
Chapter 119

" Mr Shawn" Ariana called as she limped down the stairs to run to Mr Shawn.

" Ariana" he muttered and heaved a sigh of relief that at least she was better 

" Sir, what brings you here?" Ariana asked with a smile on her face.

" Isn't it obvious? I came here to see you" he gave her the flowers he'd bought on his way to the Lamberts.

" Thanks a lot sir, you didn't have to do it" she said and took the flowers. She inhaled it and exhaled in pleasure, " they smell delightful. Thank you sir" she said and dropped the flower on the table.

" Ariana, can I talk to you?" Mr Shawn asked.

" Sir, if it's about the video, I promise it's not me. I didn't do anything, I ......"

" I know everything already Ariana. It was proven that you are innocent and that the video is fake. I'm so sorry that I didn't believe you" he apologized.

" What are you talking about sir? I've being home with Casey, mum, Mariana and Santiago for a month now so how's it possible that my innocence was proven without anyone leaving the house?" Ariana asked .

" Let's say someone who loves and cares for you did it" Mr Shawn said.

" Who are you talking about? Who went through so much and did so much to prove my innocence?" Ariana asked 

" You know him Ariana" Mr Shawn said with a smile on his face.

" Who are you talking about sir and who is he?" She asked.

" None other than......"

" Me" Raymond said and it seemed like a dramatic entrance.

" Raymond!!" Ariana called and ran to him, embracing him before planting a quick kiss on his lips. " You're here, did you really prove my innocence?" Ariana asked eagerly.

" I did. It was the least I could do for the girl I'm in love with" he said with a smile on his face .

" Thank you so much Raymond, I love you" Ariana said and hugged him.

" I came here to check up on you Ariana and I also have news for you" Mr Shawn spoke, causing the lovers to break up from their hug.

" What news sir?" Ariana asked eagerly.

" I am calling you back to school. You'll get your certificate back" he said and Ariana squeaked in excitement.

" But sir, I can't come back to school, not until I get justice. Nicolas should be expelled, he framed me and he can't roam around Scot free" Ariana said, seriously.

" Nicolas is just a transfer student. It takes a lot of paper work and money to get him expelled but don't worry, I already expelled him" Mr Shawn said and Ariana smiled.

" Ariana, won't you usher your guests in? Please come in" Mrs Lambert said and ushered Mr Shawn and Raymond into the living room to have a seat.

" Thank you so much Mrs Lambert" Mr Shawn said as he sat down.

" Would you like juice or coffee?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" I'm fine madam, I'm about leaving. I just came to make sure Ariana has recovered and apologize to her for not coming earlier to see her" 

" That's fine sir, calling me back to school is better than coming to see me" she said and smiled

" Alright then, I'll be on my way then, I have a meeting to catch up with" Mr Shawn said and got up. " Good bye" he said

" I'll see you out" Mrs Lambert offered.

" It's fine madam." Mr Shawn said, trying to be a gentleman.

" Don't worry, it's fine. I'll see you out" she said and walked out with him.

Ariana moved closer to Raymond, " so tell me, how were you able to prove my innocence? Even I can't remember anything that happened but you ....... You weren't even there so how come you were able to prove me innocent?" She asked.

" My trust. It was my trust that proved you innocent Ariana and a little help from someone" he said.

" Who? Who helped you in proving my innocence?" Ariana asked.

" You'll be surprised. " Raymond said with a smile on his face.

" Tell me, you're making me curious" Ariana said eagerly. " Who helped you in proving my innocence!" 

" Beatrice" Raymond said and Beatrice walked into the house.


Immediately Beatrice walked into the house, the smile on Ariana's face vanished.

" What is she doing here Raymond? You know how I feel about her, she....." Before she could complete her sentence, Raymond placed his index finger on her lips, signalling her to keep quiet 

" I know you have a history with her but can you forget about it? This was the same person who helped me prove you innocent Ariana and I'd appreciate it if you could forgive her" Raymond said in a pleading voice.

Ariana removed his finger from her lip and burst into laughter.

" You're joking right, you're surely playing a prank on me Raymond. You're asking me to forgive Beatrice?" She chuckled, " the same Beatrice who stabbed me in the back by poisoning me, you've got to be kidding" she said and swept her hair back. " There's no way I'm ever forgiving her" Ariana said and made to leave but Raymond pulled her back to himself.

" You just have to. You asked me how I was able to prove your innocence right?" Ariana nodded. " Let me tell you the truth, I didn't prove your innocence. It was all Beatrice, all I did was confirm with an agency and submit the evidence to the principal" Raymond said and Ariana withdrew from him.

" You're lying to me. you just want me to forgive her and that's something I can't do" Ariana said.

" You want me to tell you how it all happened right?" Ariana nodded. " Come with me and I'll tell you" he said.


Raymond paced around his room, his thoughts on how to prove Ariana innocent. It was the only thing that was on his mind. He cursed himself for not acting on his instincts against Nicolas. It'd being two days since Ariana attempted suicide and he had not being able to prove her innocence yet. He continued to pace around his room when an idea suddenly came to mind.

If he needed evidence against Nicolas, he needed to go to camp Griffin. That was the only place he was going to get evidence so he took his phone and left 

" Ray, where are you off to?" Mrs styles asked after seeing him run off.

" I'll be back soon" he yelled 

He was lucky he had a driver's license so he quickly got into his car and drove straight to camp Griffin. 

Immediately he got there, he started looking around for evidence. He continued to search for evidence for hours but he couldn't find anything.

He searched for hours but he couldn't find anything. He was about to give up hope when he suddenly caught sight of something or rather someone. He walked closer and saw who it was........ Beatrice.

" That bitch. I'm sure she's come here to wipe off the evidence" he thought to himself, " Beatrice" he called and dragged her. 

Immediately he dragged her, a bottle fell off her hands and shattered to the ground.

" Raymond! What have you done? That was tbe the only piece of evidence I had" she yelled 

" What evidence are you talking about?" Raymond asked.

" Evidence. Evidence to prove that Ariana's innocent but no, you have destroyed it" Beatrice said frustrated, " do you know how long it took me to gather this piece of evidence but no. You just had to ruin it" Beatrice yelled.

" What do you mean by I ruined the evidence?" Raymond asked.

" That was a bottle of sedative. The name's jonapi. It's hard to get and I found it here, the same place the video was shot" she explained.

" How do you know this was were the video was shot if you weren't involved?" Raymond asked.

" It's logic Raymond, the video had this same banner and when I traced the location, it led me here and when I got here, after searching around, I found this bottle of sedative buried in the ground" she said.

Raymond took his phone and typed some things.

" I also found something, jonapi causes abdominal pain for those who are addicted to drugs, mostly those addicted to vironia"