
Chapter 53

." Yes me" Max said.

" What are you even doing here?" Ariana asked.

" Getting revenge for that slap" Max said.

" What slap?.......oh! Are you still upset because I slapped you? Well, here's another" she said and slapped him.

" You didn't just raise your hand to me in public?" Max said holding his cheek.

" I did and as a matter of fact, I'll do it again of you don't shut the f**k up" Ariana said.

" I'll get you back for this" Max said, obviously embarrassed that he had being slapped in public.

" Hold on" Ariana said. She took her own bottle water and poured it on Max. " Enjoy your day" she said and Max left embarrassed.

" Good job girl" Cassandra said and high fived Ariana.

" Thanks, I'll be back" Ariana said.

" And where are you going?" Mariana asked.

" That fool got me wet, I have to go dry up" Ariana said. " B R B( be right back)'' she said and left.

" Who was that guy anyway?" Mariana asked.

" Ariana's ex. He cheated, she broke up with him and now he's mad" Casey explained.

" He's a psycho. Why date a lady if you know you can't be committed" Mariana said and sighed.

" Thinking about Gabriel again?" Casey asked her sister.

" No" Mariana said.

" Mariana?" Casey called giving her sister the, don't lie to me look.

" Yes. But I don't get it, why do all guys have to be cheaters?" Mariana asked.

" I don't know" Casey said.

" I'm back" Ariana said.

" Your clothes don't look that dried" Casey said.

" Yeah. I'll go change into something else" she said. " Come on, let's go" she said and they headed for the shopping section.

" How about this?" Mariana asked showing Ariana a purple sweatshirt.

" Nah. I think I'll go with this green gown" Ariana said.

" But that's too simple" Casey said.

" Hmm. I don't care" Ariana said and took the green sleeveless short gown.

" Here's a jacket" Mariana said and gave her a black jacket.

" I think I'm okay this way" Ariana said. She quickly went to the dressing room and came out in the green gown.

" Wow" Casey commended. " It fits you perfectly"

" Thanks" Ariana said.

" Come, let's go change your shoe." Mariana said.

" Into what?" Ariana asked.

" I think sneakers will be better." Mariana said and they went to the shoe section of the mall.

" I like this shoe" Ariana said showing Mariana and Cassandra a black shoe which was a little high.

" Yeah. I think it'll go with your dress. Put it on" Casey said.

Ariana wore the shoe. " Perfect fit"

" Good" Cassandra said.

" Come on, let's go check out other things" Mariana said.

" I was thinking of f something" Cassandra said.

" What?" Ariana asked

" Massages" Cassandra said.

" I'm in"

" I'm in"

" Let's go" Cassandra said and they left the shoe section.


" Cindy's massage palace, looks cool" Mariana said looking at the inscription on the door.

" Shall we go in?" Ariana asked.

" It looks too good to resist" Casey said.

" So let's go" Mariana said and they walked into the massage center.

" Hi" a woman greeted.

" Hi" they chorused.

" Welcome to Cindy's massage palace" the woman said.

" Thank you. We'd like to get massages done" Casey said.

" Ok, just go in and you'll be attended to" the woman said and they went in after thanking her.

" How much?" Ariana asked after speaking to the person who was going to massage her.

" Just a 100 bucks" the woman said.

" For a massage at the mall, that's pretty cheap" Ariana said.

" Please come sit" the woman said offering her a sit.

" Thanks" Ariana said and sat 

AN HOUR LATER.........

" Thanks" the woman said after collecting the money.

" Ok then, I'll be on my way" Ariana said.

" How'd you like your massage?" Mariana asked.

" I loved it. It was really soothing. I paid extra for a cocktail" Ariana said.

" I bet you did" Mariana said and they burst into laughter.

" Come on, let's go" Ariana said.

" What about Casey?" Mariana asked.

" Oh. Where is she?" .

" She said she was going to use the bathroom. I don't know why she's taking so long" Mariana said.

" I'm here now" Casey said.

" Cool, let's go" Ariana said and they left.

" Where are we going now?" Mariana asked as they walked round the mall.

" Should we go get our nails done?" Casey asked.

" That sounds fun" Mariana said.

" Nails it is" Ariana said and they left for the nail section.

The girls went round the mall and had a lot of fun. They did a lot of things together and Ariana changed her hair from white and pink to black curly hair at the tip.


" I'm so tired" Ariana admitted.

" Who wouldn't be? I never knew the mall would be this fun" Mariana said..

" I'll go get changed. Come on Ariana"

" Okay. Bye Mariana" Ariana said and left with Casey and her shopping bags.

" I can sew you girls had a lot of fun" Mrs Lambert asked.

" Yup and we're equally tired. Check out my nails" Mariana said showing her mum her newly done manicure.

" It's beautiful"

" Thanks" 

" I've prepared dinner. Go have yours, I'm off to bed"

" Ok. Good night mum" Mariana said and Mrs Lambert left.