
Endless Rooms (Soul Land 3)

It was astonishing how one argument between Tang Wulin and Gu Yue could result in this. Now the both of them were stuck in what seemed to be an endless maze with yellow walls, all alone. Or are they really alone?... All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners, Tang Jia San Shao. The backrooms were created by an anonymous user on 4chan on May 12, 2019. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

daidalus · Derivados de obras
Sin suficientes valoraciones
24 Chs

You're a good person, Gu Yue.

A.N: Extra long chapter cus I was lazy af yesterday :(

"Unoriginal and dumb." Gu Yue harshly responded to Tang Ziran with a scoff, finishing up the bottle of Almond Water right after. The treatment was probably- no, definitely unfair to the man, but Gu Yue wasn't the type to care.

Screw him.

Tang Ziran just looked at her with a slightly exasperated smile. "Even my name...? Definitely more hot-headed than my wife..." He chuckled, trailing off his words in the end. Unfortunately for him, Gu Yue's ears were far better than a normal human's.

"What was that?" Gu Yue instantly spoke dangerously, icicles conjuring near her body. This guy was annoying her on another level.

The old man seemed to have learned his lesson and stayed dead silent, waiting for Gu Yue to calm down.

Gu Yue huffed at him before finally relaxing, leaning back to the wall and recollecting the past events.

The first, most important, and most worrying thought that came to her mind was how the hell was she going to find Tang Wulin again. For a multitude of reasons, going back into that hell level was a dumb idea. And even if she did get there, what was she supposed to do afterward? Jump and phase through the ceiling?

Speaking of Tang Wulin, Gu Yue had some guesses as to how he reacted after she went missing.

Gritting her teeth slightly, Gu Yue stared down at her hands. There was no way she was about to progress deeper into the backrooms without Tang Wulin at her side. So what the hell was there to do?

Raising her head, Gu Yue's eyes met with deep, calm, onyx orbs. She sighed, knowing she was going to have to... ask this idiot for help.

"Do you..." Gu Yue started slowly, instantly getting Tang Ziran's attention. "Know how to get back to level 27...?" She finished, tone as black and emotionless as she could make it.

"27? The level with the wood maze? Why?" Tang Ziran looked at her with confused eyes and asked, switching his position so that he was sitting next to her, although a bit further away to give Gu Yue some space, which she appreciated.

"I have to reunite with... someone." Gu Yue stated vaguely, avoiding Tang Ziran's gaze at all cost.

"What? Your boyfriend or something?" Tang Ziran asked lightly with a chuckle, but after hearing Gu Yue's low growl directed at him, he shut up immediately.

"I've never been to level 27 myself... How did you get there anyway?" He questioned with a hum, looking into the dark ceiling.

"We went through a floor in the yellow-" Gu Yue's brain was suddenly hit with the information Long Bing told her a while ago. "-In level 0. I exploded the floor in level 0 and ended up there." She finished, making sure to call 'the yellow place' level 0 this time.

Tang Ziran didn't need to know that she was still a complete newbie here.

"That's a thing?" Tang Ziran asked in shock, not catching Gu Yue's stutter in the middle of her sentence.

After getting a nod from Gu Yue, Tang Ziran's face lighted up, and he gave her a small smile. "Well, you're in luck. Because your gonna be seeing your boyfriend soon. As long as he doesn't leave the beginning cluster, that is."

Gu Yue hissed angrily, gritting her teeth as her fierce glare came back. "Since when did I say he was my boyfriend...?!" She growled, even though he was completely right in his guess.

"So he's a 'he'?" Tang Ziran asked smoothly, his smile growing into a teasing smirk.

That is it! Gu Yue suppressed the urge to scream, instead deciding to lean toward Tang Ziran, right hand raised and prepared to slap him. But as if reading what Gu Yue was about to do, Tang Ziran managed to dodge the incoming strike by moving his head down.

"Alright, alright! I'm sorry mam!-"

"Quit your bullshit and get to the point!" Gu Yue interrupted his pathetic apologies and snapped, raising her voice. She usually doesn't do that often, even with Xie Xie, but this man was really frustrating her. Why can't she just find someone not annoying? Like Yuanen or Xu Xiaoyan.

