The Lunaseeker groaned in pain as it coughed out blood. Kanon Sokolov walked up to him and glanced for a second, before going back to where the children were and taking them closer to it.
"Take a good look at who mankind's enemies are, boys." Kanon said as he made Leon and Damian stare at the injured seeker who was still holding on for dear life.
His vampiric fangs bared at the children. "J-Just one bite. Come on, do not be scared…" he pleaded.
While Damian was scared, Leon stepped up and went near the seeker. "Do you think of nothing else but feeding on us humans?!" he exclaimed.
The atmosphere turned sour, even more now that the cries of pain of the children were highlighted.
"Heh. Keep quiet, you brat! You are nothing but cattle waiting to be siphoned dry of your blood by us!" the bald Lunaseeker responded.
He leapt from the ground, with his fangs ready to bite Leon's neck. But as he was only a few inches away from Leon, Kanon swooped in and stabbed his magic wand right in the seeker's heart. "Art of Jupiter: Benediction!"
The intruder slowly turned into dust, still lifting its hand at Leon in a desperate attempt at biting him.
Sanya draw out her grimoire and wand in each respective hand to try hold the seeker off if it really did reach Leon and Damian.
"That was too risky, sir Kanon." She said as she shook her head.
"Relax, I had everything under control, didn't I?" Kanon shrugged his shoulders as he said that.
"I bet. You did not know that he was still capable of getting back up, however." Sanya retorted back.
"What can I say, Sanya? Experience is the best teacher as always." Kanon replied.
"If Kanon had not intervened, I would have been bitten." Leon thought to himself before taking a long look at the scattered ashes of the enemy's remains. And at Kanon. "To be able to defeat a Lunaseeker such as that…just how strong is Kanon Sokolov, actually?" the boy contemplated just how powerless he was in the face of such threats.
That was also how Damian felt. The quiet and timid boy desperately tried his best to not let his tears fall down once more. "Now that I saw them first hand. I've got to be stronger, not only for myself, but for Leon and my parents as well."
While Sanya was scolding Kanon, which was humorous since Kanon was the Commander of their organization, Damian stepped in and handed the wand back to Kanon.
His eyes darted around Damian for quite a bit. "Have you ever practiced magic on your own or prior to this, Damian?" Kanon asked.
The boy shook his head. "Hm. Fascinating. Looks like you already have an affinity for magic at such a young age." Kanon uttered.
Leon walked up to Sanya, in awe at her armor and black cape. "I-Is this the standard uniform of the Umbra Knights?" the boy asked with sparkles glinted on his eyes.
Sanya smiled in adoration at the young boy. "It sure is. Your name is Leon, right? Do you want to join the Umbra Knights as well?"
Leon eagerly nodded. "If you do not mind me asking, what do you hope to achieve once you get to join us?"
"To rid this world of those murderous Lunaseekers. To rid the nighttime of the fear that envelops it within its darkness. To show people that even though the Sun has gone down, life can still continue – without fear and pain." Leon proudly answered back.
Sanya smiled as she scratched Leon's head "Alright, whatever you say, Leon."
"Listen up, Umbra Knights. We have been lazing around for five years, but I hope you and your arcane arts are not rusted from all the waiting. Our enemies are finally here, the dreaded seekers. Their Arts of Shezmu can only be negated by our own respective Arts of Magic. Show me that you deserve your spot in the Umbra Knights!" Kanon Sokolov rallied the group.