
Chapter 127



Mrs Lambert and the rest stood outside Ariana's door waiting for her to come out when she suddenly opened the door and spoke firmly.

" Edward, you'll be getting married to Elizabeth in two days and that's final" she said and walked over to Mrs Lambert when she suddenly tripped.

" Ari," Mrs Lambert called as she helped her get up but Ariana whispered something to her.

" Meet me at the terrace after dinner and don't tell anyone" she said and got up.

" Are you alright?" Edward asked after she got up.

" If you want what's best for me, get married to Elizabeth else I'll kill myself" Ariana said .

" But you know I can't so why are you doing this Becky?" Edward asked.

'' all I'm asking is that you get married to mum. Is that too much?" Ariana asked. " Well, it must be. If you could leave me without fighting for my custody then why won't making me happy be a big deal?" She asked.

" It's not that Becky, you know your father loves you so why are you making him do something you know he will never be happy with?" Ashley asked.

" I didn't ask for your opinion and besides, you don't have the right to lecture me on making decisions for people and snatching their happiness because it'll only make you a hypocrite. Remember how you left when I was only seven? You snatched my happiness and left me motherless so don't even think of lecturing me on happiness because you're a happiness snatcher" Ariana said and walked over to Edward. " So tell me, will you marry Elizabeth?"

" I......"

" Yes or no?" Ariana asked coldly.

" You know I'll......"

" Just answer me, will you marry Elizabeth or not?"

" I see that you don't want what will make me happy" she said and made to leave when Edward spoke.

" Fine, I'll get married to Elizabeth" Edward said and she smiled to herself.

" Go get your things ready, you'll be getting married in two days" Ariana said and pushed Edward out while he stared at her in pain.

" Becky, you...."

" I pushed him out. You should leave if you don't want me to do the same to you" Ariana said to Ashley.

 Ashley stared at Ariana in pain before leaving.

Ariana hissed softly before leaving, she couldn't handle this attitude anymore. It wasn't who she was after all.


After dinner, the table was cleared and everyone went to their respective rooms while Mickie, the new house help did the dishes.

After she finished, she cleaned the house before going to the room where the family had set up for her.

After making sure everyone had gone to bed, Ariana snuck up to the terrace and waited for Mrs Lambert to show up.

" Ariana, I'm here" Mrs Lambert whispered and shut the door.

" Mom" Ariana called and embraced Mrs Lambert. She burst into tears as she hugged Mrs Lambert, not as Mrs Lambert but as a mother. Something she'd always wanted but never got.

" What's wrong my dear, tell me" Mrs Lambert asked as she patted Ariana's head.

" Mum, promise me you won't be upset with me" Ariana said as she withdrew from the hug.

" A daughter can be upset with the mother but a mother could never be upset with her daughter. Tell me my dear, what's wrong." Mrs Lambert asked.

Ariana looked away in shame, she didn't know how to face Mrs Lambert because what she had to say was not something to be proud of.

" Tell me Ari, what's wrong?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" I'm a drug addict mum. I'm addicted to vironia" she said and tears streamed down her eyes.

" what are you saying? Tell me you're joking" Mrs Lambert said in shock. She couldn't digest the fact that Ariana was actually a drug addict.

" It's true mum but trust me, I didn't indulge in it willingly, I was forced to indulge in drugs" she said in tears.

" It's alright dear, it's alright," Mrs Lambert said.

" It is".

" My dear, I could never judge you. What matters is that you've opened up, it's better late than never" Mrs Lambert said and gave her a reassuring smile.

" You're not mad, upset or even disappointed?" Ariana asked 

" I could never be. I can only be mad at you. Listen, after the wedding, I'll take you to see doctor James" Mrs Lambert said.

" Who's doctor James?"

" He's a psychologist and one of the best doctors in America. He has helped patients with addiction problems and I'm sure he'll be able to help you too" Mrs Lambert said.

" One problem mum. I don't want to stay in a rehabilitation center, I'm scared and I'm afraid it won't help" she said.

" You don't have to. There are drugs that'll reduce your urge but then you'll have to be placed under close observation" Mrs Lambert said.

" I'm already on drugs that reduce my urge but the problem is that I don't take them all the time and they're not 100% effective" she said.

" It's fine dear, after the wedding I'll take you to doctor James" Mrs Lambert said and patted her hair. " Come on, go to bed" Mrs Wilson said and made to lead Ariana out of the terrace but Ariana wouldn't move. " What's wrong? Aren't you feeling sleepy?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" It's about the wedding." Ariana said.

" What about the wedding?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" I'm not happy about it, I'm doing it to save my brother" she said and tears steamed down her eyes.

" Your brother? You have a brother?" Mrs Lambert was confused.

" There's a lot you don't know about me yet mum but there's a lot you can do for me" Ariana said.

" How can I help you?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" My brother has being kidnapped and Elizabeth is threatening to kill him if I don't get her married to Edward. That's why I'm doing this but I don't trust Elizabeth, she turned me into a drug addict and I don't trust her with my brother. She could decide to kill him and there'll be nothing I can do to help but you...... I know you can save his life. Please mum, will you save him?" She asked in tears.

" Of course Ari, I will. What do I have to do?" Mrs Lambert asked and Ariana smiled.

" It's very easy" Ariana said and explained what she needed from Mrs Lambert.

" I'll do it" Mrs Lambert said after listening to Ariana's plan.

" Thank you mum, thank you" Ariana said and hugged her tightly.

" I'll go speak with Josh, he'll know what to do. Good night honey" Mrs Lambert said and left.


" So Ariana is a drug addict" Casey said in shock.

" She was turned to a drug addict" Micheal corrected her.

" By who?".

" Elizabeth. After Ashley left us, Elizabeth kept on feeding Becky with something that kept her relaxed and we thought it was normal until Becky's tenth birthday, the doctor who'd come to examine Becky after she fell ill told us that a high level of vironia was found in Becky's blood and we needed to get her treated immediately" Micheal said.

" I feel bad for her, I'll make sure Elizabeth pays for this" Raymond said.

" We're here now" the attendant said and the ambulance stopped.

Ariana was brought out in a stretcher with an oxygen mask on while she was wheeled into the hospital.

" It's fine Becky, it's fine, mummy is here for you" Ashley said in tears as Ariana got wheeled into the intensive care unit.

" It's fine Ash, it's alright" Edward said as he consoled Ashley who was in tears. He was also in pain seeing everything his daughter was going through but he was just trying to be strong, he was a man after all! 

Raymond on the other hand was trying hard to fight back his tears, why did all these have to happen to his girlfriend? She was barely recovering from the cliff fall and now the poison, he could only hope that she was fine.

" Mum, will Ari be fine?" Casey asked in tears.

" She'll be fine Cassandra, she'll be fine" Mrs Lambert said and consoled her daughter.

" Excuse me, who's the patient's mum or dad?" A nurse asked.

" I am" Mrs Lambert and Ashley chorused.

" I'm confused, who's her mother?" The nurse asked.

Mrs Lambert stepped back, " she is" she said, referring to Ashley.

Ashley flashed her a gratitudal smile before replying, " yes nurse, I'm her mother" she stated proudly.

" Please come with me" the nurse said.

" Ashley, I need to tell you something" Mrs Lambert said and took Ashley aside. " Don't forget, while you're at the hospital, you're Ashley Wilson, mother of Ariana Wilson"

" I know, I could never forget" Ashley said and left.