
Chapter 25

Good evening readers,

I hope you're not upset with me. The thing is I wasn't feeling too good yesterday. Those of you who went to the comments section would know that. However, I'm fine now but there's something I'm sad about.

You guys don't like to review. Let me know what you think and your comments make others want to read it. I look forward to reading your comments.

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram@ Star Macy


" what do you mean you're in love?" The doctor asked his nephew.

" I found a girl and she really captured my heart" Nicolas explained to his uncle.

" You don't mean it. I'm so happy for you" the doctor said sarcastically.

" Are you being sarcastic?" Nicolas asked his uncle.

" Obviously. First you don't wanna go to school, then you wanna be an actor, then you say you wanna go to high school and now you're in love? When are you ever gonna stop making demands?" The doctor asked sitting beside Nicolas.

" When you start fulfilling them" Nicolas said.

" How am I supposed to help you. You're the one in love not me" the doctor said.

" Yeah but this time I need your help" Nicolas said taking some water from the dispenser and drinking it.

" How am I supposed to be of help?" The doctor asked.

" I need your signature'' Nicolas told his uncle.

" What do you need my signature for?" His uncle asked him.

" I wanna transfer to Merother high school" Nicolas said drinking some water.

" Are you kidding me? That's one of the most expensive high schools in the country." The doctor said.

" Come on uncle Phillip. All you have to do is sign" Nicolas said.

" I'm not signing. Do you think I can afford such a school? Incase you've forgotten, I have other children I'm training. And Incase you've forgotten, I run a charity organisation, I have an orphanage, plus I have a family to cater for. With all this, do you think I'll be able to send you to Merother high school?" Doctor Phillip asked.

" Sure. All you have to do is ask my dad for money" Nicolas said with a smirk on his face.

" I won't. I guess I'm gonna have to send you there. I'll be at your school tomorrow to sign the transfer certificate. Is that fine?" Doctor Phillip asked.

" Yeah. See you at home uncle" Nicolas said and left.

" What a sick child he is" doctor Phillip thought to himself.


" Ari" Cassandra said as she embraced Ariana in a tight hug.

" Casey, take it easy" that was Mrs Lambert.

" It's okay ma'am" Ariana said weakly.

" How are you doing sweetie?" Mrs Lambert asked 

" I'm fine and you're?" That was Ariana.

" She's my mum. Miranda Lambert" Casey introduced.

" Oh hi Mrs Lambert. I'm Ari......" She coughed.

" Here, have some water.'' Mrs Lambert fed her some water.

" Thanks" Ariana said and dropped the glass.

" Ariana, I didn't know you were deathly allergic to apples. I'm sorry" Casey said

" Casey, it's not your fault." Ariana said weakly. " But I must know who fed me those apples"

" It was Raymond with help from Beatrice"

"Ariana gasped" Casey, do you know what you're saying? Beatrice would never do such a thing to me. I doubt it. She......." Police officers walked in.

" Ariana Wilson, we have some questions to ask you"