
Enemies And Animals

The only trip you will regret is the one you don't take. Dream Amas is a teenage devil that has been living her average life with no excitement. She always felt like she was supposed to do something different. And when she got the opportunity to leave, she took it. And that is how her journey began.

levigo · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Prologue :Angel of the shadow

Tingling pain in my feet makes me open

my eyes and I slowly lower my head.

A rustling of leaves fills my ears as I

move my feet and land on the cold


I tilt my head closer to the long path and

throw my hand into the darkness.

My fingers hit a cold pain a second later

and I pull my hand back, my finger

automatically moves to my mouth and

when I take it out I realize that my finger

is not hurt at all.

My legs burn and I stand up again.

The moonlight above me feels different

and I raise my head to it. My blood-red

eyes meet a moon of the exact same

hue, everything fills with a magical red

light, and I can see through my cold

eyes, but see more than I wanted to.

Wild animals appear in front of me from

a distance, and behind them, white light

shines, blinding me to an inexplicable

pain in my throat.

My fingers slowly rise to my throat and

my voice comes weakly from my


A cold wind comes from the direction of

the white light that grows every moment

and approaches me, driving like an

arrow through my body and I sink more

and more into myself. The ground is

gone and I fall into deep darkness.

I closed my eyes tightly, the path is no

longer in sight once I opened them and I

stare into the darkness. my legs

suddenly hurt and I can feel the blood

dripping down.

Behind me strong roars fill the air, the

moonlight lightens the dry land around

me and I slowly turn my legs. A tear

slips down my face and turns red once

she hits the ground.

Wild animals move toward me, their

hungry eyes stare at me and I release a

cold breath.

My legs stumble as I start to run and I

run away from them, I glance back and

the animals are gone.

A lightning storm began and a strong

wind began to blow and toss trees

around me. Lightning struck close to

me and fire ignited and began to


It walked around me in a circle and

blocked my way.

My eyes were wet and I was cold despite

the fire around me.

Yellow light was visible from a distance,

I watched and started walking towards


The light also approached me and I

reached out to him.

It grew and filled the space till I was in


I advanced inside the space and looked

around, I saw a tall figure in black and

began to move in his direction.

My bare and injured legs marched

towards the figure in fear. My red eyes

began to feel the pain from the strong

light as I approached.

A weak "Mmm" came out and the

character began to turn in my direction.

I smiled at him and breathed a sigh of


"Wow, there's finally someone normal

here .."

I looked up and his empty eyes stared at

me and drowned me in darkness.

My smile disappeared as I sucked into

the emptiness of darkness in his eyes,

entering a doom of shadows.