
Empire of Winter

I don't own GOT, ASOIAF or anything related to it. First time writer Not a native English speaker North wank self insert with system

Worst_Writer69 · Derivados de obras
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: Year 288 (Timeskip)

Important Author Note:

So I want to explain an important thing about this fic few people asked about.

I am not an economist nor have any idea of westerosi economics in particular, so any 'amount' you see in this fiction is written because I wanted to give readers an idea of how much resources MC using in certain things compared to other things or how much he earns compared to rest of the westeros nobility.

So do not think too much about numbers or how ridiculous they might seem because I do not and it will only confuse you if you try to understand using numbers from show or books.

TLDR: I am using powers vested on me as author by Gods of Fanfiction to justify usage of unreasonable and unbelievable numbers in this fic.

------------------Start of The Chapter-----------

6th Moon 288 AC

It has been 7 years since I have arrived in this world.

Last 5 years was productive. House Stark is now very rich, not Lannister rich, but still very rich. I would say we are third or fourth in place in terms of income.

I have increased gold production to its maximum, I have established 4 new steel, factory making it a total of 5, I established iron mines to feed my factories. We even started to export steel products, mainly weapons and armor, to Free Cities.

I even started alcohol production, it is now small in scale but I have high hopes in future.

We now have a paper factory and printing press which I use it for my own, mainly propaganda and education, I don't export it intentionally.

It would be very profitable to export paper and books considering quality of paper of this world but it is better to keep this to ourselves.

I want citadel to lose power and what better way to takeaway that power than show Westeros they are not 'learned and wise' as they claim to be.

Citadel was of course salivated at the thought of my innovation being in their hands. They tried to get me to give my invention on the grounds of 'greater good' and when I rejected they complained to Robert.

I am told Robert literally told them to go fuck themselves.

Thankfully during my 6th birthday I subjugated Varys, so now the North is not a hospitable place for spies.

I have subjugated Lord Ryswell and uncle Benjen in my 3rd and 4th birthday respectively.

After which I visited King's Landing just before my 6th birthday and during that visit I subjugated Jon Arryn and Varys. Making me, unofficially, most powerful man in Westeros.

I even had a chance to talk Tywin, he took initiative to travel to King's Landing when his spies informed him of my travel to capital, and I informed him about the future Greyjoy Rebellion. He will build up his fleet to delay their Rebellion so I will have a time to recuperate after Civil War.

First I thought subjugating Benjen would be waste but Roose Bolton get rid of Lady Dustin few weeks after I subjugated Lord Ryswell.

Now Benjen Stark is the Governor of Barrowlands until I am of age so that I can decide its fate in future.

Suffice to say that fact left a lot of Lords more eager to play the game so they can get their blood on Barrowlands.

I started renovation of Winterfell this year and recruited 6 more legions, one of which will be garrison legion in defence of Winterfell, making total number of Legions i have 8. I recruited first 2 in past 5 years.

I also ordered construction of 15 new farm districts, in addition to 4 I built few years back, making a total 30 farm districts.

This means I can produce 3 times of the required food to feed entirety of the North.

We already selling a portion of food left after our need met. I chose Vale as our export target. Houses Belmore and Royce are our main customers.

We will be the only food provider to the Vale next year.

Ned convinced Hoster to try to get Sansa with Joffrey, instead of me, in future. Nothing official yet just a talk between Ned and Hoster. They agreed that Ned will ask for a betrothal when she is old enough.

I am guessing he will regret that when next year Vale imports all its food from us.

We do not sell for cheap, in fact we sell it at the same price, but our food has much higher quality compared to the Riverlands or even the Reach.

I even heard House Royce rejected an offer of discount, from the Reach, on the grounds that our food worth its price.

All this changes, especially food production, has not escaped attention of the northern lords.

Which brings us to Ned's solar with few displeased lords.

"Ned we pay you that much as tax because you bought food for us from south, now that we can produce our own food we need tax breaks." Lord Karstark said.

"You also should share new farming technology with us so every northern lord can produce his own food." Fat Manderly Lord added.

"So you want to stop paying taxes and want us to give out our farming techniques. How do you plan to compensate for this requests my lords?" I asked and all eyes focused on 7 year old me. Who looked like 16 year old thanks to Drain Vitality but still a brat.

People still astonished by my growth but thankfully medieval minds believe it is a blessing from gods and not a freak of nature when they see my growth.

"We are talking with your Regent lad not you." Jorah 'pedobear' Mormont speaked. All right I am not waiting for you to sell slaves you are dying at the first chance I get during civil war, I hope you are dumb enough to rebel with others.

"Actually my lord all new inventions House Stark made for last few years made by him. Especially new farms." Ned helpfully added.

