

"There came a light tap at the library door—and, pale as the tenant of a tomb, a menial entered upon tiptoe. His looks were wild with terror, and he spoke to me in a voice tremulous, husky, and very low. What said he?—some broken sentences I heard. He told of a wild cry disturbing the silence of the night—of the gathering together of the household—of a search in the direction of the sound; and then his tones grew thrillingly distinct as he whispered me of a violated grave—of a disfigured body enshrouded, yet still breathing—still palpitating—still alive!" - E.A. Poe

Wehttam_Ocsalb · Ciudad
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3 Chs

Bringing Back Memories

-- He ran as fast as he could, with the urgent sense of clinging unto the seemingly fading clear memory insights he had until slowing down along the road as he felt that there was no one chasing. He slowly kept his running pace and breathe synchronically as he remembered that it is the most important thing to remember when travelling a distance.



With the negative emotions on him slowly lifts up, he quietly mulled over the recent incident as if to pre-occupy his cloudy thoughts. His mind kept playing back all the memories of her mother. Almost all of their memories became clear to his mind — one of the exceptions was within some grove.


"It was that abandoned house..." He thought.

It was where him and his mother used to visit when he was 8. Its location passes by an old local cemetery and his old preschool institution. Behind that abandoned house was a grove where his only memory became hazy.


Inside that grove he remembers that there was a huge thick tree among its surrounding area, it stood out yet at the same time enshrouded by a mist that is almost always visible.


His fragmented memory of that place came into him like words in a spoken chant:

- "Jas'Meoria ud upit notyjqasvr…"

- "remember"

- "upi str zu dpm…"

- "...buried"

He thought to himself:

-- A carved wooden plank hanging on a big thick tree, most unique, enshrouded by a mist, inside a grove - there the words written in an Alphabet like letters saying " Jas'meoria "- above that big tree lies an old tree house - it was where Will and his mother, Lilia once played.




William finally came into his destination, an abandoned small part of the neighborhood. There lies a fenceless big old abandoned house. They used to pass time a lot here — him and his mother.


Through the old house they would sneak over the old porch and knock through the creeky door.

Even though Lilia knew of the brave heart Will have had, she still knew how to use methods that would tickle his young mind and heart - telling stories or tales, that would leave the young Will slowly cowering in fear inside, becoming the villainess that he would never dare to offend.


Inside the old house, they once played hide-and-seek. His mom complained how she had a hard time looking for him that she had a slight panic attack when she went all over the place just to look for him.

In the end, she found him sleeping at some small corner space with a serene look; after that, Will and his mother had an agreement not to ever come to the house unless needed - As a kid, he never would have known the meaning of those exact words she said by "unless needed" as he only had a chance to nod seeing her fragile and worried look.


This is that 'unless needed.' — so he thought.


He went inside the old abandoned house and slowly reminisce on the places he have had - to move around and hide from his mother. He did it kindly to further strengthen his memories. His sweet time with his mother. He copied exactly the sequence and order of his hiding place until the corner of one little space upstairs where he was found by his mother sleeping. It was inside a closet room.


Slowly as he opened the creeky wooden closet door, a putrid smell wafted through his nose. It wasn't there before. No matter how old that house, it smelled of nature. But there he subconsciously slammed the door shut and its hinge gave up. The door fell.

The noise felt like an explosion amidst an empty space. The mephitic smell once again came greeting him. It was as if an invitation to hell.

He braved himself while covering his nose, lit up the room with his phone, and came to see an already rotten corpse. — he panicked. He didn't ever wanna see that, of all the things - dead things!?


"This must be a joke." so he thought. He felt all degraded and at the same time - challenged. He went near the corpse and found that it's almost bone. It must have been escaping from something.


He didn't want to deal any longer with this corpse so he decided to go out. But suddenly — *bang!* a loud sound of a gun sounded, *bang!* another one did.


He clenched his fists and covered both his ears. Then he got over the shockwave of sound and hurriedly went downstairs. The sound of the gunshots seems to be coming nearer his location - did this old abandoned house became a hideout of some sort? He didn't know.


He went far away from the house and instead of going back the fenceless entrance, he went on the back of the house and ran towards the grove. *bang!* the third shot sounded as if it's near him. He clearly knew that this third shot was a warning that they've found him. So he raised his hand signaling that he didnt have an intention of some sort. It was a gesture of surrender and submittance.

"Who are you?", "Turn around slowly, state your name, and your intention" the crisp old white bearded man said. "Do nothing funny and you'll be spared", as the man in his shotgun warned Will.


"My name's Will, and I came here to find an answer." he replied and slowly turned around.


"kkkkkkkkriiiiiiing~!" the old man's phone rang "kkkkkkkkriiiiiiing~!", the man re-positioned his shotgun in a one-hand position and reached for his phone and said: "Darn y'all disturbing my bait, this good young lad's just the timing, fuck yer ass off and come home ere you buffoon..!"


That timing was just the right exact moment Will needed to escape and so he did. *bang!*, the man realized this and randomly pressed the trigger and shot at a miss. Will sprinted towards the inside of the grove when the man had an exact terrifying fear on his face - "That young one surely got scared off good, didn't mean to, must have been age with words that came from me mouth... *sigh* I was about to warn him not to go inside that place, it looked like a thin grove but it was actually a haunted place - full of eerie bitches." the old man said to himself.


"If you cant wake up from the nightmare........maybe you're not asleep"~

Wehttam_Ocsalbcreators' thoughts