
Chapter 1- Introduction

\I'm sorry, we're not really meant for each other."/

\"You deserve someone else."/

\"I love you, goodbye."/

*Kring-kring! Kring-kring!*


Aww! My back hurts!

Why do I always have to end up falling to the floor everytime I hear my phone alarm rings?! Ugh!

I have dreamed again the night when things were over between me and a guy, whom I don't really recognize. It has happened to me for the nth time already. I've been stuck with these nightmares for as long as I can remember!

I've been dreaming it like at some point of my life, I've experienced it. It's like I've been locked in a cage for me to dream this scenario over and over again.

I just want this madness to end.

I haven't even had a boyfriend before! So why am I always dreaming about this thing?!

Could it be that it really happened to me in my past life? Or will it probably happen to me in the future?

Ugh! Stop it, Mica! You're being ridiculous again. It's annoying!

I got up from my bed and ran over to the bathroom.

I have to be early because I still have to go to the library before attending my class which usually starts at 10:00 A.M. I just shrug off what I've dreamt once again, like I always do.

I am Michelle Anne Reyes, my nickname is Mica so you can call me that way. I am a 2nd-year student taking up a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Maxwell University.

Well, it's one of the most expensive and largest schools in the Philippines. It is 10x larger than my previous attended school in the province. But, I didn't get in here because I was rich.

To tell you frankly, I am too broke to be able to be admitted into such a prestigious school. My dad is an overworked farmer, while my mom sells what my father harvests. The money that they get from farming isn't enough to sustain my education, not even half of it could pay my tuition to the university.

Though they are working so hard all day long just to provide the food that the people need, sadly they aren't given justice as the government doesn't give them enough attention. What they could get from farming and selling were just enough to sustain our family's needs.

But since it was my dream to study in Maxwell, I studied hard and topped our batch to get a full scholarship there.

At first, I wasn't expecting to be the valedictorian. It's like asking for the fish to swim in the sky! I wasn't even an honour student when I was in junior high, how much more in the senior, I thought.

I was a mediocre person, I never pushed myself to its limits. Standing out wasn't even my passion because for me, I don't have the skills that others have.

I'm not being a pessimist though. I just thought… I really couldn't be the best at all.

But I changed my mindset when I saw Maxwell University on TV.

I got mesmerised upon seeing various students enrolled in that huge school. I heard they grant scholarships to those top students all over the Philippines, so that motivated me to study harder. With my will to be one of those students in Maxwell and the support that I have received from my family, I made it to the top. I outrank my classmates and became the valedictorian of our batch.

The driven encouragement and motivation from those people around me, especially my parents, have helped me achieve my goal.

Whenever I feel like I'm on the verge of breakdown and not carry on anymore, they would lift me up. I don't even know where I'll be right now if my family and friends weren't there to guide and support me.

Aside from the scholarship that was granted to me, I am also a working student. Though I am bombarded with so much school work, I still manage my time well. If not, I wouldn't be able to survive my first year here in the university.

I have only one brother named Migs, short for Miggy Andre. He is in 11th grade and my, he's more intelligent than me. No kidding.. He's been the consistent top in his batch, which I'm not even surprised about.

He is a bookworm! He reads more books than I do. But he doesn't really own books on his own. He knows that we, unfortunately, can't afford to buy him books, that's why he just borrows them from the library.

Whenever it's his free time, he goes to his favourite spot and there, he'll read. He either reads a random book he likes or just studies his lessons in advance. He is a very organized person too. And he wants to become a doctor.

Where did I know all of those? Of course I'm his older sister! He shares things with me every now and then. We have always communicated ever since.

We're close as siblings, you know.

Because I'm a full scholar, I stay at our school's all girls dormitory. It's a huge apartment filled with different students who are scholars like me. Every scholar has its own room and bathroom, sounds classy right? I feel like I'm living my dream life while admitted to my dream school.

But it's not just us, scholars, who stay at the dormitories. Some students also stay, especially those whose home is far away from the university.

After preparing myself for my morning shift and my class later, I stopped by the cafeteria to grab my breakfast before going to the library.

I ordered a combo meal consisting of rice, fried eggplant, and coffee. After eating, I went directly to the library to start my duty.

A new day again, I must say.