
44. The Secret of Making Potions

"Hmm.. What's in the box?" said TukangSantet, curious about the 2 wooden boxes being carried by Turi.

"Oh, this is HP and MP potion that I was going to give to Mr. Shiro." Turi replied, putting the wooden boxes on the front porch.

"Ohh.. So many. How can you get this much high-quality potion?" PenggaliKubur said, checking the contents of the wooden box which turned out to be dozens of grade A potions.

"We produce it ourselves, sir." Turi answered with an innocent face.

"Hah?" Because they did not understand the words of the old NPC, PenggaliKubur and TukangSantet looked at each other.

"What do you mean by producing it yourself?" TukangSantet asked.

"We have a factory that produces HP and MP potions. One of the biggest potions factories in the kingdom of Mataram." Turi answered.

"Oh." TukangSantet and PenggaliKubur could not believe that the potions they were using was made by the NPC. They could only be stunned to hear Turi's confession.

Feeling that there is a big advantage from making potion, TukangSantet trying to dig up more information about how to make the potion. "Then how do you make it? And how do you market it?"

"For the manufacture of HP potions, we process the blood of monsters with selected spices. For the manufacture of MP potions, we use mountain water cooked with selected spices. As for marketing, we rely on royal soldiers to bring them to the capital." Turi replied politely.

"W-Wait... What do you mean? Blood?? Water??" said TukangSantet, unsure of what he had just heard.

"Right sir. We mix it with material that our ancestors have taught for generations."

"So all this time, you've been selling monster blood and mountain water to us?!!" exclaimed PenggaliKubur, annoyed. He felt like he had been cheated by the NPCs. They sold something that he usually let scattered after defeating monsters. For PenggaliKubur and other Senshi, it was something trivial and the NPC sells the waste materials at a price more expensive than whole lamb.

However, for the NPCs, the sales results from the potions they produce are not worth the risk they have to accept. They risked their lives to collect blood from the corpses of monsters scattered in the forest, the waste which was left to rot by Senshi. Although life is at stake, but they still do it because it has become an obligation for them to continue to produce these potions.

Turi looked scared because PenggaliKubur suddenly looked angry. The old man did not understand why the Senshi could be that angry.

Fortunately, there was TukangSantet who calmed PenggaliKubur's anger. He realized if the NPCs had their own difficulties in making potions, otherwise they would not be living in poverty like they are today.



A few moments later in the depths of the Rahtawu forest.

Shiro continued to walk through the forest heading east. Seen several types of nocturnal animals roaming around, but as far as the eye can see, not even a single monster can be seen. Even though some time ago when he was still at the forest border, Shiro had met with several new types of monsters.

Feeling tired from walking, Shiro climbed a large tree to rest for a while in the tree. However, upon arrival above, he saw a bright light coming from the south not far from where he is now.

"What is that?" Shiro said curiously.

He hurriedly jumped down and then approached the source of the light which he felt was the light from a bonfire.

After Shiro was close enough to the light source that he had seen, hundreds of tents were seen standing in the surrounding area.

From behind the darkness of the tree, Shiro saw some people who might be Senshi and seemed to devise a strategy. This group of people were members of the Blackstone alliance who were resting from hunting Monsters.

Seeing the existence of a large group in the area, Shiro decided to go to the North, because it would be very difficult for him if he had to compete with such a large group.

"Who are you!" Just when he was about to leave the place, suddenly a ninja appeared to ambush him from behind.

Feeling that someone was threatening him from behind, Shiro raised his hands and then slowly turned around.

"What are you doing here?!" said the ninja who turned out to be BluePanda.

"Oho... Ninja?! Can you do kuchiyose and say nin nin nin??" Shiro was surprised to see a ninja pointing a sword at him. But instead of feeling panicked, he instead teased the ninja.

"Hey! Don't you understand your current position?!" BluePanda jerked, raising the tip of his sword to Shiro's chin.

"Tch! A very stiff ninja. You must not be Hatori's friend. I happened to pass by and saw a flame, out of curiosity, so I peeked at them to make sure. Am I allowed to leave now?" said Shiro indifferently.

BluePanda stared at Shiro from face to toe. From Shiro's outward appearance, he felt that Shiro would not be a threat to BlackStone. Feeling sure that Shiro was not a spy, BluePanda lowered his katana. "Who are you? Why are you roaming alone?"

"What is certain is that I am a Senshi. If I may know, have you come to the north of the forest? Since I entered the forest from the west, I've hardly met a monster at all."

"Not yet, we just cleaned up the area around here, but of course not all of it." BluePanda answered as he sheathed his katana back.

"Oh.. Then thank you for the information. Bye! Nin nin... Nin nin..." With a little style, Shiro walked away from BluePanda.

"Hmm... I don't remember if there was a Destroyer class." BluePanda murmured softly, watching Shiro walk away.



Inside the royal palace. The king's room looks messy with various types of items scattered around. King Ali's mood was very chaotic when he realized that his daughter Cindy had not yet returned to the palace.

On his throne he sat, anxiously looking at the entrance to the room. He felt impatient waiting for news from the ROG who was looking for Princess Cindy.

Meanwhile, outside the king's room, right next to the entrance, Ain and Han were seen guarding the door to the king's room.

"Ain, what do you think? Is the princess really kidnapped?" asked Han.

"I don't know... But what I do know for sure, right now the princess is definitely still be fine. If she really was kidnapped, then the kidnappers will definitely not hurt the princess before getting a ransom." Ain answered calmly.

"Damn, Yin! I told the Undead girl to stop letting the princess escape from the palace. Now everything is chaotic because of her!" The old man complained, annoyed.

Next Chapter : 45. SweetSugar

Please those who are willing to help editing words and sentences to make it easier to read can add my ID line. I will tell the plot there and show the chapters that I will publish.

Shiro_MSFAcreators' thoughts