
Empire of Butuan

Alexis Francisco, a gifted young man from a wealthy and historic lineage in modern-day Butuan, Philippines, is betrayed and murdered by envious relatives. Yet, fate grants him a second chance. Reincarnated as Siagu Alexie, heir to the Empire of Butuan in an alternate universe, he must navigate a world of politics, warfare, and monarchy. Armed with his modern knowledge and unwavering resolve, Siagu embarks on a journey to unite a fragmented empire, uphold its sovereignty, and forge a legacy of prosperity amidst the tumultuous tides of history. A gripping tale of ambition, resilience, and the burden of destiny. Notice: This novel is not intended to insult or degrade any culture, race, ethnicity, or religion. If ever you are offended because of this novel, I would like to apologize in advance. Also, English isn't my first language so please bear with the repetitive words, grammatical error, and wrong usage of filler words, and many more. Hope you understand GENRES: Low-Fantasy, Alternate Universe, History, Racism, Kingdom Building, Romance, Wars, Low-History, Non-Harem, Monarchy, & Religion --------------------------------------------------------- Hi everyone. I am Holy_Slayer, a newbie writer based in the Philippines. This novel is inspired by my hometown’s history and my love for monarchy. I would like to apologize in advance as this novel might be offensive to some readers who are too nationalistic. If you ever wanted to read this, be open-minded and forget your lesson in our history as this novel will not be touching 100% in history despite having a ‘history’ as one of its genres, but I am trying to incorporate some historical events and people in my story. NOTE: The Rajahnate of Butuan is a real kingdom that existed in 988. For discord server: https://discord.com/invite/KMmszZ3Crv

Holy_Slayer · Historia
Sin suficientes valoraciones
143 Chs

CHAPTER 12 (Founding Parade Part 1)

~~~ 13 October 1896 (Tuesday) ~~~

It has been a few days since my dad's return from the Kingdom Joseon along with his personal eunuchs and a few government workers. And a lot of things happened, especially that tomorrow will be the founding anniversary of our nation. Preparation was made for the capital city and other major cities of the empire. The city streets are now bustling with decorations and flags of our Imperial Household and the Empire's flag. But before we got in here, let me tell you the few things that happened after Dad's arrival.

A day after their arrival, the Parliament conveys an urgent discussion regarding me and my sister's engagement to the Princess of Siam and Prince of Joseon. To formalize and discuss the pros and cons of these two unions.

It was a heated argument from both houses regarding our future partner but the House of Commons have a much more heated argument going on compared to the House of Lords. On one side, the opposition, despite being against the monarchy, voices their strong opposition regarding our engagement. They argue that the future monarch and his sister and any members of the Imperial family must never marry someone outside of the empire's nobility as per tradition. Saying that "It would dilute the pure Butuanon bloodline of the Imperial Family and will undermine the position of the empire's nobles." Which causes outrage from the Conservative party.

The Conservatives argue that by marrying into Joseon and Siam, the empire's standing as the key player in the Southeast and East Asia will be solidified. And would do better for the empire to tie Joseon and Siam by marriage rather than by trade only. And it would be much more reasonable for the Imperial princes and princesses to marry other royal children than marry a noble below their standing. This was even backed by the non-hereditary nobles who secured a seat at the House of Commons after the latest election.

The issue regarding Joseon's economic struggles and its backward lifestyle of practising slavery was brought to light by the Liberals, despite the kingdom abolishing it in 1894. As the empire abolished slavery 7 years earlier than Britain.

The Liberals argue that it would do no good for the empire to have an alliance with Joseon with their weak military and economic power, and their backward practices. It didn't help also that the Kingdom is sandwiched between the two major enemies of the empire, the Qing and Japan. This argument garners much more attention and grumbles from both sides of the house as most of them view the Joseon Kingdom as an inferior nation only wanting to suck up on the empire's resources and power.

But it was countered by the minister who accompanied my father on his trip to Joseon. He argues that it will do better for the empire to grab this opportunity as the empire can have more influence on the Kingdom of Joseon through trade, marriage, and alliance. The Empire can even make the Kingdom a guard against the two hostile nations. Regarding slavery, the minister confirms that Joseon has indeed abolished slavery, but he highlights that the process of transitioning out from slavery will take some time, much like how the empire faced.

The deliberation took a total of 5 days of discussion from the parliament. And by Friday, last week, both houses of the parliament came into an agreement on allowing the members of the Imperial family to marry other royal nobles. And last Monday, the documents detailing the result of the parliament discussion arrived at the hands of my father.