"Okay, okay!" Tang Ziran frantically said, backing up just a little bit more from Gu Yue.

"I've read a lot about this level in the M.E.G database, since I've heard its one of the more dangerous once I needed to look out for." He started again, his earlier smirk disappearing. The serious tone he held this time made Gu Yue calm down and decide to hear him out.

There's another mention of that M.E.G organization thing. From what Gu Yue's been gathering about them, it seems their going to be just as annoying and corrupt as a regular government in Douluo.

"I pretty much memorized the layout enough to know the exits of this level. And luckily for you, one of those exits will lead you back to level 0, the tutorial level. After I lead you back there, you know what to do next." Tang Ziran finished, getting a nod from Gu Yue.

Get back to the start, break through the floor, and she's back on the same level as Tang Wulin.

But of course, just like every plan, there were issues with this. The main one is Tang Wulin himself.

If Gu Yue knew him, and she was sure she did, then that bastard won't just stand around and wait for her to come back. He's going to panic, get angry, maybe even get depressed, but then he's going to do everything he can to find her, stopping for nothing and no one. It's entirely plausible that he's already escaped level 27 and has gone off searching for her, not knowing that Gu Yue was going to him.

That was going to be an issue. But it wasn't like Gu Yue had any other option available to her. Teleporting to him was obviously not going to work. She was just going to have to hope her luck finally came back and Tang Wulin stayed.

Turning back to Tang Ziran, Gu Yue decided not to voice her worries to him. She wasn't going to stay with him for long anyway. All she needed was the directions to level 0.

However, something the old man said earlier piqued her interest. "You said 'one of the exits'. So there are more? Where do they lead to?" She asked curiously.

"One exit to level 0, another one leads to level 1, a further door from here gets you to level 11, and the most common exit people take after arriving here, a door to level 3." He listed each one, raising his hand and counting with his fingers.

Ah. Gu Yue has no idea what any of those levels are.

Well, in her defense, she has barely been here for three days. Probably not even that if her latest sleep wasn't as long as it felt like.

Gu Yue nodded at Tang Ziran, silently giving him her thanks for the help. "I just need the directions then I'll be on my way." She said briskly, wanting to go now. The faster she could get back to that wooden maze, the faster she could reunite with Tang Wulin.

She had wanted to get her petty revenge on those smiley entities, but it seemed she didn't have the time.

A shame.

They may live another day.

"No need." Tang Ziran started, beginning to stand up. "I'm planning on heading back to level 4 myself, so it's better if we stick together." He announced, looking back at Gu Yue and waiting for her to stand up.


"Uhhh... I'm going to level 0, though. Why don't you just go to level 3? Won't that be faster...?" Gu Yue asked slowly, hoping that this bastard would leave after he gave her directions. She appreciated the help, but this man's annoying personality was going to be the death of her.

"Trying to get rid of me already? Even though I enjoy your company... I'm truly hurt." Tang Ziran said way too dramatically, even making small motions with his hands.

For the life of her, Gu Yue couldn't pinpoint why something about him seemed so familiar. The way he spoke, his mannerisms, even his way of teasing her. It's like someone's acted like this to her before...

Nevertheless, she ignored that thought and responded to Tang Ziran in her usual manner.

"Exactly. I want you to fuck off." She responded cruelly, almost immediately regretting it right afterward. She should've realized how stupid it was to say that. This man was her only way out of this hell party after all.

Fortunately, Tang Ziran managed to see her regret upon those, and because of his annoyingly kind personality, he didn't get mad at her.

"You don't mean that." He said with confidence, smiling when he didn't get a response. "Besides, I have a slight suspicion you're going to need my help."

"If I remember correctly. Yesterday, you said you didn't even cultivate-" Gu Yue's snarky response was cut off before she could finish.

"You're new to the backrooms, aren't you?" Tang Ziran said, getting Gu Yue to zip her mouth almost immediately.

"No..." She responded silently while looking at the ground that suddenly looked very interesting, inwardly berating herself at the terrible attempt at lying.

