
Endless Change

A bartender and a mafia leader love story. Asaka is a mafia leader who falls in love with Levar, a trans bartender.

We_are_here · Acción
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88 Chs

Alone Time

(Levar Point of View)

I still haven't asked if she fed Lev when I was out. Maybe I should feed him now. After all, it doesn't look like he has any food in his bowl. Then again, being in her arms feels so nice. I do like this. It's warm and helps with the pain but I am starting to sweat again. I should tell her. 

"Baby?" No responds. That's odd. She always has a quick response. I can still feel her, not see her as she is behind me but I can feel her. "Asaka?" Still nothing. I slowly sit up and I look back at her. She is asleep. She looks so peaceful. She does a lot for me. Maybe I can do something for her. I look down at where my leash is. I could take it off. I haven't tried before as it has a lock on it but the hooks that are around the house don't. 

I reach up and unhook my leash. Nothing. That was easy. I carefully get off of the bed. I clean up Lev's litter box and I give him food. He immediately starts eating. Looks like he was hungry. I clean up the room. When I try to leave the room I can't as the door is locked and I don't want to search Asaka for the key as she might wake up. I sit down on the ground as I play with Lev. Lev is quite playful as he keeps checking his toys. If he is a lion then that is why he is so ready to attack. 

I should train him. After all, lions do become big and kind of scary but he doesn't seem like that right now, maybe because he is young. He is a fast learner so perhaps I will be able to easily train him. What should I start with? I could start with tracking things down but I don't really know how to do that. I wonder if Asaka would help. I know she likes it when I call here ma'am so many I could use that to get her to help. I don't know though. She does seem to work a lot. I guess being a police officer is a lot of work but she is helping people. If the door wasn't locked I could make her something. Maybe when she wakes up I can try to give her a massage. I don't think I could do it very well as I have never massaged anyone before but I can try my best. After all, she has done a lot for me, I can try to do this for her. My thoughts get cut off by Lev jumping on me with his toy in his mouth. He looks so happy. I pet him as I smile.

"Good job boy. You did good Lev."

I start petting his ears as he does seem to really like it. I lay back on the floor. I am tired. I should try to sleep. I close my eyes as I hold Lev. I feel him fall asleep but I can't. I am comfortable and I don't want to move but at the same time, I might be able to sleep if I do. I could just try this position more or just pretend to sleep until I do. 

After what feels like hours, I see Asaka moving. I see her reaching around the bed. No, no, no. She is going to be mad when she sees me off of the bed. Why didn't I think of that? I sit up, causing Lev to wake up. I slowly crawl into the bed but Asaka notices me before I can. She grabs my leash and pulls me close to her. She checks my entire body. She seems really mad. I see her relax slightly as she pulls me close.

"You better have a good reason for this."

"I wanted to help you out a bit. I saw that you fell asleep so I thought I would clean up and feed Lev."

"You could do that without removing your leash from the hook."

"I know but I wanted a bit more room."

I see her pause as she slowly calms down. "Just don't do that again. I can't lose you."

I nod my head. "I won't. I will stay here." I do kind of feel bad. It just seems like she was scared that I would leave her. I won't leave but she doesn't know if she can trust that. After all, I was planning on leaving when I found out that she has murdered people. She clearly cares and loves me a lot. She just doesn't want me to leave her. 

"Good. Now come back here and cuddle me." I cuddle up to her and she holds me. "Good boy."

There is some silence between us before I speak, "Ma'am, are you mad at me?"

She looks down at me. "No, I'm not mad, I was scared that you left me and I can't lose you, I need you."

"I won't leave. I will stay with you, I don't plan on leaving, I just want to help you out."

"You don't need to help me out, I am here to do everything for you, you just need to relax. Plus, you should be giving your attention to Lev, not chores. Lev is your cub so you should just worry about him."

I think about her words for a moment. Lev is my cub, and I want to train him so she has a point. I should spend more of my time taking care of Lev. "Okay, I will. I will focus on Lev."

"Good boy. Now are you hungry?"

I nod my head. She smiles at me. She kisses my forehead before mumbling, "stay here, I will go make us food," and then leaving the room.