But restrictions were made by the parliament and the Temple of Butuan for future marriages. One restriction that stands out the most is about the partner we are allowed to marry. We are only allowed to marry Asian descent royal/imperial family members to ensure that the bloodline will not have a hint of Western men.

It was a shock for me upon hearing this from my father. This statement is a blatant racist ideology that doesn't really sit well with me. But as much as I am uncomfortable with this one, little to none I have the chance to change this. This is the 19th Century when racism is still a thing, much more to a nation who have a bitter experience with Western Nation.

I also understand why they have put this restriction as me and my sister are the first royal children to marry outside our own realms' nobility. Even the royalty from Qing, Japan, Siam, and other Asian monarchy avoids marrying into other nations' royal families. But my father is ambitious, he wanted to strengthen and tie other nations to our Empire to further strengthen our status as the leader in the region. And his actions are paying off, Siam and Joseon will be tied to our Empire through marriage soon.

The news about my sister's engagement with the Joseon Prince reaches her ears after the papers arrive from the parliament. Breaking the news to her isn't that kind hard as she accepted it in the fastest way possible. While plastering her innocent smile. What do you expect? She is still a child.

News about me and my sister's soon engagement reaches the pen of the newspaper agents. And without delay, newspapers containing bits of information regarding our engagement were spread. The news causes an uproar that spread like wildfire throughout the realm. Some voice their support while others are sternly disagreeing. But despite their opinion, the talks about the engagement push through.

Regarding the 908th founding anniversary of the Empire. Delegates, diplomats, foreign royals, and even the empire's nobles are now flocking to the empire's capital city. Even the Sultans of the British-Malaya came to attend tomorrow's event.

The Empire's flag and our family's flag hang side-by-side throughout the streets, houses, and government and private buildings, of the capital city exerting more pride for the people in celebrating the nation's founding anniversary.

But before I could even join the fun, I am currently facing another challenge of my own.


"Let us discuss more about the nobility system of the empire or its peerage." Doctor Rizal said while writing on the board the different titles of the nobility in the empire. What a day, I thought I can have an excuse to not have a class today because of tomorrow's founding celebration, but I was wrong.

Father insisted that I should attend today's class without complaint as classes are important. Well, I cannot deny that fact though, but tomorrow is a celebration and I needed to rest. But since my father said it, then I have to follow. That is why, here I am attending my class with Doctor Jose Rizal, while as usual, Radhesh is guarding the door to ensure that no one will be disturbing us.

"The Empire has the same system as the Western monarchy in giving noble titles to its people. The system was adopted after the Rajahnate defeated Spain; this action paves the way for the early industrialization of our nation. Currently, the empire has 4 noble titles that can be given by the monarch, with the exemption of Imperial titles. These noble titles are Duke/Duchess, Marquess/Marchioness, Viscount/Viscountess, and Baron/Baroness. The imperial titles however include Emperor/Empress, Imperial Prince/Imperial Princess, and Prince/Princess." He said as he continues to write the words on the board.

"Currently, the empire has a total of 750 noble titles, 600 of which are hereditary and the other 150 are non-hereditary titles. Out of these 500 noble families, 32 of which are hereditary Dukes, 75 are hereditary Marquess, 95 are hereditary Viscounts, and 398 are hereditary Barons, enumerated only by counting their most senior title.

The other 150 are non-hereditary barons/baronesses. And these hereditary nobles are automatically life members of the House of Lords while the non-hereditary nobles who wanted to join the politics can only run for an office during the election." He said as I continue to listen to his lectures about nobility, history, and monarchy, which always fascinates me.

"Excluded from these titles being mentioned are the Imperial titles. These titles are quite unique as they will automatically revert back to the monarch after the death of the holder. An example of this is the Duke of Cebu and the title of Duke of Edinburgh in Britain. As of today, a total of 10 Imperial Duke titles are on the disposal of the emperor, excluding the Duke of Cebu."

"The inheritance regarding the titles varies from the titles itself. Dukes, Marquess, and Viscount, for example, have a unique inheritance law imposed by the Rajah Siagu X. This can be found in the peerage book, chapter 10 'Inheritance Law'. Duke/Marquess/Viscount titles shall only be passed to the living male child of the current Duke, Marquess, or Viscount. If the current Duke/Marquess/Viscount is childless or only has a daughter/s, the title shall then be passed to the nearest living relative of the noble by male line only. If none is qualified or has not met the conditions, the title and land shall then be returned to the monarch and the Duke/Marquess/Viscount family shall then be declared as extinct by the male lineage." He said while reading the book about the Imperial Peerage as I nod in understanding.