Tang Ziran outwardly laughed this time, causing Gu Yue's ears to flare up.

"I said I wasn't-"

"You seemed confused when I mentioned 'Partygoers' earlier, which didn't make sense considering they're some of the most popular entities ever. I caught you almost calling level 0 'the yellow place'. You looked completely clueless when I started talking about M.E.G and other levels. And while this one can be explained by your sheer arrogance, you seem to think fighting an army of Partygoers is a smarter decision than running away-"

"Alright, I get it!" Gu Yue yelled angrily. Only then did he finally shut up. However, he silently stared at her, waiting for her to decide if he could come or not.

"Fine. You can come..." Gu Yue said with a sigh of acceptance.

Tang Ziran smiled like he was proud of her, trying again to reach up and pat her head. However, Gu Yue still wasn't going to allow it, leaning her head forward to dodge.

"While being wary of a stranger is good, sometimes it's good to drop the pride and guard a little and accept help from them." Tang Ziran informed her, dropping his hand to her back and patting that instead.

"I don't want your life lessons. I want to get back to my boy- my friend." Gu Yue announced, finally standing up from her spot on the ground.

"Alright, alright. If that's what you want..." Tang Ziran said with a small chuckle. If he noticed her stutter, then he wasn't acknowledging it.

Grabbing her backpack on the ground, Gu Yue opened the zip and checked if all her stuff was still there.

"You didn't take anything from here, did you?" She asked as one hand rummaged through the inside of the bag, the other one holding it to her chest tightly.

"Nope. I didn't even open it." Tang Ziran responded with his hands up, sounding as honest as possible. Gu Yue believed that, for now.

"Although... I would be willing to trade if you had something there worth of value."

As he finished, Gu Yue's hand touched the two eggs inside the bag. But she didn't even consider it for a second. That's for Tang Wulin and Tang Wulin only.

"No. This isn't even mine anyway." She said briskly, bringing her hand out and zipping the bag shut.

Well, if he didn't take the egg, something which Long Bing said was extremely rare, then he probably didn't take the other stuff here.

"Are you sure you're ready? Once we come out through that hole-" Tang Ziran pointed a finger at the hole they entered yesterday. "-We won't be safe from the Partygoers anymore."

Gu Yue nodded seriously. Even though her brain had already instinctively come up with ten different sassy responses to that, she knew now was not the time to use them.

Tang Ziran nodded, seemingly satisfied at her silence. He bent down, grabbing the candle that was next to Gu Yue and blowing the fire away.

She watched as the black-haired man walked back to his earlier spot, grabbing a backpack she didn't even realize was there and throwing the candle inside.

He gave her one last look before turning to the hole and preparing to go through.

"Are you sure you want to go first? I don't want my GPS dying on me." Gu Yue asked, worried if there were any hostiles outside their little safe place.

Tang Ziran crouched, taking small and careful steps.

"Nice to see you finally start to care about my wellbeing. But I am the older one here. It would be embarrassing for me to be protected by a kid." He said, just silent enough that Gu Yue could still hear it.

As she walked toward the hole slowly, Gu Yue bit her lip, suppressing the urge to insult him again.

Tang Ziran made it out, but Gu Yue stayed in front of the hole, crouched. She wasn't coming out until he gave her the go-ahead.

"Clear." Tang Ziran called out a few seconds after.

Gu Yue listened, crouching through the hole and immediately being greeted with the yellow walls and lights.

Yellow was going to haunt her nightmares sooner or later.

"What's the plan if we encounter more of those smiley things? Do we kill them?" Gu Yue inquired, immediately wanting to resort to violence.

"No..." Tang Ziran sighed.

"First, they're called Partygoers. And second, we're going to go with a plan that newbies have an extremely hard time following. Especially newbies with-" He raised his hand, placing a finger on Gu Yue's forehead. "-an ego issue." He finished, putting the smallest amount of force on his finger.

"And that plan is called running away." Tang Ziran spoke before Gu Yue could respond.

Gu Yue wanted so badly to talk back to him but knew that she couldn't. Despite seeming, and looking, like a total clown, Tang Ziran knew what he was doing.

