
Chapter 42


" Hi" Ariana greeted Tony, Ariana's boyfriend.

" Hi. I learnt you now stay with Ariana" he asked.

" Yeah, I must say, everyone in her family is extremely nice" Ariana complimented as she took out a book from her locker.

" No kidding. I've met them all, I guess that's where Casey got all her sweetness from" he said smiling.

" Hi Tony" Casey greeted as she gave him a light peck on the lips.

" Hi" Tony greeted.

" Casey, you took so long. What class was that?" Ariana asked.

" Geography. That class sucks" Casey said exhausted.

" I wasn't the one who asked you to be a science student" Ariana said and chuckled.

" Ha ha ha. Soon I'll be the one to laugh at you for being an art student" Cassandra said.

" Well, I'm off for my acting classes. We have a play and........." They were interrupted by the principal.

" Hello Ariana" he greeted.

" Hello Mr Shawn" Ariana greeted.

" Well, I wanna introduce someone to you'' Mr Shawn said.

" Who? I don't see anyone with you" Casey said looking around.

" Come on in" Mr Shawn said and a man walked in with his nephew.

" Doctor Phillip" Casey greeted. " Nice to meet you" she said.

" Is he doctor Phillip?" Ariana asked with a smile on her face. " Nice to meet you sir" Ariana said and shook hands with him.

" Nice to meet you too" the doctor said. " I can see that you're recovering very fast"

" Hmmm mmm" that was Mr Shawn clearing his throat.

" Oh, sorry sir. What did you have to say?" Ariana asked.

" Before you start, please excuse me" Tony said and left.

" well, Ariana, I wanna introduce someone to you" Mr Shawn said.

" Who? Doctor Phillip? I already know him" Ariana said.

" Not him, his nephew" the principal said. " Come on in" he said and Nicolas walked in with a black leather jacket and a pair of crazy jeans.

" Hi" Nicolas greeted.

" Hi" Ariana and Cassandra chorused.

" Ariana Wilson" Ariana said introduced herself as she extended her right hand for a friendly handshake.

" Nicolas Maduro" Nicolas said as he shook her.

" Cassandra Lambert" Casey introduced.

" Yes. She is Cassandra, my best friend" Ariana said

" Okay, Ariana I decided to introduce him to you because he's now part of the acting club and I need you to give him a lead role in the upcoming play" Mr Shawn said.

" Okay sir" Ariana said.

" Alright then, I'll show them around" the principal said and left with them.

" He's pretty cute, don't you agree?" Casey asked teasing Ariana.

" He's cute, I wanna marry him" Ariana said sarcastically.

" No need to be sarcastic" Casey said.

" Hmmm" Ariana said. She brought out a book. " Ew!!" She said as she threw the book to the ground.

" Hey, what's that? Why is your book covered in sauce" Cassandra asked.

" I don't know" Ariana said. She quickly checked her locker and saw that her lunch was missing.

" What's wrong?" Cassandra asked.

" The lunch thief struck again" Ariana replied.

" Darn it" Cassandra said.

" My whole lunch is gone now. I hate the lunch thief" Ariana said and stomped on the floor.

" But you know, in a way you're responsible for your lunch going missing" Cassandra said.

" How?" Ariana asked, clearly confused as to how she'd be responsible for her lunch going missing.

" Aren't you and Raymond supposed to be working together to find the lunch thief?" Casey asked. " As far as I remember, you two are now on good terms so what's stopping you?"

" You're right. I'll talk to Raymond at lunch" Ariana said, and locked her locker.

" Come on, let's go" Casey said and they left