"The Baron title is quite lenient on its inheritance law. In the same chapter, women are allowed to inherit the title if no male child was produced by the current Baron. The women will then be styled as 'Baroness'."

"Before we became a semi-constitutional monarchy, noble titles comes with the benefit of controlling a huge expanse of lands. But after becoming a semi-constitutional monarchy, the noble family were stripped of their vast lands and other properties and they were only given their ancestral houses and lands attached to them, depending on their title. New made noble families only come with the benefit of being a noble, nothing more."

"Castles, palaces, mansions, and other buildings that were once owned by the nobles during the feudal era are now under the custody of the Imperial Heritage. A government-established organization that preserves, maintains, and manages these properties. The Imperial house, on the other hand, your house, Sir. Owns a total of 35 houses, palaces, castles, and estates." He said before looking at me

"Any clarification?" he suddenly inquired; I shake my head telling him 'No'. He then nods and continues

"Now, the lands that were once under the control of those noble families are now under the control of City Mayors, Town Heads, and Provincial Governors. Currently, no titles have been returned to the Imperial family, unlike before. Regarding the Dukedom of Cebu and the March of Carmen which His Imperial Highness Sharvil is currently holding, is a newly established Dukedom and the March under the decree of the previous Emperor, he was also gifted a castle in the city of Cebu. Since the Dukedom of Cebu is a non-hereditary title, upon the death of HIH Sharvil, will then revert to the imperial crown. The March of Carmen on the other hand is a hereditary title and will be inherited by his eldest son."

"Another thing with the inheritance law of the empire. The nobility is following the primogeniture passing of titles, of which the eldest male child or descendants of the noble shall inherit all of his titles and benefits that come along."

"Any question?" he said as he turns his attention towards me.

"Yes, Doctor. How about the inheritance to the Imperial throne?" I inquire wanting to have a clarification.

"Excellent question!" He said as he flips the pages of the book reaching somewhere else "The inheritance law for the Imperial Throne is different compared to the nobles. For example, religion isn't a strict requirement for someone to inherit a noble title. They can be Catholic, Buddhist, Muslim, or any other denomination, the crown and the Noble Circle would not mind, although they only number a few." He said while mockingly mentioning the catholic faith.

"However, the Imperial Throne barge any other individuals who practice other religions to inherit the throne. All monarchs must be a member of the Temple of Butuan, and since the monarch is also the head of the Temple of Butuan. This is to avoid the Empire from returning to the Catholic faith and repeating its history. Women are allowed to inherit the Imperial throne in the absence of male descendants from the current sitting monarch. Any more questions?"

"Last one, Doctor. How about the styling of the nobles?"

"That, Your Imperial Highness, shall be discussed new meeting. Anymore?"

"None, Doctor." I responded since I truly understood today's lesson.

"Great. Now then, I think my time is over here, remember to study more about the nobility for the continuation of our class next meeting. Excuse me then, Your Imperial Highness" he said before leaving the room with Radhesh opening the door for him.


Later that day, I am now standing near the window inside a private room located on the second floor of the Palace of Sella, accompanied by other 4 individuals. The room is enveloped in an aura of majesty and splendour. The space is expansive, adorned with intricate architectural details that showcase the empire's rich history and cultural heritage. The walls are dressed in luxurious materials, such as silk tapestries, featuring elaborate designs depicting significant events and portraits of our deceased and alive family members.

The centrepiece of the room is our family's imposing hanging portrait. The portrait depicts our proud family who traces our lineage since the founding of this mighty nation. Soft couches, upholstered in plush velvet or embroidered silk, provide comfort and support for people who wish to seat upon it.

Illuminating the room, majestic chandeliers hang from the ceiling, dripping with crystals that shimmer and cast a warm, enchanting glow. The light dances upon the room's opulent furnishings, revealing intricately carved wooden furniture embellished with gold accents. Elaborate cabinets, displaying rare artefacts and treasured heirlooms, line the walls, narrating the empire's storied past.

While the ceiling shows a huge intricately carved 3 soaring golden bakunawa dancing on the sea of dark could and red petals, heading towards a castle in the sky. The depiction is contained on a golden circle with a small ancient script carving of our language that symbolizes prosperity, power, nobility, and authority. Surrounding the huge circle that contains the depiction of the bakunawas is a fiery red canvas that encompasses from end to end of the ceiling.