If he says they can't fight the Partygoers, then he probably had a good reason as to why.

"I can run away..." Was the only response Gu Yue had to defend herself.

Tang Ziran hummed as a response, beginning to walk outside the small room and back to the rooms with annoying party decorations.

He carefully looked at his left and right, only motioning for Gu Yue to follow him after he made sure the surroundings were safe.

Finally, he was being competent. Gu Yue thought as she walked until she was right behind him.

Tang Ziran lead her through multiple hallways in random directions, yet still careful and slow to avoid attracting any entities. It amazed her to see him walk around here like he knew the place off the back of his head. He was smarter than he makes himself out to be.

On the way, they encountered a total of five Partygoers, all limping around like idiots and oh so killable. However, whenever Gu Yue's eyes showed even a hint of bloodlust, Tang Ziran would grab her wrist tightly, dragging her away.

"Stop...!" Tang Ziran whispered to her sharply, giving her a small glare.

She couldn't help it. She had been obsessed with revenge ever since she became a human.

"Are you sure we can't just kill them...?" She was just saying. If he just allowed her to commit mass genocide, they won't have to worry about being stealthy.

"No." Tang Ziran said again, his tone leaving no room for argument. "M.E.G had theorized that there are more Partygoers here than humans. And in case you didn't know, there are more than a hundred thousand humans here."

More than a hundred thousand?!

"So I don't care how strong you think you are. You are not engaging with that many entities on my watch." Tang Ziran ended, his tone rough and severe.

"Fine..." Gu Yue responded obediently, finally deciding to listen. The information of there being more than a hundred thousand Partygoers shocked her, to say the least. And now, even she was starting to doubt she could massacre the Partygoer species.

As if sensing her acceptance, Tang Ziran relaxed a little, his face softening.

He turned around and continued walking to another room. While staying quiet and suppressing her urges to murder, Gu Yue followed Tang Ziran as they continued to traverse the room she now suddenly found scarier.

They were rounding up another corner, and Tang Ziran once again took the initiative to look around. However, he didn't tell her to follow him, silently staring at a place to his left.

Then he slowly started walking backward, soon turning to Gu Yue with a grave look.

"Good news and bad news." He said, his voice lowered into a whisper.

After getting no response from Gu Yue, he continued speaking. "Good news is I found the door leading to level 0. The bad news is-"

"Let me guess. Its surrounded by Partygoers?" Gu Yue guessed, also lowering her voice. She sighed after catching his nod.

"Then we have no choice. I'll go kill them." She announced, her Elemental Staff conjuring in her hand as she began to take steps to the room Tang Ziran was looking at earlier.

"No. Nononono." Tang Ziran instantly disagreed, grabbing the arm Gu Yue was holding her staff with.

"Look. Let's just go to another one of the doors-"

"No." Gu Yue's voice suddenly held sharpness in it, disagreeing even faster than Tang Ziran did earlier.

"Listen to me...!" He tried again, but Gu Yue coldly looked away.


"I can't explain everything right now, but the gist of it is that if a Partygoer spots you, it can give it's perspective to other Partygoers, and then they all will know where you are!"

That sounded extremely unfair and terrifying, but Gu Yue didn't care so much anymore.

"No." She replied stubbornly.

Tang Wulin. Priority. Always.

After one of the longest staring contests Gu Yue's ever had, the Tang she was currently with seemed to read her thoughts, eventually sighing and letting go of her arm.

Gu Yue didn't bother saying anything else, walking to the corner. She leaned her head and tried to get a look at what she was dealing with, only to see a Partygoer standing dangerously close to her, its carved eyes staring down at her like it expected her to appear.

If Gu Yue got scared by that, then it was nobody's business but her own.

The Partygoer lunged at her, but Gu Yue's instincts flared and she jumped back, barely managing to avoid the entity's hand. Knowing she had to act fast, Gu Yue revealed her Spirit Rings and summoned fire and ice. The colors surrounded her, illuminating her with a beautiful red and blue color.

Without wasting any more time, Gu Yue threw the ice and fire at the Partygoer. The elemental explosion that occurred killed it almost instantly.

