
Empire of Winter

I don't own GOT, ASOIAF or anything related to it. First time writer Not a native English speaker North wank self insert with system

Worst_Writer69 · Derivados de obras
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10 Chs

Chapter 0: Prologue

 I am dead, atleast i think so because there is nothing i can see, hear or even feel. Is this the famous void in the webnovels and fanfictions? If so i would he delighted if i do not wait for years or fucking centuries in this situation. 

 "Don't worry, you won't. " Says a voice coming from all directions.

 Yay! Reincarnation time please no DC or Worm. Suddenly i am in a white room with a guy staring at me. His face is neutral except for a hint of amusement.

 "Shall we begin the process or do you have questions regarding your untimely demise?" He asks.

 "Not really now that i think about it i don't have any personal memories, i don't even remember my name." I say. I think its best not to dwell in the past. I don't need unnecessary distractions in my next life.

 "Good choice, let's begin with a introduction i am what you call a ROB and you my friend are my new toy that i will watch his journey." He says with a smile.

 "Do i get to chose where i will be going or get any wishes" I ask with a little bit of hope that i won't go to any fictional universe with gods that can erase me.

 "You will get 3 wishes and additional 3 blessings i chosed to give you. You won't get have a say as to where you will go. You are going to be having an adventure in ASOIAF/GOT universe with AU elements. You can have a choice as to who you will be born as with some limitations you will be in Rob Stark's generation so you can't be born before War of The Usurper but you can be born during it. You can choose your parent but you can't chose options that are too unreasonable but having a choice in the matter of your birth will cost you a wish. You can't choice OP bullshit like Kryptonian powers or something similar but you can have things that can be overpowered if i think it will be fun to watch." He explains the rules to me.

 "Can you tell me blessing before i use my wishes" I say. He is being very generous for a world like Planetos but i think it is best to make sure my wishes works well with blessings i will get.

 "First blessing will be Loyalty system which every year you get to have someone's absolute loyalty as its main function. It is like mind control but with autonomy like he will never betray you or reject your orders nor will he do something that he thinks best for you even if you told him otherwise. For example if you tell him to do something he disagrees he might warn you that your idea is bad but he will do it even if it means his or loved ones death. He will kill his family for you, he will be sad but he will do it. Once someone is under your control he will know he is under your control but he won't have a problem with it he will see it like you opened his eyes. System will have other functions such as a limited Inventory no time will pass inside Inventory you can't store alive things, Status function to show you what your status is but without numerical value, and finally a followers section to show you, who you have under control. If someone under your control dies you don't get another in its place. If follower dies that means that years charge is wasted. But you have no limits as to how many followers you can have. Your followers will try to prevent other people realize that you control them. For example a lord won't start calling you master he will try to hide its allegiances if it is not normal for you to have his loyalty.

 Second blessing will be you are going to have dragonlord potential which means you get to ride flying murder lizards or hatch eggs after all why reincarnate you in Planetos if you won't ride a dragon. You won't get valyrian futures to prevent you being a target if you don't born as a known valyrian. You get absolute fire immunity which even protect you from dragon fire. As a generous ROB instead of having you chasing after dragon eggs to hatch i shall manipulate history of the world and make Cannibal survive and hibernate in Skagos unknown to all. But any other dragon will be dead when you born. No one can claim Cannibal other than you and it won't come to you as soon as you born you will have to go and claim it. You will be Azor Ahai technically atleast after all this is not a spin-off and i don't want to watch a side character.

 Third blessing will be that you can drain vitality from people after you killed them. It must be done at most one hour after death. It will greatly accelerate healing and even help you grow limbs. If you are healthy with no wounds or any sort of problems it will instead strengthen your body overall and increase your life span by 1 week for each corpse. You can't drain a body after you stored it inside your Inventory. Draining will be instant and will turn any organic matter to dust. With this blessing you can amuse me longer. " ROB finishes and i can't help but be very happy he really made me Overpowered. I can rule the world and thrive let alone survive easily.

 "You are welcome. It won't be fun to watch if the protagonist dies after all. I don't like it when stories end." ROB says by reading my mind.

 "Can i start with my wishes" I ask respectfully.

 "You can" Rob says.

 "First a would like to be born as trueborn son of Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne before battle at Tower of Joy." I say and decide my parents i don't need to be a Targaryen after all with my blessings it would be waste this way i can be lord paramount of a kingdom. I picked North because it is with most potential. My bannermen will be mostly loyal after all most worship the ground a Stark walks, religion are not organized so no fucking septons telling me what to do and scheme against me or be a pain in the ass in general, it has natural protections on all sides that stopped Andals for thousands of years, it is bigger than all south combined that means more space that can be built on and if i am lucky more lands that might have valuable minerals. North is not famous for its mines but that probably just means nobody actually found anything yet medieval technology do not makes things easy after all. And to top it all of Benjen and Eddard would not try to usurp or undermine even without mind control and Ned is BFF with Robert so that might come in handy before that boar guts him.

 "As my second wish i want to have MAP function that can show anything and anywhere on the world including mines, objects or people. And as a third wish i want a library function in my system that has all ever writed in the Multiverse" I make my last 2 wish. He looks contemplating for a few seconds.

 "First one accepted but second and third is too much. I can give you a Library function but i will only have material from Earth that you came from. As to MAP function i can give you a map but it won't show things magically you can mark places and things on it but if something change places it won't update so no tracking people and objects by marking them. Instead i can give you a compass that can show the direction of any thing you want by mental commands when you reach the thing or place you want it will start spinning and only start pointing again if you give it another target. It will be unusable to any other than you and you can call it to your inventory by thought. Others will only see it pointing North. Do you accept? " ROB asks.

 Well it is not OP as i want but still considering he gave me potential to live forever i won't push it anymore. My worlds material is enough to uplift North and rest of the world after i conquer it. And i still can use MAP and compass to find mines and valuable objects.

 "Yes i accept" I say.

 "Well then. See you after if you ever die. I won't ever interfere after this." He waves his hand and everything goes black.

 Next thing i see is a tired women with a beautiful face and haunting violet eyes she looks at me like i am the only thing that matters.

 " Hello Cregan, well come to world. I will always be your side until my last breath" My new mother Ashara says and kiss me. And for some reason i actually enjoy her touch and being in her arms even though i have adult mind.

-------------End of Chapter------------

Author Note: Well thanks for everyone reading to this point. Couple things i want to point out is that:

- First time author and not a native English speaker so probably horrible grammar and story telling that induce headaches and urge to insult my ancestors. My apologies for that.

-This is a overpowered wish fulfillment story with a high chance of harem and Evil, Selfish MC.

-There won't be lemon because i am a incel with no experience with anything with boobs.

-Please criticize me ruthlessly so in the future i might just write something readible.

-I don't own ASOIAF, GOT or anything related to it.

-No update schedule but i am without a job or anything to do besidea reading fanfics so i might write few chapters each week.