He wisely didn't talk about steel production that is another sore point for the Lords. They asked for us to sell them new steel last year. We lied about that claiming we don't produce enough to sell in the North and only reason we sell it to Free Cities is to fund our own steel usage.

I think they would have a stroke if they knew we earned 320.000 golden dragons from steel last year and expect 600.000 golden dragons this year.

May Old Gods and R'hllor bless rivalries and wars of Free Cities. I heard they arm their own soldiers with our steel and even pay some mercenaries with weapons they bought from us.

Thankfully when I start conquering Essos quality steel won't save them.

I expect our alcohol sales to triple this year so they will probably cry about that next year. I wish they stayed ignorant little longer.

I shouldn't complain Varys done a splendid job in counter espionage. He even uses his network of spies to spread rumors of miracle of the Old Gods and how I am blessed by them.

"So its true he is blessed by the Old Gods?" Umber Lord asked.

I subjugated him this morning. I needed a loyal lord to pacify Karstarks in civil war and help me access Skagos in the future for Cannibal if need arises.

"He is just smart, don't believe those septon wannabe idiots." Lord Karstark retorted.

He is talking about new order, Priests of the Old Gods, that I created. Obviously I used Varys so they can praise me without looking like I am brainwashing population.

Well I am brainwashing but it wouldn't look nice if it was obvious.

Most Lords does not like that they praise only House Stark and talk about how every believer equal other than Blessed Child of Winter.

"Can we return to subject at hand? We want tax breaks House Stark no longer buys food from South, you even selling some of it to Vale, you can afford to give us tax breaks and reduction." Manderly whale spoked.

"You pay taxes because it is your duty to us and we are sending food to you because House Stark is generous. In the past all taxes we gathered were spent on food we send to you. You never truly payed taxes. If anything we should've increased taxes. Food we produce much higher quality than food we bought from the South but we generously kept taxes same. There will be no reduction and no tax breaks. We have many new projects and We need income for that. We can discuss tax breaks and reduction next year. " Ned said with finality.

Northern lords looked angry but held their tongues. They believe they will convince us next year and they are used to pay high taxes. If anything higher quality food makes them less prone to rebellion.

"We can't delay them any longer, they will start rebellion in 2 years at most." Ned said after we left alone.

"They will rebel at the first half of 290 if I have my way." I replied.

"What will be our response for taxes next year?" Ned asked.

"We will tell them they won't have to pay taxes anymore." I said.

"Wouldn't that make them more content and stop rebellion. Or they might demand more if they perceive weakness." Ned asked.

"We also inform them we won't be giving out food and that we will sell it from now on." I answered.

"They will feel like you are mocking them. They are already displeased with me and that can definetly trigger a rebellion." Ned said.

"Other than Manderly and Karstark who would you think gonna rebel?" I asked his opinion.

"Well other than those 2, all houses south of Boltons would rebel. Which are Flints of Widow's Watch, Woolfield, Locke and Hornwood. They are basically vassals of the Manderly more than ours at this point. Flints of Flint's Finger can go either way. They are loyal but blood worth more than oaths. Glovers might rebel I heard Robett Glover brother and heir of Galbart Glover, Lord of House Glover, is set to marry a girl from House Locke. They also always wanted to rule entirety of Wolfswood." Ned answered after half a minute delay.

"I think Mormonts, Tallharts and Cerwyn would also rebel." I said after him.

"Why would they? Mormonts is very loyal to us and they get nothing significant by rebeling." Ned asked with a confusion.

"Tallharts and Cerwyn would rebel because while they are loyal now, they would change sides once the Rebel faction reach a size that can defeat us for certain in their eyes. Mormonts will rebel because that idiot Jeor left his idiot son as head of the House. He is too proud for his station and he thinks himself highly. He also married to a Glover girl is he not? Glovers would drag them with themselves to their end." I said.

"We can't end House Mormont, Jeor Mormont has become Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. And if we end too many Houses that would create unrest. Not to mention how we even gonna rule that much territory?" Ned asked.

"We will appoint Governors we trust. Remember all those third sons and bastards of minor houses in our direct territory we train and employ? They will become Governors who instead of inheriting will be appointed by House Stark. Owner of territories will be House Stark. " I answered.

"This will result in massive backlash from minor houses sworn to soon to be extinct Houses. You haven't answered me about Mormonts." Ned asked.

"I will spare House Mormont but send Jorah to the Wall if he rebels. House Mormont of Bear Island will be a minor House sworn to Governor of Deepwood Motte but will survive." I answered.

Jeor Mormont will be valuable with his experience during Long Night if he survives until then. I rather not upset him by ending his House, besides Jorah might get himself killed by running away from the Wall.

