
Chapter 45

" here is a list of the people I suspect" Raymond said and gave her a book.

" Pretty cute, your little sister's?" She said and chuckled.

" Ha ha ha, so funny. Just go through the list" he said arrogantly.

" No need to be arrogant. I'll go through it" she said.

" Better" he said and ran his fingers through his hair.

Ariana could not help but admire him, his eyes, hair, lips, she just admired everything about him.

" Are you gonna go through the list or will you keep looking at me" Raymond said.

" I wasn't looking at you" she lied. " He's so handsome" she muttered.

" Did you say something?" Raymond asked, his lips curving into a smirk.

" No. Just going through the list, Rachel Porter, Jeremiah Drantley, Danielle Rothschild, Victoria smith, Nora Kozak, Elizabeth sines, Hannah timbers, Elmira Dockers,..." She kept on calling the names on the list till she got to the final suspect. " Kathryn Niemann. Come on Ray, these are all the people who are on the black book. Why do you think they'll do this?" Ariana asked as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

" Who else are we to suspect? Besides, these are not all. These are my prime suspects" Raymond said.

" Why don't we do this, let's keep an eye on them, then we'll know who it is" Ariana suggested.

" Are you crazy?" Raymond asked standing.

" What do you mean by that?" She asked.

" There are like twenty of them and there are only two of us. How do you think we'll watch them?" Raymond asked and sighed.

" That is true. '' Ariana said.

" An Idea. Do you have a laptop with you?" Raymond asked.

" No, but I have my iPad here" she said and brought out her iPad.

" We'll have to do with that" he said and sat beside her. " What's the password?" He asked.

" The password is password" she replied.

 " What do you mean by the password is........"

" Stop whining and type password with an upper case p" Ariana said and flipped her hair back.

" Hmmm" Raymond typed the password. " What's today's date?" He asked.

" How can you not know today's date?" Ariana asked.

" Because I don't care" he replied.

" You're so arrogant, you Don't even know today's date"

" Who keeps the date mind?"

" Serious minded students"

" Well then, you should know that serious people are in the hospital"

" You fool"

The two started arguing. Suddenly, the lights went off.

" Aaaaaaah" Ariana screamed.

" What are you doing?" Raymond asked and the lights came back on.

Raymond was holding Ariana so close now. They were so close that Ariana could inhale his intoxicating cologne.

" Wonderful" she muttered under her breathe. " I love it" she said and smiled showing her beautiful set of dimples.


Incase you don't know, I have released the official trailer of this book. Find it on YouTube and on my Instagram account. For those who haven't rated, don't forget to rate. Kisses to all those who rated too. I love you all.

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Incase you haven't, don't forget to check out Elena by Star Macy.

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