
Chapter 90: Help and caravan

A white and fat fat rabbit jumped to the table and Ji Xiang called the board, stupid and cute, and changed the scene, Feng Yu must have laughed at the big teeth. But he can't smile now, he actually felt a threat from the fat rabbit.

As the saying goes, there is no three-thirds, and I dare not go to Liangshan.

Feng Yu dared to run around the world in the world of corpses, and it was impossible to run fast on the wheels of cars. When the car had a puncture, how could he not encounter problems when he went out? If Feng Yu does not have extraordinary strength, the things he encounters are enough to die thousands of times.

He is a gold abilities, has been trapped in the third-order peak for some time, spiked three-level zombies, also used rockets to kill the giant zombies, but now he actually felt threatened from a small fat rabbit. Turning to the head again, looking at Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua, Feng Yu's heart is stunned, the momentum of these two people, are they... the pressure on them, and they don't lose the Li's two Level abilities. Feng Yufei quickly gathered his eyes to the fine light, and did not dare to smack him because of Wu Ye's baby fat baby face, but it was a bit more solemn.

Wu Ye came back yesterday and handed over the remaining wheat seeds to Ji Chong. He was busy for 20 days. I wanted to sleep well today. As a result, Qin Wuhua smashed from the bed, and the heart was so sullen. Don't mention it.

Ji Xiang has already seen the rabbit's boss, and he knows that the rabbit boss is now a four-level mutant beast or Wu Ye's contract beast. He didn't dare to slow it down. Zheng Cai shouted it, 'rabbit boss', with a piece of braised pork. To it, the rabbit boss was satisfied with the braised meat and jumped to the small coffee table next to it. Seeing Feng Yu's stunned, Wu Ye screamed and screamed, and walked over with a sullen face.

Ji Xiang was busy to give up the main position, but also called the waiter to add bowls and chopsticks to add vegetables. Something to Wu Ye Qin Wuhua porridge, and the diligent Feng Yu had some reactions.

Wu Ye took the position of the first person in charge of Ji Xiang. How could Ji Xiang still be so charming and wooing Wu Ye? Even the rabbits of Wu Yeyang are respectful, and Ji Xiang's power is still the third-order peak abilities. This is incredible. There must be something stinking inside.

A few days ago, Ji Xiang was loyal to Wu Ye Zhongxin, but definitely could not reach the current feminine point. This time, Wu Ye easily and easily get a million pounds of grain at a price that is unimaginable. When he comes back, he will be four four-level abilities plus a four-level contract beast. Others in the core team The strength of people has increased greatly. Ji Xiang didn't want to mention more eyes. He was stuck in the third-order peak and had some days. Every day, no matter how busy the work, he would take time to practice hard, but he did not enter. Those guards just followed Wu Ye in addition to a distant door, the original level of power is not as good as his Qian Xin and Zhao Qianyu have surpassed him, advanced to the fourth stage, and the cultivation of others has also been greatly improved.

However, those guards have been ignorant of what happened after they went out. Ji Xiang can only infer that the strength of the guards will definitely not be related to the mysterious Wu Ye. After all, Wu Ye got the ridiculously so strange things, a little other means is not surprising. With such a thought, Wu Ye's position in his heart is more and more noble and mysterious. From respectful to flattering, it is well understood.

After Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua took a seat, Ji Xiang introduced them, and everyone talked while eating. Eating something to chat with the sky, Wu Ye quickly got rid of sleepiness, the more he talked about the spirit, and soon he and Feng Yu called his brother.

After the satiated meal, the waiter came over and quickly took away the dishes. On the table, he placed tea and fruit melon seeds and candy. Wu Ye casually threw a candied into his mouth and said, "Feng Ge, are all happy people. I am too lazy to turn around. We really need a lot of food for the winter. If you don't come today, I will organize a caravan to go to the Jiangnan settlement to buy food in a few days. Now that you are here, it's really saving me. Little things. What kind of grain do you plan to sell? Directly report your selling price, save us a few big lords to cut and slash for a few small money, and it's bothersome and boring. Hurry."

Feng Yu has encountered countless people in Nanbei, but has never seen Wu Ye. For a time, he couldn't touch Wu Ye. This is a real local tyrant or he is beating him.

Feng Yu hesitated for a moment and reported a price slightly higher than his psychological reserve price of 10%: "Since Wu Shao is afraid of trouble, then all foods, regardless of the variety, will be 1.8 transparent crystals." This price can be earned per kilogram of food. 0.5 transparent crystal, 950 tons of grain, he can earn 9500 transparent crystals, and finally he has ten thousand transparent crystals in his hand, and other business with him, it is completely impossible to say profiteering. However, Yucheng is not too far from the Jiangnan settlement, and the road is relatively flat. Compared with other sections, it is easy, and it runs a few times. The profit is also rich.

Yucheng has now implemented grain purchase restrictions. The price of grain has not changed since the last five major forces have gone up. The corn, sweet potato and soy flour are all 1 crystal, 1 kg of crystal, ordinary colored rice, flour 3 and 1 kg. .

The coarse grain and fine grain brought by Feng Yu this time were half-opened, and the sweet potato was dried into sweet potato. His asking price was very reasonable, even cheaper than Jixiang expected.

Wu Ye did not think, immediately laughed: "Feng Ge is really refreshing, just according to the price you said. You are planning to use gold to check out or pass the crystal card, or to barter."

Feng Yu's heart trembled and took a sip of the teacup. After running the scorpion, he asked: "Which Wu Shao intends to trade with me?" Compared with the empty car, Feng Yu certainly wants to return home.

Wu Ye grabbed the tail of the rabbit boss who tried to take the candied fruit, dragged it over and threw it into Qin Wuhua's arms, and then smiled: "Smoke, tea, candied fruit, candy, biscuits, lipstick, perfume, plague Pharmacy, what do you want?"

Qin Wuhua is not good at talking about business. He has been sitting silently on the side of Wu Ye. However, even if he does not say a word, he is strong and tough, and people cannot ignore him. After the naughty rabbit boss fell into his arms, he was completely honest and squatted on his lap and did not dare to blame.

Feng Yu looked at the two of them, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated. The instincts of the businessman told him that he would probably make a big deal in the true sense.

"How many goods does Wu Shao have?" Regardless of the origin of Wu Ye, he said that these goods are very tight materials, and in any settlement, he is a big entry.

Two less quite domineering: "You don't care how much I have, let the old season lead you to Zengxin. He is responsible for taking care of these things. You will talk to him at the specific price. I will follow with you. He called and asked him to give you a discount. "Now the city's 'luxury' industry is sluggish, Wu Ye has long thought of exporting.

Feng Yu's identity is quite special. In addition to being a businessman, he is still a well-known Feng family. The top management of large-scale settlements is very polite to him, not to mention the managers of medium-sized settlements. There are very few people like Wu Ye who haven't taken him seriously, but he still doesn't feel angry. It was said by Wu Ye's baby face that he felt that the other party was sincere. Unlike some people who respect you well, for the benefit of that one point, the tricks are incomprehensible. Instead, Wu Ye was so generous on the table, as he said, everyone was relieved. If you are doing business, everyone wants to make money, and earning your own is the best.

"Then I thanked Wu Shao first."

Everyone chatted a few words, Ji Xiang suddenly received a call from an office, the phone did not know what to say, his face a little dignified.