
Encyclopedia of Monster breeding

John, a former football prodigy, faces despair after a devastating car accident ends his career. Struggling to cope with his shattered dreams, he encounters a mysterious being offering a chance at redemption. Desperate, he accepts, only to awaken in a fantastical world As a woman. Amidst the turmoil of his transmigration he notices a Book with the headline "Monster Encyclopedia" Join John on "her" journey on meeting and "fighting" monsters in another world.

Peter_7908 · Fantasía
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87 Chs

CH.10 The Secret

As a few minuets passed she was done thinking and collecting her thoughts so Johanna looked over to them for a moment, a sense of pride swelling within her as she reflected on how far they had come. But there was something weighing on her mind, something she had kept hidden from her sons for far too long. With a deep breath, Johanna gathered her courage and called her sons to her side. As they gathered around her, their expressions curious and expectant, she knew the time had come to reveal the truth.

"My sons," Johanna began, her voice steady but tinged with emotion, "there's something I need to tell you. Something I should have told you a long time ago." Ethan and Noah exchanged puzzled glances, but remained silent, waiting for their mother to continue. "You see," Johanna continued, "I possess powers that I have kept hidden from you. Powers that have shaped our lives in ways you may not have realized."

She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts before revealing the truth about her abilities.

"Firstly," she began, "every monster within a radius of 100 kilometers is drawn to me. They can sense my presence, and it is why we have always had to be cautious and that's also the reason you were never permitted to leave the cave."

Ethan and Noah listened intently, their eyes widening in realization as they began to grasp the magnitude of their mother's revelation.

"But that's not all," Johanna continued. "Every monster I have had sex with... I have the power to turn them to dust at will." The implications of Johanna's words hung heavy in the air, and Ethan and Noah exchanged a look of awe and disbelief.

"And there's more," Johanna added, her voice softer now, almost hesitant. "After having sex with a monster, I gain a part of its ability. It's how I've been able to protect and provide for us all these years." Finally, Johanna revealed the last of her secrets. "And perhaps most importantly... any monster I had sex with becomes obedient to me. It's why we have been able to live in relative peace within this world of chaos."

As Johanna finished speaking, a heavy silence settled over the room, the weight of her words sinking in. But amidst the quiet, there was also a sense of understanding, a newfound appreciation for the woman who had raised them, and the sacrifices she had made to keep them safe. She added:"of course you two were already obedient to me that is the reason why you will notice no changes at all." 

As Johanna continued, her voice carried a weight of solemnity and resolve. "Furthermore," she disclosed, "my task to have sex with all monsters was bestowed upon me by a higher power, by what i assume God Himself. It is a duty I have carried since the day I arrived in this world."

Ethan and Noah exchanged incredulous glances, their minds grappling with the enormity of their mother's revelation. "And the last thing," Johanna added, her voice now tinged with a hint of sadness. "I am not from this world. I come from another realm entirely, a place far beyond anything you can imagine, god offered me to restore my body which he did but in turn i have to complete this task."

Ethan and Noah stood in stunned silence, their minds reeling with the weight of their mother's revelations. The cavern seemed to hold its breath as they processed the enormity of what Johanna had just disclosed.

After a moment, Ethan stepped forward, his expression a mix of disbelief and admiration. "Mother," he began, his voice filled with awe, "we had no idea... But we accept you, wholly and completely, powers and all." Noah nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting a newfound respect for their mother. "Yes," he added, his voice tinged with emotion, "you have always been there for us, guiding and protecting us. We trust you, no matter what." Tears welled in Johanna's eyes as she enveloped her sons in a tight embrace, overwhelmed with gratitude and love for the understanding and acceptance they had shown her. In that moment, as they stood together in the heart of the cavern.

After a moment of embracing her sons, Johanna takes a deep breath, her gratitude mingling with a newfound sense of concern. "You know, Ethan," she begins tentatively, "I'm not entirely convinced that you're the best fit for the role of village chief. You're adventurous and brave, but perhaps not as level-headed as Noah."

It's a difficult thing for her to say, these words feeling like gentle but necessary blows to her son's pride.

Noah and Ethan exchange a knowing glance before bursting into laughter, their amusement evident in the sparkle of their eyes. Johanna furrows her brow, unable to comprehend the source of their mirth, and puffs up her cheeks in a mixture of confusion and mild indignation.

"Don't be upset, Mom," Ethan chuckles, his tone warm and affectionate. "You look adorable when you're trying to be stern. But to address your concern, that's something Noah and I sorted out long ago. I've accepted a different role, more suited to my strengths, while Noah steps into the position of chief."

With Ethan's explanation, Johanna's worries dissipate like morning mist beneath the sun's rays. A sense of relief washes over her, knowing that her sons have already solved all her worries and problems.