
Endless: From Earth, to The End of Time

Vendak Soth has been reborn. Trapped by a stubborn, uncommunicative system, he must survive. One hundred years for a single wish, no more, no less. Ven danced to the system's tune, a lifetime of struggle for a promised reward. After a long and miserable life, what wish will he choose? More importantly, how far will he go to gain his freedom? Join Ven on a journey of magic and monsters, a fantasy adventure on a cosmic scale. From Earth to the beginning of time, watch as a jaded old man finds friendship and relearns what it means to be human. *note* All Chapters posted here are on the patreon, and are have better formatting! If you enjoy my work, then please visit my Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/maizeblu where there are 50+ extra chapter parts for Endless! I’ve also got a second novel loosely titled Cataclysm that will be exclusive to the patreon until I get a big enough backlog, it’s at twelve chapter parts and growing. I’ve also be posted a fanfiction (Krypton Reborn: A Star Wars Story) I’m writing as a palate cleanser in between my other works. It will be free to read on the patreon, and eventually on all other sites I use as well once I get to 30 chapter parts! Visit royalroad, scribblehub, and my patreon, I'll be posting this there as well!

VendakSoth · Fantasía
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175 Chs

Ch31: Kidnapped, Part Three

"You know what charm is: a way of getting the answer yes without having asked any clear question."

― Albert Camus, The Fall

Almost there...

Sweat beaded on Ven's forehead, a steady flow that drained down the side of his face. He gripped a small, rune-inscribed stylus, carefully positioned in the air. The energy within his cores stirred as he drew a sliver free, directed into the point of his tool.

Just a bit more...

A fine line of white light carved onto the air. Ven moved his stylus in a practiced, mechanical sweep. The point drew a rune, the symbol of protection.


Cain's muffled voice rose above an incessant crinkle that filled the background, a white noise that Ven ignored. The human dug into a fresh snack, some kind of crisp.

"You're a half degree off on the third loop."

"Shut up..."

Ven grimaced. Cain was right, his rune was imperfect. It would work, but it could be broken by Semi-Divine, perhaps even a powerful Nirvana Lord. He continued regardless, a final arch that connected the rune and locked it in place.


A semi-transparent membrane surrounded Ven in a dome. The surface held an opalescent sheen, muddied by streaks of black. Cain stepped forward, knife in hand.

"Hmmm..." The human tapped Ven's completed work. "Look at these impurities, barely better than the last one!"

Cain's stone blade trembled and the barrier shattered. Ven rolled his eyes and fell into a squat, flask of water in hand.

'Still better though..."

"Yes, yes," Cain waved Ven's comment away. "And a snail can circle the world, if you give it a thousand years!"

"I'm not a snail!"

"Prove it then!" Cain flicked Ven's forehead, a blow that spun him into a heap. "Master a single rune, perfect one spell, and I'll remove your title of 'student snail'"

"I'm trying," Ven scowled at his overbearing teacher. "But it's hard to draw a three-dimensional structure in the air without making a single mistake!"

"For you," A smirk formed on Cain's lips. "Ooulin mastered his first rune the day I met him, It's why I took him as a student."

"Well good for Ooulin, maybe you can go find the younger version and train him for a while..."

"Bah, that's boring," Cain pulled Ven upright. "I've already trained him, the little turtle will remember on his own."

"Well then, stop whining about how I'm not like him!" Ven pushed away Cain's hand and dusted himself off. "I've already said, I can just head home, no need to train me..."

"Too bad," Cain's face twisted into a feral grin. "I promised Ooulin, and I'm curious if something like you can master the runes of the world."


Ven sighed and raised his stylus once more. The tip glowed and Ven began to draw. This time, a rune of amplification appeared. His most difficult rune, but the one he was closest to completing.

Let my cultivation do the work...

Cain had spouted this pearl over and over, so Ven believed it wasn't nonsense. The trouble was, he didn't understand what it meant. Energy flowed from his cores and Ven gave up any control he had.

Power rushed from him in a burst, a river that entered the stylus without direction. He paid it no mind, his hand along for the ride as his arm twisted to a noiseless tune. His mind wandered, thoughts of Mara and Kalina, the friends he'd left behind.

I've been here for a year... I wonder how they're doing?

"Hey, idiot!"

Ven frowned. Words appeared in his ears, more noise than anything in his half-aware state. He ignored the verbal barrage and continued his mindless dance.


A hand broke Ven from his trance, a slap that sent bells through his skull. Ears useless, Ven reeled back from Cain's assault.

"What the HELL," Ven shook like a dog, a tremor that failed to clear the ring in his head. "I was finally getting it!"

"Well, that's true..." Cain pointed to the sky over Ven's shoulder. "But not even I know what that thing is supposed to do."

Ven turned to face his work. A colossal rune, formed from a continuous line of white. It was almost complete, but Cain had stopped him before the end. It buzzed and hummed, a tone that caused the skies to groan.

"See, I told you I wasn't a snail," Ven squinted up at his creation. "Just a slow starter!"

"Fair enough, but I think it's best if we leave this for now, I want to..."

"Screw that!"

Ven reached out, stylus in hand. This was his first completed rune, he wasn't about to leave it unfinished. The last portion came naturally, a small circle that ended with a flourish. The circuit completed. A muted silence crept over the world.



"I can't believe they didn't come looking for me!"

Kalina and Syy strode into sight of the capital. It had been a full year since the two had met, and Kalina considered the quiet woman her greatest friend.

"That's ok, now you've got plenty of stories to make them jealous."

"That's right," Kalina pumped her fist. "I'll make them all regret letting me wander the lands alone!"

"I was with you the entire time..."

"Yes, yes..." Kalina shooed Syy toward the city ahead. "My faithful squire, always there to make my tea and carry my gear!"

"Yes, oh mighty goddess!"

Syy put on a mock face of subservience, her back bent in a bow. Kalina nodded, a smile on her face.

"Exactly, Ven and the rest need to learn from you, my stalwart servant!"

"Alright, that's enough horsing around," Syy smiled at Kalina's excited form. "Let's go, you promised to introduce me to your friends."


Kalina darted off, a blur of light on the dawn. Syy followed, her movements sure and easy. They glided over the land, twin streaks that lept right over the city walls.

"Just wait until you meet Ooulin and my little fish, they're my favorite pets!"

Syy nodded, a faint smile on her lips. Together, the pair reached the guild and Kalina threw open the door.

"I'm back, you ungrateful cretins!"

Thanks again for reading, and a big thanks to our first patrons, we can’t do this without the support! Chapters will be posted, Monday to Friday. Hope your day is going well, talk to you next time!

If you enjoy my work, then please visit my Patreon where there are 50+ extra chapter parts for Endless! I’ve also got a second novel loosely titled Cataclysm that will be exclusive to the patreon until I get a big enough backlog, it’s at twelve chapter parts and growing. I’ve also posted a fanfiction (Krypton Reborn: A Star Wars Story). It’s free to read on the patreon, and on all other sites I use as well! https://www.patreon.com/maizeblu

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