The flooring beneath our feet is a marvel in itself, made from magkuno in Butuanon while mangkono in Tagalog, but it is commonly known as Butuan ironwood. The flooring itself adds to the sturdiness and strength of the entire structures in the Imperial complex since the foundations, floors, and wooden walls are made out of the same class of trees.

Throughout the space, there are elegant touches of nature, with carefully arranged bonsai trees, delicate orchids, or other graceful floral arrangements, bringing a sense of serenity and balance. Fragrant incense wafts through the air, creating an atmosphere of tranquillity and peace.

But despite the atmosphere being made by the room itself, a mixture of seriousness and familiarity feeling embraces the atmosphere of the entire room.

Standing 2 metres away from me, my uncle suddenly broke the silence "Tomorrow is the day you and your sister will be meeting both of your fiancé's, Nephew." Said Imperial Prince Sharvil in a serious tone while sipping a glass of red wine locally produced in the city of Baguio.

Imperial Prince Sharvil of House Shaja, the 1st Duke of Cebu and the 1st Marquess of Carmen, and the current head of the Imperial Army. My uncle and the only brother of my father, the emperor. He is currently wearing his imperial military uniform tailcoat coloured in black. Paired with his mature and seasoned look, you will really think twice about messing with him.

A giggle echoes in the entire room after my uncle's statement "Don't mess with him, Husband. You know that Siagu is mature enough already, despite his young age." Duchess Maria of House Siasi said, giggling as she looks at me in the eyes while standing behind her husband.

Duchess Maria of House Siasi, Duchess of Cebu and Marchioness of Carmen, wife of Imperial Prince Sharvil Shaja, Duke of Cebu and Marquess of Carmen. Blessed with 3 children Princess Marie Shaja (6) of Cebu, Prince Sharvil Shaja (5) of Cebu, and Prince Yash Shaja (4) of Cebu. She is currently wearing a modest design of the sonmin. The combination of the colour green and white paired with her bronze-coloured hair and brown eyes makes her look more elegant despite her simple look.

"I know that, Maria. I am just messing with him. Hahahaha!" Uncle said laughingly.

"That's enough, Sharvil." A woman who is currently sitting on a couch while looking at the portrait of the current living members of the imperial family overshadows my uncle's laughter. The woman in question is my aunt, the only sister of my father and uncle, Imperial Princess Haimi of House Shaja, Marchioness of Siargao Island, Viscountess of Siargao, and Baroness of Dapa.

Imperial Princess Haimi of House Shaja, Marchioness of Siargao Island, Viscountess of Siargao, and Baroness of Dapa. She is the current wife of Marquess Alexander of House Tuburan, the 10th Marquess of Siargao Island, the 12th Viscount of Siargao, and the 4th Baron of Dapa. They were blessed with 2 children, Baron Daksh Tuburan (10) of Siargao and Lady Kaahini Tuburan (12) of Siargao. She is wearing elaborately designed sonmin adorned with jewellery.

My uncle then stops laughing after hearing my aunt's voice. She's too dominant, no wonder she is dubbed as 'the Lioness of the Imperial Household'. Even my father is quite afraid towards her. Then Aunt walks towards me and hugs me affectionately.

"How are you feeling, Alexie?" She said as she separates herself from me and look me in the face, worried about what would be my reaction in meeting my fiancé soon.

"I am quite nervous, Aunt. This will be the first time I will be meeting her." I said nervously. I am indeed nervous about this one.

"Hahaha. Don't worry child. We've all been there. You will get used to it soon." My aunt giggles. While my uncle and father laugh.

"I hope so." I said forcing a smile despite my nervousness and excitement.

"You will be alright, Son. I remember the first day when I met your mother. I was nervous also, I didn't even fall for her at that time, but you know what? Our relationship still works, and I even manage to fall to her before our wedding day. She used to always follow every time she visits the complex. Hahahaha!" My father laughingly confesses. It is no secret that my parents were wed out of politics, but I didn't know about my mother being the one who pursues my father.

My mother laughs at my father's words. Remembering those days when they were still young. Soon my uncle and his wife also share their story, who married each other because of my grandfather's insistence. My aunt on the other hand was pursued by Marquess Alexander for a whole year just to get her approval of marriage.

Hearing all of their stories, I was somehow able to calm down and forget a bit of my worries.

"Now then. Enough with this seriousness. Let us all make a toss for the future of our nation." Dad said smiling as he lifted his glass of wine along with other family members and said in unison "For the Empire! Hahahaha" as laughter once again echoes through the entire room.

The day ended with all individuals in the room celebrating tomorrow's occasion.

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