But at that point, it had already been too late.

All the other Partygoers in front of the door Gu Yue needed to go through (Ten, if she was counting correctly) simultaneously turned, lumbering toward her without abandon.

Despite the obviously bad situation, Gu Yue couldn't help scoffing arrogantly.

Tang Ziran might find this situation horrible, but Gu Yue was pretty content with this. Not only does she get closer and closer to level 27, but she also gets to fulfill some of her vengeance.

More ice and fire came forth, but other elements such as wind, light, and water also appeared around her.

The hallway they were occupying suddenly grew breezy, the wind fluctuating everywhere in the room as Gu Yue unleashed the full power of her wind element. The wind itself was powerful enough to blow some of the Partygoers away, but she still wasn't done.

The blue in Gu Yue's rainbow of elements shined brightly, and she watched as her ice merged with the wind, creating a man-made blizzard that made the hallway's temperature drop to dangerous levels. Although not as powerful as the last blizzard she created, it was still cold enough to completely freeze, or at least temporarily stun, the Partygoers.

Now that the entities had basically become breathing statues, Gu Yue could now easily take care of them all.

She began to casually walk to the door in a straight line, face calm and steps graceful. Her elements still illuminated her figure, prepared to strike down the Partygoers in her way.

Speaking of Partygoers, the closest one was to her right, and it seemed to be slowly resisting the cold wind. An impressive feat.

But it didn't matter because it would soon have an ice spear rammed through its chest.

Gu Yue didn't even bother to look as it fell to the ground, the sounds of its pained cries already satisfying her enough. Instead, she kept her eyes closely locked on the door that would get her closer to Tang Wulin.


Another set of heavy and slow footsteps rang in her ears, this one to her left. However, the threat still wasn't big enough to get her to bother turning her head. All she had done was open up a hole in the ground using the earth element and that one was done for.


There was a Partygoer in front of her getting in the way, so Gu Yue formed another ice spear in her hand and threw it at the frozen entity. She got a clean headshot and the entity was down on the ground by the time she came next to it.

As if without a care in the world, Gu Yue casually stepped on the Partygoer's dead corpse, acting like there was nothing there, to begin with.


Now there were four assholes blocking her way. This time, Gu Yue raised both her arms to her chest, creating wind, water, and an excess amount of fire. She forcibly merged them all together, all while she continued to march toward the door to level 0.

The combination of three elements created a blue ball of fire, and Gu Yue wasted no time in throwing it at the four entities. The blue flames engulfed all four of them, and Gu Yue thought she heard screams coming from all of them.

Well, not like she cared.

With another burst of wind, the fire she created was extinguished, revealing four corpses and allowing Gu Yue to progress.

Four, five, and six.

Another one to her right started to move again, but Gu Yue just pointed her palm at it, releasing even more ice that froze its whole body solid.


The last three Partygoers all stood side by side, standing as the last line of defense between Gu Yue and the door.

Gu Yue scoffed, creating more wind and raising her hand, throwing them all upward until their limp bodies collided with the ceiling. Then, she released even more ice, not stopping until she saw all three of their corpses encased in ice.

Eight, nine, ten.

With no more dead stuffed animals blocking her way, Gu Yue could easily walk to the door now.

Gu Yue never even paused in her march during all that.

Nevertheless, if Tang Ziran was telling the truth, then the other Partygoers should've seen that display. And even though everything about her right now screamed confidence, Gu Yue actually didn't like her chances of winning a 1vs100000, so it was probably for the best if they left this level right now.

Speaking of Tang Ziran.

Gu Yue heard him walking toward her, her ears even picking up the clattering of his teeth. She turned, the first thing catching her attention being his stunned expression.

"Let's go." She said in her usual blank tone, acting as if the past minute was completely normal and something anyone could do. She saw Tang Ziran open his mouth but was never able to decide what to say first.

Since there were no more Partygoers still breathing, Gu Yue decided to stop her blizzard. If it continued any longer, Tang Ziran probably would've died from hypothermia.