"We need to annex Tallhart and Cerwyn Lands into our direct territory. They are important for defence and Torrhen's Square will give us access to sea thanks to lake by it's side. We can rule Glover lands, Barrowlands, Greyhills of Karstarks by Governors. We will also merge House Manderly and House Locke lands and rule it by a governor. Lands of House Woolfield, House Flint of Widow's Watch and Hornwood will be merged to be rule by a governor. That means we will have 5 provinces ruled by a Governor. " I finished.

"That will create reactions even from the South. You will be changing a lot of things." Ned said with concern.

"Robert won't care and we have Jon Arryn and Tywin in our side. Anyone other than those 3 are insignificant." I dismissed his concerns.

True it will create a reaction but with my 48.000 strong army and Cannibal I can even take Iron Throne right now. I won't because I need a power base first.

"Qyburn is training alternatives for Maesters and the Faith has no significant support in the north other than Manderlys that will be destroyed. We don't need to fear anything once we won this civil war." I finished.

Ah yes, Varys manage to find Qyburn 2 years ago. He is truly interesting dude. He is loyal just a little bit weird. He knows my ability to Drain Vitality.

I showed him even without after system determined him as some with Fanatical Loyalty. He really does not forget his debts almost like a necrophile Lannister.

Suffice to say he was very willing to help me find fresh corpses and watch me Drain them. He even has a little spy network in House Stark direct territory to prevent missing people being talked about.

He is in contact with Varys so they capture living spies for me to Drain.

I even talked to him about a few things like bacteria and microscopic life. He might actually be genius because he understood them perfectly. We will create new medicines once he trains few healers to help us.

"Do you really think that school of yours could replace Citadel? Even without quality paper and printing press it is a thousands of years old institution. Not to mention they have the ears of most lords." Ned said.

"Not right now but once we consalidate power and annex Iron Islands after Greyjoy Rebellion we can spread our influnce to the South. Even the most durable stone will erode if you are stubborn enough." I answered.

"Did you thought about Tyrell offer?" He asked.

And wasn't that a interesting development. Tyrell's has sent a betrothal offer between me and Margaery. I always thought Olenna wouldn't settle for less then a crown.

She either wants to use betrothal to steal our new technology or she believes Sansa will be Queen and will try to marry my hypothetical daughter with Margaery into Royal Family.

She has a spy network so she probably has an idea of House Stark's new found power. Even with my powers and counter espionage conducted by Varys and Qyburn people especially lords gossip like high school girls.

Idea has merits but I hope Varys would bring me Daenerys after her current guardian with her brother dies to usurpers assassin's.

I already decided to subjugate her but it will be better if everyone thinks Viserys and Dany are dead. That would mean I can bring her to my mother. She can keep a secret and train her to be my Queen.

Then again I hardly care about the Faith and I don't plan on dying so succession won't be a problem.

I can take Dany as first or second wife and subjugate Margaery to prevent her being a problem. If Tyrell's protest and annoy me too much? I can always kill everyone and make my son, with Margaery, next Lord Tyrell.

"Send a reply, tell them we can have a betrothal but we won't be giving them our technology and we will not give them our market share in food production. Vale is ours to sell food. The only things they can get from us is alliance and their blood as Warden of the North in the future. We also will wait until I am 10 name days to announce the betrothal. " I ordered.

"They most likely will reject. You give them too little for Golden Rose of Highgarden."

"That wouldn't be a problem. Tyrell alliance is not critical. If we can have it, it would be beneficial but it is not that big of factor in near future. " I answered.

"Understood. Anything else?" Ned said.

"No, i will take my leave. I will be at my tower if you need me." I said.

My tower as in formerly broken tower. Which I now use to practice my fire and blood magic to forge valyrian steel.

I figured it out but I am too slow. Fire I can create in my hands is too weak. It might require fire from a dragon for more efficiency but I can't use that for obvious reasons.

I completed half of my future valyrian steel armor. It is little big at the moment but I will be grown enough during civil war.

I also forged an axe like the one Kratos had God of War 4 except it's full steel instead of having wood parts and looks much more refined but I am yet to figure out ice magic of Starks and I can't call it back to my hand. It still looks awesome so can't really complain.

Once i reach full growth and have enhanced strength I plan on wielding my Leviathan Axe with House Stark's ancestral great sword Ice at one hand. I will have enough strength to do that once I drain enough corpses.

Angron might be a brain dead maniac with his butcher's nails but he looks terrifying and awesome with axe and sword.

I wonder how people of the realm think once they learn I charged into battle like a mad berserker with full set of valyrian steel armor.

For now they might see me as a overgrown kid but that will change in less than 2 years.

--------------------End of Chapter---------------

- I don't own ASOIAF/GOT or anything related to it.

-Next chapter we will have a Northern Houses POV. After that southern Houses POV