
Empress of the World

Book is COMPLETE and FREE. From a young age, Aurora wanted to be different than her domineering mother, Empress Zephyra. When Aurora unexpectedly inherits the throne, she is left behind with two words: be better. And she tries. But just as things seem to have settled, Empress Aurora of Valiant receives a vision: the entire world will be destroyed. Along with her friend Devrim, Aurora makes the bold decision to travel to the Fates in the land of magic to find the answers she seeks. To be better, the new Empress must place her own life on the line to stop the coming doom.

NobleQueenBee · Fantasía
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702 Chs

Shall We Dance?

As Brinn's story concluded, a soft music wafted toward them from the far end of the courtyard. Aurora realized that the empty half of the courtyard was actually a dance floor. Her suspicion was confirmed as Prince Ithel stood and offered his hand to Aurora. "Please dance with me," he said.

Aurora was flattered, but she did not want to dance. Her last foray into dancing with a stranger ended with her nearly losing control of her mind. Of course that was an isolated incident. It was unlikely that the prince wanted anything more than a dance. The Empress needed to get past her fear. Everything would be fine. Ithel waited patiently as Aurora worked through her emotions. "I would be honored," the girl said as she took his hand and stood. The pair made their way to the dance floor.

Brinn raised her eyebrows at Devrim and cocked her head to one side. Devrim stared back confused. She kicked him under the table. "Ow!" He said as he rubbed his shin.

Alvar opened his mouth to speak but Brinn quickly talked over him. "Dance with me," she said to Devrim.

"I don't dance," Devrim flatly declined.

"Neither do I," the elf said as she kicked him again. "Let's go."

Not wanting to be coaxed further, Devrim took Brinn to the dance floor. "Why did you kick me?" Devrim whispered angrily.

"You weren't getting my hint. I want to stay close to Ithel and Aurora. I need to make sure the prince is not up to something." Brinn told him unapologetically.

Devrim smirked. "Really? I just assumed you were trying to keep Alvar from asking you. I can see you like him. Don't you want to dance with him?"

Brinn blanched and scowled at the man, "Yes... no! It's complicated!"

Devrim ignored her angry look. "I meant it when I said I do not dance. And I have never even seen an elven dance."

"Then follow my lead." Brinn took his hand and pulled him close.

The other dance partners were having a similar exchange. "I am afraid I will embarrass myself, Your Highness. I don't know how elves dance," Aurora said.

"Normally elves dance in a line or group of four. But we have years and years to gather knowledge. We can never learn enough. It is why we all speak the human tongue and why we send out scouts like Brinn. Tonight I would like to have practical experience in an area that I have only read about until now. I would like to try a human dance with a human. May I?" Ithel inclined his head and held out his hands in position.

Aurora curtsied and came into his embrace. With a dramatic flourish, the music began. It was surprisingly a tune Aurora recognized. She smiled warmly at the prince. "You know this song?" he asked.

She nodded. "Yes, and it reminds me of home."

"You are very far from home," Ithel noted. "What brings you to our side of the barrier?"

Ithel's movements were smooth and the tension that Aurora had felt when they started dancing slowly melted away. They glided along effortlessly. 'If he has only studied this dance, then he is an excellent student,' Aurora thought. "I am on my way to see the Fates," she said in answer to his question. "I don't suppose you could help?" Aurora asked shyly.

Ithel looked sad, "That is a discussion to have with the King and Queen, I'm afraid. If it were up to me, I would gladly take you." Aurora was pretty sure that he was just being polite. The prince changed the subject. "You do not have many princes in your part of the world, do you?"

Aurora furrowed her brow, "Only one. Everyone is a subject of the Empress, and she has only one son."

"Yet you do not cower or even act uncomfortable in the presence of royalty. Would not a normal human be in awe?" Ithel was curious. His interaction with humans was very limited.

"I am not normal," Aurora said confidently.

