
Enemies Forever? - Snow White's Next Generation (Male Lead)

BlinkSoneReveluv · Fantasía
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2 Chs


"So how prepared are you for the new school?" my mother asked. I looked up at her while having my lavish breakfast, not responding; I didn't want to be rude to her.

"Son, your mother asked you a question," my father reminded, practically forcing me to answer her question. "Would you rather me respond rudely or not respond at all?" I sighed, not bothering to look back up.

There was silence from my parents' ends for quite a bit before my mother spoke up, "Alright, I understand that you're not very happy with this new arrangement."

I scoffed in response, not bothering to reply in any other way. "Whatever the case, you must accept this change. Your mother believes that the children of our enemies are not to blame for their parents' deeds: and despite my own rejection, she wishes to go through with this anyways."

"Florian, they must be given a chance. It would be unjust of us to not allow them an opportunity to find the right path," my mother tried to reason with my father. "Even if they do, Snow White, I believe that you're forgetting that among these children is the daughter of the very woman that tried to take your life," my father argued.

The apple got caught in my throat as I heard his words. I coughed as I choked, worrying my parents as they rushed to pass me some water. After swallowing the lump in my throat, I placed the glass back on the table, restraining my rage.

"Snowlar, my dear child, are you alright?" My mother rushed to my side, concerned. I ignored her words as anger coursed through me. I knew why she was this worried, but even then, I just had to confirm, "The Evil Queen's child will also be there?"

"Snowlar, you just escaped death: leave it-" my father began, but I growled in response, "Answer me!" My mother pulled away in surprise, eyes wide and lips slightly parted.

As I saw her shocked face and sensed my father's stern eyes on me, I started to control my emotions. My beast had almost come through. I gripped onto the edge of the table tightly, before getting up and rushing out of the room.

As I walked down the halls, I realized just how upset hearing of that accursed woman had made me. All I hoped was that I wouldn't run into my fated enemy or I might lose control like I just had.

This was going to be an... interesting year.