
Chapter 109


Mariana consoled Casey, " it's not your fault Casey. You did your best but she already made her decision" 

" I agree I did my best but maybe my best wasn't enough. My best couldn't stop her from falling into the valley"

" Where is she now?" Mariana asked.

" She's in the ICU. The doctors need her mom's signature to proceed with surgery"

" So why didn't you go meet her mum?" Mariana asked.

" I did but I found a shocking revelation" Casey said as she wiped her tears.

" What did you find out?" Mariana asked.

" Mrs Wilson is planning on getting someone killed"

" What? Who? Who could she be planning to get killed?" Mariana asked.

" That's something I don't know yet. How could you have expected me to ask for her signatures when I know what she's capable of? I recorded a video but there's nothing I can do because that's not important to me. What is important is that I get Ariana operated on as soon as possible" Casey said.

" You recorded a video?" Mariana was surprised.

" Yes I did but it's of no use. The important is that we get Ariana operated on immediately." Casey said " do you have any ideas because they're not going to operate on her without either of her parent's permission" Casey said, worriedly.

" Can I have your phone?" Mariana asked.

" What? Are you kidding me? Because if you are, I'd suggest you stop. I'm thinking of a way to help Ariana get her surgery done and instead of helping me, you're asking of my phone? Are you alright?" Casey asked.

Mariana hissed softly, " just give me the phone. I came up with an idea already"

" What's your idea?" Casey asked

" It's a surprise, just give me your phone and let me do my thing" Mariana said and stretched her hand for the phone.

Casey unlocked her phone and gave it to Mariana who took it and got off the bed to a corner.

After some time, Mariana returned with a smile on her face.

" That smile makes me suspicious" 

" You don't need to be suspicious because in ten minutes, you'll get your answer and your friend will get operated on" she said with a grin on her face as she returned the phone to Casey

" What did you do?" She asked.

" Something you'd thank me for later " Mariana replied.

" Oh really? We'll see about that"

" Are you underestimating me?" Mariana asked, feigning hurt.

" I'm not but I have my doubts. Leaving something like this up to a fourteen year old is......"

" You don't worry about that. Now come with me" Mariana said as she dragged Casey out of the room.

" Where are we going?" Casey asked.

" The intensive care unit. That's where Ariana is am I right?"

" Yes but are we going to do there"

" Can you just stop asking questions?"

On their way, they bumped into a woman in a veil. They crashed into the woman so hard that her veil came off.

" I'm so sorry ma" Mariana apologized.

" It's okay" the woman spoke as she covered her face and made to leave.

" Excuse me madam" Casey stopped her.

" Yes, how may I help?" The woman asked.

" You dropped a picture" Casey said as she picked up the picture.

Before handing the picture over to the woman, Casey caught a glimpse of the picture, it was a picture of a seven year old child and that child looked familiar, only that the child was now grown up and was in the hospital, fighting for her life. That child was....... Ariana.

" Thanks, can I have it" Ashley asked as she tried to take the picture from Casey who withheld it.

" No. How come you have Ariana's picture?" She asked.

" Who's Ariana?" The woman asked.

Casey took off her veil, " don't act dumb. You know what I'm talking about. Why do you have a picture of Ariana with you"

Seeing that Casey was resilient, the woman pulled her to a corner.

" I'm not playing dumb. She's not Ariana, her name's Becky, Becky Morgan" the woman said " and I'm her Mom, Ashley Morgan. Well, I don't go by the last name Morgan anymore"

" And why is that?" Mariana asked.

" That's because I lost that right ten years ago" Ashley said, almost in tears.



So I'm sure you must have being able to figure things out. Don't forget to rate and review.

More updates to come and in those updates, we'll learn more about Ariana's past and what resulted In her suicidal attempt.

Do stay at the edge of your seat because the upcoming chapters are going to be thrilling.

Instagram: Star Macy

More updates coming tomorrow.

Good night lovelies🥰🥰