
Chapter 113


Casey rushed to Edward, unsure of what she'd just heard 

" Excuse me, do you perhaps know Ashley?" She asked.

" I thought I did but it turns out I didn't because if I did, I'd know she'd leave me and ruin my daughter's life" Edward said and cast Ashley a look of disdain.

" Hold on, I don't get what you're saying. Are you her husband?"

" Was"

" Was?"

" I was her husband until she left me for a lover ten years ago and forced me to marry her best friend" Edward said.

" Did you by any chance have a daughter with her named Ariana?" Casey asked, trying to connect some the information she'd gathered.

" No. We had a daughter named Rebecca, Rebecca Morgan"

" So Ashley was telling the truth about having a daughter" Casey thought to herself.

" Ed, you have to believe me. I didn't leave you for a lover, Elizabeth....."

" Enough Ashley!! I've had enough with you and Elizabeth. You both ruined my life and I don't want to hear anything about Elizabeth" Edward yelled. " before you deny, have a look at that photo Ashley, isn't that enough proof that you were promiscuous"

" Edward" Ashley yelled as she gave him a resounding slap across the face. " You will say no such thing about me. I'm not promiscuous, I never was and I'll never be" she sobbed.

" Sir, you had a daughter, Rebecca right?"

" Yes. Why are you even asking me, she's gone and I have no idea where she is"

" Because I might know where your daughter is" Casey said.

" What are you saying Casey? You don't know who his daughter is" Mariana said.

" Maybe I do"

" Don't tell me you believe what that woman said" Mrs Lambert said.

" I don't. I only wanna believe what this man is going to say" Casey said, staring at Edward.

" What are you even talking about? I haven't seen my daughter in six years. What makes you think you know where she is?" Edward asked.

" Do you want to see your daughter?" Casey asked.

" Why ask, you....."

" Just answer the damn question with a yes or no. Do you want to see your daughter?" Casey asked, her curiousity flying to an all time high.

She wasn't taking Edward to see Ariana because she doubted her best friend. She was taking Edward to see Ariana because she wanted to be sure that Mrs Wilson was lying when she said Ariana had a secret and Ariana wasn't lying when she said she'd gone to Max's tent to get her medicine.

" Yes. I want to see my daughter" Edward said.

" Come with me" Casey said as she led Edward to Ariana's ward.

" What are you doing Cassandra? You don't even know him and you're leading him to Ariana?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" I don't know him but I know Ariana" she said.

" What are you planning?" Mariana asked as Casey led Edward to Ariana

After some time, they arrived in front of the operating theater.

" Who's in there?" Edward asked.

" Look in there at the eighteen years old girl fighting for her life. She might be the girl you are looking for" Casey said as she moved out for Edward to look into the ward.

Edward peered through the circled glass on the door and his eyes met with her, the same girl who he'd being sending allowances for the past six years but didn't see.

The same girl who he loved and still loves but was taken away from him.

" Becky......" He muttered as tears dropped down his eyes as he stared at the horrible condition she was in.

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Casey, Mariana and Mrs Lambert stared at Edward, shocked.

" Did you just call her Becky?" Casey asked, shocked.

" Yes. She is my daughter, the daughter I lost six years ago" Edward said, trying to hold back his tears. " What happened to her?" He asked

" She attempted suicide by jumping off a cliff and her mum hasn't come to see her since then" Casey informed Edward.

" Which of her mum? Her mum is standing right here" Edward said.

" Her mum, I mean Mrs Wilson" Casey said.

" That's not her mum, she never was and she never will be. Elizabeth is her step mum. She took Becky from me six years ago and due to the hatred Becky harboured towards me, she refused to come with me" Edward said.

" I don't get something, if you're really Ariana's dad, tell me why she'd harbor so much hatred towards you?" Casey asked.

" She...." Before Edward could complete his statement, the doctor came out of the operating theater.

" Doctor, how is she?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" Congratulations, the operation and blood transfusion was successful and she's now out of harm's way" the doctor said and the nurses wheeled an unconscious Ariana out of the operating theater.

" Tell me doctor, when is she going to regain consciousness?" Ashley asked eagerly.

" She should regain consciousness by tomorrow. She has being sent to ward 101,  she needs as much rest as she can get and she'll be able to get enough while up there" the doctor said 

" Thank you so much doctor" Edward thanked the doctor.

" My pleasure. Please excuse me" the doctor said and left.

" Ashley, she's alright" Edward said out of excitement and hugged Ashley.

" I think one of us should stay behind and look after her for the night. She can't stay alone" Mariana suggested.

" Yes. That's correct, I'll stay with her until she gets better. Casey, go home and get some food and clothes. is that fine?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" I think that's a good idea" Mariana chipped in.

" Please no" Ashley begged.

Casey turned to her, " and why is that?" Casey asked.

Ashley sniffled, " i haven't gotten to spend time with my daughter in the last ten years and I'll like to spend time with her so please let me spend time with her" Ashley begged.

" I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful but I can't be at rest knowing Ariana is with a stranger. No offense" Mrs Lambert said.

" I know. It's fine so you should stay but can I at least stay till midnight? Then I can find a place to stay till tomorrow"

" That's fine. Come on, let's go see her" Mrs Lambert said and they made to leave.

" Hold on Ashley" Edward called.

Ashley turned, " what's wrong?" She asked.

" You can spend the night in one of my farmhouses here in Arizona" Edward said coldly.

" Thank you so much, I really appreciate" she said.

" I'll be here till midnight. you'll find me outside by my car" Edward told her and she flashed him a weak smile.

" I'll be on my way" Edward said and left.

" Shall we?"

" Yes" Ashley said and they left for Ariana's ward.

When they arrived in Ariana's ward, they saw the nurses connecting a drip to her. Her head was bandaged and so were her hands and legs.

Ashley couldn't help but sob at the sight of her daughter, if only she hadn't made that mistake ten years ago then maybe her daughter would be safe.

Mrs Lambert walked into the ward and stared at Ariana's pale face. Despite the fact that she had become pale, she still looked as beautiful as she was.

She sighed, what would make a beautiful, intelligent, talented and loving girl make an attempt on her own life? It baffled her!!.