

I entered the school noticing the eyes that followed me. I knew he'd gossip about it; why wouldn't he? Madison came up quickly "Where did you go? Did you get in some kind of trouble?" She looked around as she noticed the attention; her attention came back to me "Why are they staring?"

We went up the stairs to the main classrooms; I got stopped along the way. A girl gently grasped my arm "Violet right?" I noticed her immediately from our English class as one of the girls glaring but she seemed the kind one out of them. I pulled my arm back "Yes."

She put her hands together in front of her "I'm Karissa." I looked at her with a cringed face "Why would I need to know that." She gulped nervously "I'm Kristian's twin sister. He's older by a few minutes." Madison spoke up "Karissa, don't make her feel uncomfortable." The girl giggled "Oh she knows I'm just having a conversation." Madison started laughing, I figured Karissa was a silly person and this was her usual mood.

She smirked at me "You're probably thinking she isn't his twin. She looks nothing like him. We aren't identical if it helps." My eyes quickly turned in Kristian's direction as he came up "Karissa. Why are you bothering Violet." She turned to her brother "Well brother I was about to invite her to the bonfire tonight before you interrupted."

Madison smiled "I planned to invite you too. You should! You can meet other people from the church." Before I could speak Kristian spoke up "Would be nice to have a new face." Before I could answer the first bell rang making all of us rush off to our classes.

The day sprung by pretty quickly and lunch had come. I was greeted by Karissa who waited outside the cafeteria; after avoiding her all day. She was close to a lot of people; she was a nice girl why wouldn't everyone want to be her friend? Her attention turned to me with a huge grin.

She interlaced her arm with mine "So I was thinking pizza." I gently pulled myself away from her "I was just going to get a regular lunch at.." she cut me off "Nonsense. Let me buy you a slice of pizza. I insist."

She interlaced her arm with mine once again and we walked to the back of the cafeteria to the concession stand; I looked around at the student-filled cafeteria. Madison had shortly joined us "We didn't get to ask. Did you need a ride?" I inhaled forgetting I'd have to ask. She'd definitely say no but I had hoped maybe she'd allow it considering she knew these kids well.

Karissa turned to me "Look don't find me weird. I must know what you use in your hair to get that shine." She played with it and brushed it with her fingers. She stopped once the guy handed her the pizza slices; she gave me mine and handed the other to Madison. I looked at her "Aren't you going to eat?"

She flashed her smile "Kristian and Luke are bringing some food. I don't eat meat so pizza is a no for me." She flipped her hair behind her shoulder "Oh Luke is my boyfriend. Should have mentioned that." Madison ate her pizza "Herbivore. The last time she had proper meat in her mouth was.." She was cut off by Kristian "I don't need to know my sister's sex life. Thanks."

Luke threw his arm around Karissa's shoulder "You know we're waiting." He kissed her head and smirked at me "Luke. You are Violet?" I nodded gripping the plate in my hand; I felt Kristian's eyes lingering on me waiting for me to say something.

Madison broke the awkward silence "Luke, don't make the girl more nervous than she already is." I glanced at Kristian whose attention was on his phone now. He looked up at me "You should come to our game. Then we can carpool to the bonfire. What do you say?"

Karissa jumped in to save the uncomfortable feeling growing inside me "Yes! We can look at soccer players together." Luke gently tightened his arm around her neck playfully with a smirk on his face "Hey." I felt my heartbeat in my throat as the attention turned to me. I nodded "Sure." We walked and sat down; Kristian sat beside me bumping my arm on accident. He sat and looked at me "My bad." His attention went to Luke as they talked about the game.

Karissa sat bored with their talk and munched down the salad. Madison had her phone out and was video chatting with someone; Karissa noticed my discomfort. She set her bottle down "V? Do you mind if we call you that?" I felt a smile grow on my face "That's what my mom. Calls me." I was referring to my birth mother not my foster mom but they assumed my foster mom.

Madison hung up the phone "Why does he have to be so far? I can't believe he moved." She gave a pout and dramatically dropped her head on her hand. I glanced at her and Karissa smiled "I could never deal if Luke moved. Your relationship with Johnathan is strong to be held on this long. I could never."

I realized in the group Kristian and I were the only single ones. At least I thought he was; there was no evidence of a girl around his finger. I'm sure I would've met her by now. He was charming, why wouldn't he have someone? Then he spoke up.

"Love is overrated."

Just as Karissa opened her mouth, I felt my own open "Depends on who you share it with." I felt myself shut down as all eyes were on me. Madison leaned in with her head resting on her knuckles "Who is he?" I laughed under my breath "I'm not with anyone. I was just saying." Karissa nodded "See Kristian, I told you she had a head on her shoulders."

I felt uneasy when she said that, she had spoken to him about me. Kristian chuckled "I'm sorry we see differently. I think most are after what they can showcase. Nobody takes the time to learn about someone before they make moves and then question why it ends the way it does."

I felt confidence overcome me again "So wait for the person who can. Who proves your time is worth everything. The one who shows their loyalty even when you aren't together." He looked at me with a smile until Karissa opened her mouth making it awkward "I think you found your soulmate Kris."

I caught myself holding my breath now, he laughed it off and took a drink "You're truly insane." Should I have been hurt by that compliment? He looked at me with apologetic eyes like he meant no offense. The bell rang and I wrapped up the pizza in my napkin. Kristian had noticed "You can have my tray. I'm done."

He grabbed my pizza and placed it on the tray. He slid it back to me sealed closed. I stood up and reached for my backpack when Kristian looked at me as he adjusted his to his back "Um. I'm sorry. I had no intention..." I cut him off "It's fine. Thank you for the tray."

I was about to leave when he mumbled something quiet enough for me just to hear it "You don't have to worry about us telling anyone." I looked shocked, he smiled "I promise." He held his pinky out for mine; I felt in me that I could trust his word so I interlaced my pinky in his.