"Indeed," the prince agreed. His mind began to turn.

Brinn and Devrim watched the other couple and tried to catch pieces of their conversation. When Devrim recognized the song and knew the dance, he took over the lead from his partner. Brinn was not as good a student of human dances as Ithel. Anyway, Brinn seemed much more intent on the other couple than her footwork. She watched their every move. For his part, Devrim thought about being jealous of Prince Ithel. The elf was handsome and charming, and he had his arms firmly around the woman that the man loved. But Devrim trusted Aurora. After their kiss, Devrim had no doubt that she had feelings for him, even if they had yet to discuss them. So he watched with only mild interest and an alertness for danger should it arise.

Aurora laughed at something Ithel said. Devrim saw that it was a friendly and not flirtatious laugh, and he relaxed even more. "What are you so worried about?" Devrim asked Brinn. The tension in her body made it difficult for him to guide her around the floor.

"I am sure Ithel is up to something. Usually he picks the prettiest girl in the room, which—no offense—is not your girlfriend. Then he spends the evening allowing his chosen partner to shower him with praises of his awesomeness." Brinn's word dripped with sarcasm.

"You do not think very highly of your prince." Devrim observed.

"On the contrary, he is everything the elf crown prince should be. I respect him, but we rarely agree." Brinn smiled weakly, as if there was more to say. "Do not worry; I will volunteer for the next scouting mission or far off posting so that he will not hear me complain." There was a sadness in her voice that spoke of a desire to belong but no place to fit in. Devrim knew that feeling well. He nodded silently.

The third song ended and Aurora looked over at Devrim with a winsome smile. Brinn laughed and pushed away her partner. "Go ask her to dance, you ninny! Ithel cannot hog her all night."

Devrim bowed and gratefully took his leave. As he approached the prince and Empress, a servant came and whispered in the elf's ear. Ithel looked serious. Before Devrim could interrupt, the prince kissed Aurora's hand to bid her farewell.

"I am needed at once. I must excuse myself. This time with you, Aurora, has been most enjoyable. I will see you in the morning." Ithel took his leave.

"Aurora," Devrim said. "I know I cannot compare to a prince, but would you dance with me?" There was a playfulness in his voice that gave Aurora's stomach butterflies.

"I would be delighted," Aurora answered. But alas, it was not to be. The music changed suddenly and the tune took up a fast rhythmic tempo.

Alvar came up to the humans dragging Brinn by the wrist. "Now that the prince is gone, we can teach you how the elves dance. Would you join Brinn and I to complete our set of four?"

"I tried to tell him it was a bad idea," Brinn said as she wrenched her wrist from the he-elf's grip.

Aurora, like any politician, smiled warmly as if her plans had not been ruined. "No, I enjoy learning new things. Please advise us, Alvar."

As the hour passed, the group of four improved in their formation and steps. The intricacies of the dance were difficult, but they repeated giving ample opportunity for practice. By the time they stopped, it was late into the night.

"If it pleases all of you, I would like to rest. I do not have any energy left!" Aurora was beyond tired.

"Me too," Devrim agreed.

"Of course. I forget that humans need more rest than we do." Alvar motioned to some servants as well as two soldiers. "Please see our guests to their rooms."

Everyone bid goodnight, and the humans walked back together to the tower. "Remember that thing that happened today?" Devrim said vaguely. He looked around at the servants and guards, knowing that they were listening.

"What thing?" Aurora asked innocently, although she could guess what he meant.

He looked at her sidelong. "The thing that happened after we escaped the gnomes…when you thanked me for saving you."

Aurora feigned ignorance, but her smile betrayed her. "Oooooh, that thing. What about it?"

"I want to talk about it."

"We are here," the servant interrupted. Devrim nearly cursed at him. Was everyone in the world against him?

"We can talk tomorrow," Aurora smiled and the boy's anger faded. He could see in her eyes how she felt.

Devrim nodded, "Until tomorrow."