
Enchanted You Are

Archer Bates has a huge crush on beautiful and sexy Hazel Gabriella since they were in third grade. Ever since he never had the chance to tell her how he feels about her mainly because she was rich, famous and had the entire school crawling at her feet. She was also dating the cutest, coolest guy in school. And him? He was just seen as the quiet, nobody from nowhere. It continues this way until everything takes a huge turn and Hazel is seen struggling to maintain her popularity which is about to crumble with the fact that she's associating with Archer. How is she going to keep up? And will Archer accept the fact that Hazel can never be his? Watch out in this heart warming suspense packed filled book.

The_old_Venus · Ciudad
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22 Chs

Chapter 14


By the next day, I had recovered fully. It wasn't a severe issue. The nurse said I sprained my elbow and passed out due to the impact of the slam rendered to me by Donny. I walked to my locker and took out my books. Some things are better left unattended to. If Donny strikes again, I would just ignore him. Better my body is still intact than having fractures and bruises before the session ends. If there was any lesson yesterday's experience thought me, it was I shouldn't be faster than my shadows.

"Hey man." I heard the familiar deep voice and turned. "How's your body?" I frowned. What came over him? "Look am sorry about hurting you yesterday. You got me so mad I couldn't hold myself. Although, you deserve it. You need to learn to maintain your standard and stop testing those above you. I'm just doing this because of Hazel. For some reason I can't tell, she feels I've wronged you and need to apologize. If I don't, she won't forgive me."

I looked over and saw Hazel some distance away from us watching. She looked away when she noticed I was staring at her. I sighed.

"It's fine." I replied.

He smiled. "So we are cool punk?" I glared at him, he laughed and walked away. I watched as he walked up to Hazel. They talked for some minutes before leading her away. Before they disappeared out of sight, Hazel glanced back at me and looked away slowly.

I clentched my fist. I think I need to apologize to her.


I sat by the bleachers as usual watching as Donny and the other guys trained for the basketball tournament coming up next month between our school and Western Star Academy. A school of basketball champions. For years now, Western Star Academy has held the trophy as the top basketball champs for consecutive four matches. Everyone was hoping our school would break their record and end their tenor.

I watched as they trained hard with the coach giving them tough exercises to accomplish. If only I could join but I wasn't just fit for it. I was a minimal entity compared to those guys when it comes to height. Ruby came to join me with an ice cream in her hand. She was the head of the cheerleaders before Hazel came out of the blues and was elected the new head. Ruby has been hurt about it ever since. Maybe that's why she isn't really in good terms with Hazel. Speaking of Hazel, I still felt the powerful need to apologize to her but I can't find her anywhere.

"How's the cheerleading going?" I asked Ruby and her face clouded. "Okay, maybe we shouldn't talk about it." I said and looked towards the players.

"I quited." She replied. I felt my hair stand.

"You what? Why?"

"They don't seem to listen to me anymore. All every girl thinks now is Hazel." She said licking her ice cream slowly.

"Well you can't just assume it like that. I mean, you shouldn't expect them to listen to you like before. You ain't the leader now so."

She suddenly turned to me furious. "What is it about her that makes you always take her side? Can't you see she's ruining my existence in this school gradually. Every single person in this school including you thinks of no one but Hazel. Is she the only living soul in this school?" She snatched her bag and stomped off furiously.

What the hell has gotten into her? Was she jealous of Hazel?