The icy wind surrounding them evaporated, the temperature eventually rising back to normal degrees as Tang Ziran sneezed and hugged himself.

"Thank you..." He said with a shaky tone, gaining him the smallest amount of guilt from Gu Yue.

Just as Gu Yue was about to respond to him, her ears suddenly picked up multiple sets of footsteps. All of which were just as heavy as the footsteps of a Partygoer.

She held her arm out quickly, stopping Tang Ziran in his tracks.

"What...?" He asked, but instead of explaining, Gu Yue looked at him and motioned for him to stay quiet.

The footsteps were so loud and so much that she was having a hard time pinpointing what direction they came from.

She frantically looked around, more worried than she's ever been since arriving in this room. All the Partygoers she killed earlier were still lying dead on the ground, the other ones still frozen solid. Turning around, Gu Yue saw the rest of the hallway was also completely empty.

So where were the footsteps coming from?!

Gu Yue would get her answer to that question a couple of seconds later, however she wished she hadn't.

At first, the wall to her right cracked, almost instantly getting her and Tang Ziran's rapt attention. And after two seconds, the wall was completely broken down, allowing Gu Yue to catch sight of something that made the other pact of Partygoers not even look like a warm-up.

An entire infestation of Partygoers.

There seemed to be just as much as the army that chased Gu Yue yesterday, but judging from the fact the Partygoers were flowing out of the hole in the wall like water leaking from a broken bucket, there was probably even more than that.

Gu Yue's first instinct was to teleport to the door. But before she could even think of activating her space element, the Partygoers had already swarmed the entrance, forcing her to cancel her teleportation.

"What the hell...?" Tang Ziran asked, understandably speechless and terrified.

Slowly, the Partygoers started to collect themselves. The ones who lay on the ground stood up, joining the others as they all collectively started to walk toward Gu Yue and Tang Ziran.

The sight was terrifying, much more terrifying than earlier. But Gu Yue wasn't about to back down.

Call it stupidity or bravery or arrogance, she didn't care. She was going to go back to Tang Wulin, even if she had to go through all these monsters to do so.

After seeing Gu Yue's elements reappear around her, Tang Ziran immediately turned to her in horror.

"What are you doing?! You can't actually be thinking of fighting all of them, are you?!" He screamed as he angrily pointed his finger at the cornucopia of Partygoers.

His loud voice wasn't accomplishing anything but getting the Partygoers' attention to him.

Gu Yue merged wind, water, and fire again, creating her Blazing Blue Fireball as fast as she could. The ball was ready in seconds, and Gu Yue threw it at the entities. It created a blazing blue hue that incinerated a dozen Partygoers, but Gu Yue knew that was far from enough.

Knowing she had to maximize her attack, Gu Yue blasted wind, hoping to spread the fire to more of the entities. It worked with great effect, burning alive a lot of the Partygoers that were in front. If she had to guess, that was at least thirty killed in one attack.

Now. At least a thousand more to go.

But first.

"Just run, already! I won't get angry!" Gu Yue told Tang Ziran without taking her eyes off the horde. And that was the truth. She would easily understand if he ran away. After all, he wasn't even a Soul Master in the first place.

As she merged another set of wind, fire, and water, she heard Tang Ziran's voice yell once again.

"What I want to know is why! Why are you doing this? Are you stupid? Brave?! Some sort of hero?! Or is your ego inflated enough to think you could take all of them on?!" Tang Ziran yelled, progressively getting more and more aggressive.

"All are wrong!" Gu Yue responded loudly as she hurled another Blazing Blue Fireball, immediately doing the same trick she did earlier with the wind element.

"You were right about earlier!" Gu Yue stated as she created a wall of ice that temporarily blocked the Partygoers, allowing her to focus on Tang Ziran. "I do have a boyfriend!" She confessed, turning to Tang Ziran who held a multitude of emotions in his eyes.

"And those assholes over there-" She pointed her finger at the wall of ice that was slowly cracking. "-are not going to stop me from seeing him again!"

Another crack was heard, and Gu Yue turned back to the wall to strengthen it with as much ice as she could possibly create.

