exhaled and walked up to him.

" Hi" she greeted

" Hi" he replied, still avoiding eye contact with her.

" Are you avoiding me?" She asked, confused.

" Why would I do that?" He asked and everyone's attention turned to them.

" I don't know. Ever since I sent you how I felt in that letter, you haven't come to see me or anything. What am I to make of that?" She asked, getting frustrated.

" I thought you're smart? When I didn't come to see you, aren't you supposed to know that I don't love you back?" He asked leaving Ariana shocked. " Excuse me" he said and left Ariana to a bunch of laughing students.