
Chapter 74: Energy weapon

The rabbit boss is missing his past life. There are a group of young brothers who have a lot of grass. There are two nucleus and a fish lip. Every now, there is nothing left. Well, there is a bad temper. New owner. The rabbit boss huddled in a soft nest, silently sorrowful. I really want to go back to the farm qaq.

Wu Ye is very angry that the system actually missed such a crucial paragraph and did not tell him, which made him inexplicable contract a fat, stupid and timid contract beast, tired of not loving!

However, Wu Ye, the regenerative gas, did not forget the mandatory task that he had worked hard to accomplish. After he got the job of the Niuwang, the first thing he did when he got home was to receive the task reward.

After pressing the button, the two less careful livers are as good as ever, and the eyes are staring at the screen.

Mission rating: d-

Mission reward: 1000 points, low-level crystal pistol x1.

The price of low-grade crystal nucleus gun is known as Wu Ye, but the starting price of these things is calculated by Huang Jing. The cheapest one is the low-grade crystal nucleus pistol, 10 huangjing, but unfortunately he only has 1 yellow at the bottom of the pressure box. crystal. I got a very imaginary crystal nuclear weapon. Wu Ye's mood was slightly better, but this good mood is not destined to last too long.

"Bastard, mad at Laozi, do you dare not use it again? You believe that Lao Tzu will throw you into the zombie group to feed the zombies!" Two less looked at the corner of the pickup truck, the fat rabbit was so angry.

The rabbit boss shook his ears, carefully shrinking into the corner, steadily burying his head in his stomach, two small short fat claws squinting, pretending that he could not see anything and could not hear.

It is not going to fight with meat monsters qaq! It has to run away from home qaq!

If you change the scene, maybe Wu Ye will feel that it is silly and cute, but -

This is his contract beast! This is his contract beast! This is his contract beast!

There are thousands of gods and beasts whistling in the heart of the two, and it seems that he understands the anger of his old man.

Qin Wuhua solved a zombie in sight with a crystal nucleus gun. When he looked back, Wu Ye was still licking his contract beast, and his eyes flashed a smile. There is a master of his own, Qin Wuhua feels that there is a lot of commonality between the rabbit boss and Aye--lazy, greedy, snooze, timid, violent, and then very... Meng. Of course, these words, he did not dare to say as Wu Ye, otherwise they would like to go back to the main bedroom to eat meat in the past few days.

Qin Wuhua dug out the red crystal in the zombie's brain and walked to Wu Ye. "You just use it for nothing, you should throw it directly to the zombie."

Wu Yeqi drums said: "It's not the same useless, you didn't watch it run faster than the rabbit!" Well, it was originally a rabbit. But look at the x-point men's warfare, not the dragon is the unicorn and the phoenix is ​​no longer good, but also has the ancient xxx, look at his family, rabbit! The most timid and useless rabbit! Meat rabbit! Nothing mixed in the rabbit! It's lazy and courageous, it's just more waste than him!

"Mom, one by one is a pot of goods!"

The rabbit boss did not hear the ear, and the system was innocent. It clearly opened the back door to the stupid host, but he did not understand its pains at all, hey, too lazy to control him!

Qin Wuhua patted his back and gave him a smooth hair: "Well, don't be angry. We have tried the effect of the crystal pistol. Go to the hunting area and exercise and train the rabbit boss."

Wu Ye spoke a long breath and said, "Okay."

The effect of the low-level crystal nucleus pistol is not as good as imagined. A crystal nucleus can only be used for 30 times. At the same time, it can only kill zombies of the same level or lower level as the crystal nucleus, and cannot fill more than three levels. The crystal nucleus can only fill up to at least orange crystal. Compared with the current ordinary hot weapons, the crystal pistol is more economical, but for Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua, this kind of combat effect can only be called chicken ribs.

However, it is clear that the real value of a low-level crystal pistol is not in combat, but in its own value.

The ecs, the mutant beast, and even the zombies can absorb the energy of the nucleus, but no matter how the scientists experiment, they can't replace this energy with technology, and replace it with oil, coal, natural gas and other energy sources. As a complete finished product, the low-grade crystal nucleus pistol has no doubt that it has a perfect nucleus energy conversion device. As long as it can crack the device, Yucheng wants to really control it without any problems.

As a planted settlement, Yucheng has no problem in meeting the food needs of survivors in the city without encountering natural disasters. However, the biggest short board in Yucheng is the lack of energy and the lack of minerals. With these two things missing, the lifeblood of Yucheng will always be pinched in the hands of other settlements. If it develops, it can only be affiliated with others, and it cannot be truly independent. Then this big cake Wu Ye is destined forever. Can't swallow it all. Regardless of the issue of belonging, Wu Ye has done so much for Yucheng now, and he does not want his own thoughts to finally make a wedding dress for others.

If the nucleus energy converter can be perfectly reproduced, then it is not a change of a gun and a cannon, but an industrial revolution that will sweep the world. In this revolution, as long as the city takes up a little opportunity, the pattern of the whole world will change.

Thinking about these good things, Wu Ye's heart has finally disappeared.