"So just go, already! I don't care!" Gu Yue ended with a scream, stopping Tang Ziran before he could respond.

From then on, Gu Yue turned back to the horde, keeping all her attention on them.

Well, almost all of it. A small part of her mind acknowledged the fact that Tang Ziran was still standing next to her. He hadn't said anything after her confession, but she also hasn't heard him leave yet.

As the wall finally broke from the combined force of the horde, Gu Yue spoke once more. "Why aren't you going yet?!" She snapped, although her eyes were still locked on the Partygoers.

"So that's why, huh? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised. A part of me really did think it was your ego..." Tang Ziran rambled, with Gu Yue barely catching his words as she desperately tried to push back the Partygoers with a gust of wind.

As she held out both of her arms forward, teeth gritted, and amethyst eyes glaring fiercely, a hand suddenly touched her head, gently patting it. Gu Yue was too caught off guard and too focused on her fight to even think of dodging, only acknowledging it after Tang Ziran chuckled at her lowly.

For a brief moment, Gu Yue turned to Tang Ziran, seeing him smile at her softly.

"I'll bait them into chasing me while you run in the opposite direction for a while. Come back here and go through the door when the Partygoers are all after me."

Wait, what?!

Gu Yue was so stunned by that she almost lost focus in her wind attack, nearly letting the Partygoers loose. "Why?! You'll die for sure!"

"You really do care..." Tang Ziran replied with an almost proud smile directed at her. Proud? Why?

"You're a good person, Gu Yue. No matter how cold you want to act." He said, fully confident at his false words. Her main mission was to destroy humanity. There was no way she was a 'good person' or whatever he wanted to call her.

"Now go. Let me do this one thing for you." Tang Ziran announced as he walked forward, completely looking like a suicidal idiot while doing so.

"Why-" She tried to speak, but Tang Ziran interrupted her fast.

"Just drop your wind attack and go!" He ordered, snapping at her.

Gu Yue dropped her arms, stopping the wind and letting loose the army of Partygoers. Without wasting time, the entities immediately began their march toward them.

"Fine. But your death is not on my hands." Gu Yue said what was probably her last words to Tang Ziran, only earning another light chuckle from him in response.

She turned around, running in the opposite direction. She had no idea where this led to. But Tang Ziran said to run in an opposite direction from him while he distracted the horde, so she was running here.

Turning around, she saw the entire army of Partygoers lumbering to the room she and Tang Ziran came from, with only two or three of them still having their attention on her. She watched with shock as a seemingly endless amount of Partygoers came out of the hole in the wall, all chasing after Tang Ziran.

He was 100% going to die.

After an entire minute of watching from very far away, Gu Yue finally saw the end to the horde. All but five of them disappeared to the other room.

But she had no time to stand and stare at the sheer size of the infestation. She knows Tang Ziran won't be able to hold them off for very long, so she needed to make use of this time while she still had the chance.

With that thought, she activated her space element, teleporting right behind each Partygoer and making sure to stab an ice spear through each of their chests. It was pathetically easy now that they weren't grouped up with a thousand more entities.

After dispatching of the Partygoers, Gu Yue teleported in front of the door leading to level 0, placing her hand on the handle.

However, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find the strength to rotate the handle and pull open the door. Something was weighing down on her and preventing her from leaving this place.

She gritted her teeth in frustration, knowing exactly what that was.

Why? Why?! WHY?!

He was the one who foolishly threw his own life away, not her! And it wasn't like Gu Yue didn't try to convince him to run away either. No! He knew what he was getting into! He killed himself because he wanted to help someone who neither needed nor deserved it!

So why the hell is she feeling guilty about this?!

Better question! Why does she even care in the first place?!

If anything, she should be thanking the Partygoers for doing her job for her!

So WHY?!


"How could you do that?!"

"Faceless or not, they still resembled human beings. And you incinerated them alive without a second thought, almost as if you didn't care. What if that was an actual human? Would you even feel bad?"


"Fuck!" Gu Yue cursed as loud as she can, her furious scream being heard by absolutely no one.

Turning around, Gu Yue rushed toward the direction Tang Ziran was headed to.