After the urban defense team in Yucheng was re-adjusted, the number of people is now 12,000. Qin Wuhua divides these people into 10 for 1 class, 30 for 1 row, 120 for 1 company, 600 for one battalion, and 1200 for A regiment divided the City Defense Force into a total of 10 regiments. Each level of the unit has two direct and direct persons in charge. According to different levels, the person in charge enjoys the additional subsidy of the corresponding level. However, if the responsible unit fails to complete the task, the direct responsible person will be doubled and the responsible person will suffer. Punishment, if the task is overfulfilled, the responsible person and his responsible unit can enjoy additional rewards.

Of course, this is the most basic two major rewards and punishments. There are still many other rules and regulations. Qin Wuhua is almost a training plan, mission goal and harsh military regulations formulated by the standards of the past special forces. At first, there were many survivors who rushed to the city to fight for the good help of the city defense guards. The applicants would copy the military regulations for them and bring them back. Many people have not seen the full version, and they have retired. The man entered the city defense with his tried mentality. After a few days of devil training, he couldn't stand it and left.

A month has passed, and the military registration that was originally enrolled in the city has not been withdrawn. Corresponding to the harsh training and military regulations, the city defense team's compensation is several times more abundant than in the past.

First of all, they each have a monthly salary of 1,000 transparent crystals. Then, in groups, complete the task of zombie hunting every month, according to different tasks to complete the level, based on the number of hunting nuclei, each person can receive a minimum of 2000 perforation on the top of the task is not capped. In addition, certain additional tasks will be rewarded. In addition to the above-mentioned rewards, the direct family members of the guards have preferential treatment for the work in the city, and children under the age of 14 are free to send to the school to be built. If the guards are killed or injured in the battle, there will be a generous pension.

After Yucheng experienced the plague, there are now only 80,000 survivors left. Among them, there are a total of 45,000 people, including the city defense guards. This means that another 40,000 people are old and weak women who have no fighting power. If they have no work at all, it will be a heavy burden for any family. And a very real problem, if the pillars of the family are dead, what should these old and weak women and women do? At this time, it is especially important for non-combatants to have a job that can support their families.

In fact, the number of jobs in Yucheng is not small, and the number of jobs is constantly increased by strengthening the walls, planting gardens, cleaning streets, factory work, and the entire service system required for trading activities in commercial areas. However, after ensuring the safety premise, these tasks are all very heavy, and they can't wait to squeeze out the last bit of labor of the survivors, and the reward is still very low.

For example, repairing the city wall, picking up the bricks and busy the bricks for a day, there is only one working meal at noon, and the other 5 crystals are paid. The city is a residence tax, which is 2 per crystal per person per day, and the slum house in the slum is rented for 3 days. Just because these two things add up, I will spend a day's work for one worker. What about other living taxes? If there isn't a hunter in a family, it means that the family will soon become a refugee and be driven out of Yucheng. It is for these reasons that there were so many refugees outside the city.

Yucheng has just stabilized, and the finances are still in deficit. Wu Ye has cleared up some wealth from the other four forces. All the things add up to about 80 million. This fund Wu Ye did not take it for his own use and directly filled the financial resources of Yucheng. The daily income of several big heads in Yucheng, such as head tax, rent, hot weapons, grain, gasoline, etc., removes the balance that is only after the locusts of 30.

Now the special squad is basically self-sufficient, and the big investment in the city has been put on the continuation of the reinforcement of the city wall. After seeing the terrible giant zombies, the current city walls of the city can not withstand a few toss. And this expenditure, the daily labor cost is more than tens of thousands, burning bricks, manufacturing cement, buying steel from hunters and other settlements, the cost of the middle is more than a million transparent crystals per day. If Wu Ye wants to further expand the scope of Yucheng in the future, then the manpower and resources that need to be invested will be more.

Therefore, before accumulating enough wealth, Wu Ye could not really improve the life of the residents of Yucheng.

The salary of ordinary labor has been raised from 5 translucent crystals to 10 transcrystals. They have almost got the Jixiang couple to strike. It is really necessary to raise the living standards of the people in Yucheng.

In addition, in order to avoid revealing secrets, and for the future 'democracy' management, Wu Ye clearly divided his wealth and the finances of Yucheng. The materials he brought are still only sold in his own shop, and the income belongs to him personally. The current store has changed from one to several, and the price is the same as the price of the shop in the city. Yucheng's own materials and materials purchased from hunters and other settlements are put into the city's shops for sale, and the income is directly included in the subsystem of the Yucheng Finance.

At this stage, Wu Ye can be distributed from the finances of Yucheng, only the wages of the city owners - the monthly salary of 100,000 crystals. Qin Wuhua is the first person in charge of the city defense team, and can receive 100,000 transparent crystals every month. Ji Xiang is the agent of the city, and the monthly salary is 50,000 transparent crystals. It can be seen from this salary list that Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua are the real palms of the city.

In addition to salary, they each own a share of the city's shops and plantations. Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua each own 10% of the city's shops and plantations. Jixiang owns 5% of the city's shops, and Ji Chong owns 5% of the plantation. This part of the money ends in a year. After the development of the city and the presence of more powerful people, or the establishment of the civic hierarchy envisioned by Wu Ye, these shares will be redistributed.

At this stage, the most desirable thing for the city guards is that their immediate family members can find a relatively stable and relatively stable wage. Such work can only be placed in management positions. In the past, it was the exclusive responsibility of the five major powers, but now it has become one of their preferential conditions. Although the premise of preferential treatment conditions is that their loved ones must first have the corresponding job abilities, it is also very worthy of their happiness.